donderdag 28 februari 2019


Hij gaf een reactie op mijn mededeling op zijn blog over de drie dagen duisternis. Daar staat meer informatie in. Dank je wel Rajah!
Eerst nog maar even het oorspronkelijke bericht:

Drie dagen duisternis.
Ik heb het een paar keer voorbij zien komen, de boodschap dat we aan het einde van de 3D-tijden 3 dagen duisternis zullen hebben.
Dus: kaarsen en houders, olie en olielampen en lucifers of aanstekers.

RaJah2 / 28/2019 13:00 uur

Dat is eigenlijk geen slecht idee. Persoonlijk heb ik altijd honderden en honderden kaarsen in bewaring omdat ik elke maand honderden kaarsen doorloop met mijn werk hier.

Het ding met de "drie dagen van duisternis" is dit:
Sol, onze zon, is niet altijd zo groot als nu. Oude schriftgeleerden praten over hoe een jaar op aarde een stuk korter was dan het nu is, ik denk dat het 234 dagen was voor een jaar.
Dat is omdat, net als al het andere in het universum, onze zon blijft groeien. Duizenden jaren geleden was het een stuk kleiner en de aarde lag een stuk dichter bij de zon, waardoor ze minder tijd nodig had om in een baan om de aarde te cirkelen.

Voordat een zon door een groeifase gaat, wordt hij behoorlijk donker, vergelijkbaar met een zonsverduistering, en nadat de groeifase voorbij is, schijnt hij zo helder als voorheen. Alleen dat de kleur is veranderd en dat het jaar van de aarde plotseling langer is.
Sinds enkele jaren bereidt Sol zich voor op de volgende fase van groei en je hebt misschien gemerkt dat zijn kleur behoorlijk is veranderd. Hoewel het erg geel was, schijnt het nu meer als een wit licht en voelt het soms intenser dan voorheen.

Het is een volledig normaal verschijnsel tijdens het groeiproces en is niets om bang voor te zijn. Sol zal niet opeens opduiken en alle planeten in zijn binnenste baan vernietigen, zoals veel 'natuurkundigen' ons altijd vertellen dat het zal gebeuren.
In plaats daarvan zal hij groter worden en alle planeten in een baan verder weg duwen, waardoor de levende condidiën op de planeten ongedeerd blijven.

Het is al vele malen eerder gebeurd en het zal opnieuw gebeuren in de niet zo verre toekomst.
Hij zal een paar dagen veel donkerder worden, ja. Maar er zal overdag toch voldoende licht zijn om te zien.

Het zal allemaal goed zijn.



That is not a bad idea, actually. Personally I always haave hundreds and hundreds of candles in storage because I go through hundreds of candles every month doing my work here.

The thing with the "three days of darkness" is this:
Sol, our Sun, has not always been the size that it is now. Ancient scribes talk about how a year on Earth was a lot shorter than it is right now, I think it was 234 days for a year.
That is because, like everything else in the Universe, our Sun continues to grow. Thousands of years ago it was a lot smaller and the Earth was a lot closer to the Sun, thus needing less time to orbit it.

Before a Sun goes through a growing phase, it turns quite dark, similar to a solar eclipse, and after the growing phase is over it shines as brightly as before. Only that the colour has changed and that the Earth year is suddenly longer.
For a few years now, Sol has been preparing for the next phase of growth, and you may have noticed that his colour has changed quite a bit. While it used to be very yellow it now shines more if a white light and sometimes feels more intense than before.

It's a completely normal phenomenon during the growth process and is nothing to be afraid of. Sol is not going to suddenly grwo and destroy all planets in his inner orbit, as many "physicists" always tell us will happen.
Instead he will grow larger and push all of the planets to an orbit further away, thus leaving the living condidions on the planets unharmed.

It has happened many times before, and it will happen again in the not-so-distant future.
He'll go a lot darker for a few days, yes. But there will still be enough light to see during the day.

It'll all be good.



The Yellow Vest Movement

Not Revolution, but Revelation of systematic corruption
Not Globalism, but individual self-determination
Change beyond France is essential
The Past shows the Future

Source: Final Wakeup Call

This article was republished with permission from the author.

Citizens’ Initiative Referendum

The European Union is undermining the democratic will of the populace of all member states. This is the reason why since halve ‪November the people who first went out in the streets were wearing Yellow Vests. Initially they were protesting against a hike in gasoline and diesel taxes that would hit people in rural France the hardest. Obsessed with the fake global warming hoax, they used that argument to implement their carbon tax by increasing fuel prices by 25%. That was the last straw that broke the French camel’s back. The movement continued on the basic issue: the right of the people to have a say in measures taken, measures that affect their lives. In one word ‘Democracy’.

None of the parties from the left nor the right, whatever they had promised during their campaign speeches, kept their promises once in office, because their policies were dictated to them by the elites. So, people have lost confidence in all politicians and are demanding new avenues to have their voices heard and wishes fulfilled.

The fuel tax was soon forgotten as the list of demands grew longer. They have been protesting for Macron’s resignation, and the Citizens’ Initiative Referendum (CIR), under which citizens could propose their own laws that would then be voted on by the general public. The RIC could effectively bypass the French Parliament and even the EU and would be enshrined in the French Constitution. A similar law exists since 1848 in Switzerland and is regularly applied by Swiss citizens. It is a tool to Direct Democracy and any country calling itself a “democracy”, should include this in its Constitution.

The French government has reacted with violence, in an apparent desire to provoke responsive violence in order to condemn the movement as violent. Consequently; on Macron’s orders, the police are becoming increasingly more aggressive, using military suppression to control protesting French civilians. Thousands have been arrested, about ten people have died and hundreds injured by police brutality. Nevertheless, the movement is gaining massive public support of up to 80% of the French population, whom all support the ‘Yellow Vest” idea, which meanwhile is spreading throughout Europe and the globe at large and this is not being reported on in the MSM.

After first sending in government-paid thugs to destroy cars and shop windows, an army of police, dressed in black, resembling robots, have surrounded and blocked groups of peaceful Yellow Vest Protesters, drowning them in clouds of teargas and firing flash balls directly at protesters, seriously wounding hundreds, if not thousands as the real figures are not published. A number of people have lost an eye, leg, or a hand. The government has nothing to say about this.

Despite all these provocations, the Yellow Vests have remained remarkably calm and determined. Only a few people, amongst them a popular boxing champion, lost his temper completely when he witnessed a protester being abused by the police.

Not Revolution, but Revelation of systematic corruption

This may not be merely a revolution, but far more a revelation of the real nature of “the system”. Power lies with the bureaucrats and politicians meaning; control over the people, economy, religion, finance and capital. These puppets are instructed to reshape human societies all across the planet, in support of the Deep State prerogatives, culminating in the New World Government. By applying economic sanctions, overwhelming propaganda and military NATO force in pursuit of “globalisation” that shapes people’s lives without their consent.

Macron, the French Rothschild puppet is the very embodiment of this system. As Marine Le Pen expressed regarding her anti-EU stance during the last national election, for which the voting results were rigged to enable Macron to win. Macron, who was groomed by the elite to carry through the actions dictated by the Deep State-Illuminati, to be enforced by the European Union. Macron, under any circumstances, is not allowed to give in. But now that people are awake and are aware of what is going on, they won’t stop either. Contrary to the general decline in education, the French people today are pretty well-educated and quite realistic.

Opposing Macron, Le Pen’s agenda items were: leaving the European Union, ditching the euro, and securing the borders. France is the world’s sixth-largest economy. Le Pen wanted for France an EU exit, for which she had a meeting with Trump. Should Marine Le Pen have won and have been given the opportunity to enter the Elysée Palace, she would have made her first official trip, not to Washington, but to the EU in Brussels signaling the fact that Brussels’ superpower has finally come to an end.

Marine Le Pen, a 50-year-old lawyer by profession, used as ammunition the growing anti-immigrant sentiment, terror attacks and a faltering economy during her election campaign. The same anti-establishment sentiment alive in France exists in Germany, Italy, Belgium and The Netherlands. As a matter of interest; Le Pen is also a fan of Vladimir Putin, she isn’t sold on climate change, and has called globalisation “another kind of totalitarianism.” Sounds familiar!

Not Globalism, but individual self-determination

Globalisation is not, as its supporters claim it to be – simply the inevitable outcome of modern technology applied to communication, trade, and travel. It is not the world getting smaller. However, it is factually, an ideology and worldview that can only be imposed by tyrannical means.

“Globalisation has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very wealthy … but it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache,”

Trump told his supporters.

The European Union is primarily a customs zone, not a free trade zone. The bureaucracy of 54.000 plus bureaucrats in Brussels is hardly necessary to enact simple Pan-European tariff reductions. It is not needed, but for one reason; to begin building what globalism truly demands: a de facto European government, complete with dense regulatory and tax rules, quasi-judicial bodies, a nascent military, and further subordination of national, linguistic, regional and cultural identities.

Ludwig von Mises understood that self-determination is the fundamental goal of liberty, of real liberalism. It’s true that libertarians ought not to concern themselves with “national sovereignty” in the political sense, because governments are not sovereign kings and should never be treated as worthy of determining the course of our lives. But it is also true that the more the link is reduced between an individual and the body purporting to govern him, the less control or more self-determination that individual has.

If it were in any way possible to grant this right of self-determination to every individual person, it would have to be done.

Brexit is a referendum on nationhood, which is a step away from globalism and closer to individual self-determination.

Macron has to go

The protesting Yellow Vests want Macron out of the Elysée. Why is Macron so intensely disliked by his own people? – From 2014 to 2016, Macron was, under socialist President Hollande, Minister of Economy and Finance, a period during which he prepared the very unpopular new “Labour Law”, under which workers may eventually lose most of their accumulated labour rights, for which they had fought long ago and safeguarded. But now they could be hired or fired by the industry without hardly any protection. The law was finally implemented during Macron’s first year in Office.

Previously, from 2008 – coincidentally the year when the cabal-made ‘financial crisis’ began – to 2012, Macron was a successful investment banker at a Rothschild Bank in France, where he learned the tricks of international finance, debt restructuring and, in fact – debt-enslavement.

In hindsight, it is clear that he was prepared for the presidency by the Rothschild clan and the elite accomplices. Campaigning from about mid-2016 to the 2017 for the elections, he was propped up by the banking funded media. He promised a new government of the people and for the people with his new Movement, “en marche”. With the help of ‘false flags’ – i.e. the 14th July 2016 – French National Holiday – massacre in Nice, he promised more security, a permanent Emergency Law, similar to Martial Law, if he became President.

King Macron was dishonestly elected President in the second round on 7 May 2017, with, according to the going ‘democratic system’, a decisive margin – while, in fact, he gained less than 25% of the eligible French electorate votes.

Soon after his election victory, he turned around, disregarded his pre-election promises – which is not unusual for politicians in general – but what distinguished Macron from others, he displayed an abject arrogance, almost an outright disrespect, or even disgust, for the common man, whom he had promised to govern justly. He started slashing taxes for the rich, and imposing new taxes on poor and middle class citizens, reducing pensions, unemployment and health benefits, and so on.

Eventually the new so-called eco-gasoline tax was just about the legendary straw that broke the camel’s back, and Macron’s popularity dropped to below 18%.

Macron eventually rescinded the new fuel tax, and various other taxes, as well as an increase in the minimum wage by €100 per month. All presented on public television with an apologetic face which was clearly fake – a phony gesture that was “too little too late”. Even worse, in his televised speech, he did not mention with one word the new, most unpopular Labour Law he had slipped through Parliament, where his Movement has an absolute majority.

Withdrawing that unpopular labour law, may have just given Macron the credit he missed and still is missing. But his puppet masters, would of course not allow such a profit-infringing concession. Today, the Yellow Vests and about 80% of the French population demand nothing less than Macron’s resignation.

Change beyond France is essential

How does this affect the economy? For the protesters and the French people, the complaint is that they are unhappy with the continuous deterioration of the purchasing power of their money and the loss of hard-earned social benefits. They require an outright reversal of the upward transfer of capital from the working class to the elite – a trend that is clearly visible everywhere in the western world.

If the Yellow Vests succeed, that might mean an economic upheaval, perhaps an economic revolution that could spread to other countries. The Yellow Vest protesters are well aware of this, as they call for change and beyond France as well. Already similar protests have started, in Germany, Hungary, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Austria, to name but a few.

In Germany, Chancellor Merkel’s days are numbered. The surging Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) voted to campaign for the country’s exit from the EU. They also want to shut down the European Parliament in its entirety. Anyone who thought the party would always remain on the fringe of German politics was shocked to learn that in just a few years of its existence, as from 2018 it had become Germany the second most popular party throughout Germany, even outdoing the mainstream Social Democratic Party (SPD).

There is a tremendous social discontent in Germany for reasons not much different from the ones in France – declining purchasing power, rising poverty. A large portion of the German population, mostly women, works part time, and many of them, especially single mothers, need at least two jobs to survive. They escape the unemployment statistics. The Deep State-controlled media will not report and inform the people of the truth. Lying has been their bread and butter for years. And this isn’t likely to change anytime soon, unless the system changes.

The Germans also want to exit from the Euro and the EU. The macro-economic benefit for the country would be tremendous. Of course, as with BREXIT, the enormous benefits for the people will not be reported by the mainstream media, because it would be a confirmation that the clowns in Brussel should be removed. It would implicate the necessity to go back to the roots of economics, away from the central bank economy, essentially the return to a people’s economy supported by local production for local markets with a sound local currency and a people-controlled financial system.

People would become motivated to work for their country and their well-being, thereby boosting the local economy and local well-being. If Greece would have taken this step in 2008 to 2009, when the Deep state-engineered crisis hit, with their GREXIT approach. Greece would today have been far ahead in its recovery process, possibly already a prosperous country, or at least well on its way to prosperity, without a suffocating debt.

On the other hand, if things stay the way they are now, with Macron’s few half-hearted concessions, the cost to the French economy is estimated to reach about 8 to 10 billion euros. As long as Macron stays in power, nothing will significantly change for the rich, as he will not reverse the tax system. They put him in the Presidency so he could transmute public wealth into private wealth and shift it upwards.

This means; France has to steal the funds from somewhere, for example, in the former French colonies like Chad, which are still heavily under the yoke of the French Central Bank. These countries cannot control their own reserves, as their economies are hamstrung by the French economy – a very little known fact.

In other words, if the situation stays as it is, without radical breakthroughs for the Yellow Vests, the state of the economy will get worse. Don’t worry, without a doubt, the official propagated version will blame the Yellow Vest protesters for the economic misère, while the extra money needed, will be squeezed from the poor, possibly in the former French colonies.

The Past shows us the Future

The Yellow Vest movement is the opportunity for change that can be spread to other countries in Europe and the rest of the world. We, the awake have the mission to help educate the general public on what is actually going on, and what has gone wrong in the past that has brought us into the crisis situation in which we find ourselves today. The past will teach us about the future.

For this purpose, an easily readable guide has been compiled that contains almost every important move and decision that has been made in the past. It explains step by step how we arrived in today’s financial, social and economic crisis.

Once understood; this knowledge teaches us how we together can make changes. It is not necessary for most of us to go onto the streets and protest in a Yellow Vest. As, many conscientious citizens can educate themselves and others by reading and studying the literature necessary for THE GREAT AWAKENING, that explains in simple logical language all that has gone wrong and how that should be addressed. It shows the way (P1)in which we can use our power to build from grassroots (P2) upward our community into one of self-governance, by running our own economy, without the need for politicians. We don’t want a One World Government and one religion. We don’t want someone who dictates to us. We simply want to reclaim our freedom, create local assemblies with the laws and rules we feel are necessary, while solely being monitored and controlled by ourselves.


woensdag 27 februari 2019


Als je de link hebt ingevoerd moet je misschien even wachten. Bij mij startte hij niet meteen.

Afbeeldingsresultaten voor return to your soul

Liedje: Lady of the Morning

Het kwam bij me op. Ik vond het altijd heel mooi. Daarom nu hier, als bewaard in de kluis

Afbeeldingsresultaten voor lady of the morning, shadows, youtube


Trump dreigt de media-oorlog te verliezen als hij de misdaden van de Deep State onbesproken laat. De media is grotendeels in handen van de Chinese maffia en de Deep State. De media is tevens nauw verweven met pedonetwerken. Hieronder een beknopte samenvatting van de Truth, Honor & Integrity radio-uitzending van 21 februari 2019 door Thomas Williams.


- Arrestatie producent kinderporno houdt verband met Clinton Foundation

- Deep State bereidt valse vlag aanslagen en ‘natuurrampen’ in Californië voor

Schuld van Federal Reserve gevorderd

- Trump dreigt de media-oorlog te verliezen

Mainstream media plant aanval op Manna World Holding Trust

Beroemdheden in de media allemaal betrokken bij pedonetwerken

Filmindustrie gelinkt aan kinderhandel en Chinese maffia in San Francisco

De macht van de Black Dragons en Chinese maffia

Disney is onderdeel van de Deep State en betrokken bij pedonetwerken


dinsdag 26 februari 2019


Image result for Kaarslicht


The Event, Een hypnosessie met Aartsengel Michael over de volgende energiegolf op de aarde.

Een hypnosessie met Aartsengel Michael over de volgende energiegolf op de aarde.
De video heeft diverse instellingen, waaronder vele talen. Het gaat over The Event. De vertaling is een zeer directe, woord voor woord in de herkomst taal. Niet gemakkelijk.
Wat ik er uit opmaakte is dat alle mensen die er niet klaar voor zijn naar een rust-ruimte gaan totdat ze hun energie op de gewenste frequentie hebben. Of dat fysiek is lijkt me niet aannemelijk.

Image result for A.U.R.A. AA Michael on "The Event" March 2019 Update Wave of Energy

maandag 25 februari 2019

Niet langer een complottheorie: MIT-wetenschappers bevestigen dat ze technologie bezitten om stemmen in je hoofd te laten stralen

Duzzz alle gekken op de stokjes: kom er maar af. Theaterdirecteur Satan is vergeten dat hij met mensen te maken heeft. Maar we laten ons niet meer met onwaarheden in het riet sturen. Het is tijd de baas te vervangen voor degene die weet wat waarheid IS en alleen DAT gebruikt, namelijk wij ZELF, ons ZELF, ons HOGERE ZELF.

De kop zegt al heel veel. Hieronder verder het niet vertaalde artikel. red.

By Vicki Batts,
A crackpot theory no more, scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology just revealed they now possess the technology to beam voices into your head. For years , the mainstream media has been poking fun at anyone who actually believed the “powers that be” are desperately trying to usurp control over humanity — but some of the latest technological developments are clear indications that a totalitarian regime is brewing on the horizon.
At long last, scientists are now revealing the first wave of technology that could soon be used to bring the world at large to its knees. In 2018, we saw warnings of “pre-crime” policing systems come to pass, and video surveillance technology become more and more advanced.
Now, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers say they have developed the technology necessary to beam voices right into your head. What could go wrong?

Putting thoughts into your head

Scientists from MIT have found not one, but two ways to transmit sounds directly to an individual’s brain via laser beam. A paper on their exploits was published in the journal Optics Letters in January 2019.
In a press release, researcher Charles Wynn said, “Our system can be used from some distance away to beam information directly to someone’s ear.”
“It is the first system that uses lasers that are fully safe for the eyes and skin to localize an audible signal to a particular person in any setting,” he added.
As Futurism reports, a material’s absorption of light can actually produce sound waves. This is called the “photoacoustic effect,” and both methods of sound-beaming technology rely on it to transmit tones, music and recorded speech via laser.
The MIT scientists used water vapor as their “material.” One of their chosen techniques was to “sweep” a laser beam at the speed of sound. By changing the lengths of the sweeping motion, they were able to “encode” different sounds.
As reported by Futurism:
This technique allowed them to transmit sound to a person more than 8.2 feet away at a volume of 60 decibels — about the loudness of background music or a conversation in a restaurant — without anyone between the source of the sound and the target hearing it.
The scientists also tried adjusting the laser beam’s power to encode a message. The team reported that this method produced a clearer response with lower volume.

A dangerous leap into the future

It is no surprise that proponents of this new technology are already promoting its virtues to the public. As usual, the powers that be are promising that the voice-beam technology will be used for “good” instead of evil.
While the MIT scientists say they hope to see the technology used to assist in dangerous situations, researcher Ryan M. Sullenberger disclosed that they also plan on commercializing their tech.
“We hope that this will eventually become a commercial technology. There are a lot of exciting possibilities, and we want to develop the communication technology in ways that are useful,” Sullenberger commented.
This voice-beam technology could be very useful for a variety of purposes — but that doesn’t mean it will be used for things that are “good” for the average person.
While this voice-beaming technology is an undeniably impressive feat, the fact remains that there are probably more “bad” uses for this technology than “good.” MIT researchers say it can be used by authorities to communicate covertly in delicate situations — perhaps during a school shooting event, they propose — but beyond a select few instances, it’s hard to imagine how mass commercialization of this technology is going to be possible without putting the freedom and privacy of the public at risk.
This kind of technology sets the stage for a number of unintended consequences — whether it’s having advertisements sent directly to your brain, or full-blown mind-control, it is painfully obvious that in the wrong hands, voice-beam technology can be used for a number of corrupt purposes.
See more coverage of the latest developments in mind control technology at
Sources for this article include:



Ik moest opzoeken wat het ook al weer was / is, de Ark des Verbonds. Wikipedia zegt het volgende:
'De ark werd door Basaleël gemaakt tijdens de uittocht uit Egypte, bij de Sinaïberg.[1] Het was een draagbare kist, waarin de twee stenen platen met daarop de tien geboden bewaard werden.[2] Hij stond in het heilige der heiligen, de binnenste ruimte van de tabernakel, en later in dezelfde ruimte in de tempel van Salomo te Jeruzalem.'

De Tien geboden. Die heb ik ooit geleerd. De tien geboden van God.

Indeling van de 10 geboden per godsdienst of stroming
Gebodjoodsoosters-orthodoxrooms-katholiek, lutheraansanglicaans, gereformeerd, en andere protestanten
Ik ben de Heer uw God11--
Gij zult geen andere goden hebben211
Gij zult geen afgodsbeelden maken22
Gij zult de naam van God niet misbruiken3323
Gedenk de sabbat en houd hem in ere4434
Eer uw vader en moeder5545
Gij zult niet doden/moorden6656
Gij zult geen overspel plegen7767
Gij zult niet stelen8878
Gij zult geen valse getuigenis afleggen9989
Gij zult de vrouw van uw medemens niet begeren1010910
Gij zult het huis van uw medemens niet begeren10

Ik ben 'tot tranen toe geroerd'. En het klopt zó in deze tijd van satanisme en materialisme. Ik weet niet waar ik heb afgehaakt. Ik weet nog dat ik dacht: zo lang geleden en geen enkel bewijs. Nee, dat zul je binnen het satanisme niet krijgen. Want die tien geboden staan er haaks op. Op het staatje kun je zien dat de roomskatholieke en anglicaanse kerken het eerste gebod 'Ik ben de Heer Uw God' niet erkennen. Lieve lieve mensen, velen weten niet eens dat ze Satanisten zijn. WORD WAKKER!!!

Ze staan dus op stenen platen, de Tien geboden van God, bewaard in de Ark des Verbonds. Hier de video met de graafwerkzaamheden. De Ark is gevonden in een grot in Israel:

The Ark of the Covenant, artikel op Before it's News van Charlene Cleo Eiben 


zondag 24 februari 2019

Walnut Sauce Kannibaal koken Video Niet voor doetjes om het zo maar te zeggen!!

Nou, het is duidelijk dat de Podesta's en anderen een beetje een walnootsausverslaving hebben ... maar wat is het?

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Adrenochrome en EpiPen gecodeerd in Straat Layout in Washington DC !! A113 Is een codenaam voor Adrenochrome !!

Een nieuw artikel van indianinthemachine. Het lijkt heeeeel belangrijk, maar ik snap het niet. Maar dat hoeft ook niet. Ik ben gelukkig niet 'alleen op de wereld'. Het einde van de macht van de deep state, zo veel is

Ik hoop dat het publiek zich realiseert dat EpiPen een manier is om adrenochroom te verspreiden onder vampieren en pedovores.


zaterdag 23 februari 2019


De laatste video van een serie. Er is geen transcriptie helaas. De ouderen volgen nog. Hij vertelt zijn ervaringen van tot dik 20 jaar geleden, over de maan, mars, technologie.

Op iets na 43 minuten vertelt hij dat de draconians willen dat de aarde een angstboerderij is. Als de meerderheid van de mensen op aarde één dag  tegelijk zich gelukkig zouden voelen,  zou de hele 'overlord'agenda vernietigd worden.

Image result for David Wilcock: Stunning NEW Antarctic SSP Insiders!