11-24-18… “Arkansas Swamp Bleeds as Clintons Circle The Drain” (or, “Yes, arrests really ARE happening…)
Posted on 2018/11/26
…but don’t expect to hear about them on CNN NBC ANC CBS MSNBC. Several people and articles and videos have mentioned this one (BF, iPOT (I think), AndWeKnow) and this journalist (Corey Lynn) who is documenting many of the things going on around the Clintons and the (in)famous “Clinton Foundation”.
As her web page says “Content is protected” when try to copy and paste, I’m only posting a couple highlights (yes, I did find a way to copy those), and not the full article.
[Note: PFH = Preferred Family Healthcare (PFH), “…a community-based health care organization that offers a range of services in over 100 locations…”]
“Many have read sprinkles of press releases from the justice department regarding arrests and indictments coming out of Arkansas, but few have observed the magnitude of this swamp creature and all its tentacles… they all connect.“In August 2018, Deputy Attorney General Lloyd Warford, said that investigators have at least 4 million documents in a vault and another 200 gigabytes of information they have collected from the Department of Human Services. Warford also confirmed that more lawmakers are under investigation by the state, in cooperation with the federal investigation. They have already convicted over a dozen individuals in one case alone, several of which are former or current legislators, one former senator has already begun his 18-year prison sentence, and there are a slew of other individuals listed in indictments. It is quite an extensive list…“As far back as October 31, 2016, The Wall Street Journal reported that FBI field offices in New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and Little Rock had been collecting information on the charity for more than a year.“The Swamp is Deep… HUGE Non-profit Healthcare Scandal in Arkansas Swamp Tied to Multiple Legislators“1/4/17 – Micah Neal, Springdale, AR Former Arkansas State Representative…
4/5/18 – Oren Paris III, Springdale, AR, Former President of Eccelsia College…
5/3/18 – Randell G. Shelton Jr., Alma, AR, Consulting company…
5/3/18 – Jonathan E. Woods, Springdale, AR, Former (R-AR) State Senator from 2013-2017, former (R-AR) House of Representatives from 2007-2013…
6/12/17 – David Carl Hayes, Springfield, MO, Served on the board of Alternative Opportunities (now PFH) from 2006-2011…
12/18/17 – Donald Andrew Jones (D.A. Jones) – D.A. Jones & Associates, Philadelphia, PA, Lobbyist…
2/12/18 – Eddie Wayne Cooper [Person #7], Melbourne, AR, Former, 3-time Democratic state representative from 2006-2011 and registered lobbyist…
4/30/18 – Henry Wilkins IV [Arkansas Senator C], Pine Bluff, AR, Former (D-AR) State Senator District 5 from 2001-2011…
6/7/18 – Milton Russell (Rusty) Cranford [Person #4], Rogers, AR, Former executive and board member of PFH and Arkansas Lobbyist…
6/29/18 – Robin Raveendran [Person #9], Little Rock, AR, Former Medicaid Integrity Director at DHS…
8/21/18 – Helen Balding [Person #8], Batesville, AR, Billing Director of PFH…
8/31/18 – Jeremy Hutchinson [AR Senator A], Little Rock, AR, Then current Senator (R-AR), Chairman of State Senate Judiciary Committee, and attorney retained by PFH…
9/12/18 – Keith Fraser Noble [Person #5], Rogersville, MO, Chief Clinical Officer of PFH…
10/9/18 – Vicki A. Chisam, Batesville, AR, Billing Clerk of PFH…
11/13/18 – Marilyn Luann Nolan [Person #3], Springfield, MO, Chief Executive Director of PFH…“Most certainly, some of these people have connections, and quite possibly “dealings” with the Clintons… some of those connections have already been made, and will be rolled up into a follow-up article, along with future indictments. As indicated in both the PFH case and the college case, a lot more arrests are coming down the pike, and their investigations continue to expand. Remember, this is focused on the Arkansas swamp sinking, but make no mistake, swamps span this country, and others are sinking as well.”