SaraCarter.com 8-12-19… “Overstock CEO Turned Over Docs To DOJ ‘on FBI’s Russian and Hillary Clinton Probes’”
This SB2 article is connected to the prior SB2 (related Kp blog post), and brings out a point or two about Epstein, but mainly shows how “the comms” are giving us insight into what is really going on behind the scenes. I found this very entertaining.
Btw, “Mooch” refers to Anthony Scaramucci, who was a (temporary) WH Communications director in 2017. And I noticed that if one places an “l” in the middle of “Mooch”, one gets “Moloch”. Hmmm…
An And We Know video (AWK Bitchute channel) should come out shortly.
[Kp notes: 1) A helpful archive of SB2 posts, with tools to interpret and follow along, is available at https://www.serial.rocks/. 2) “Maestro” refers to President Donald J. Trump.]
“Epstein secured. More was revealed in the following tweets. Read very carefully: Img1 Q drops interrupted but they are now terrified by the comms.“Q993 Learn how to archive offline. The streets will not be safe for them. Q… Q is describing a situation where the enemy manages to interrupt the live and continuous flow of drops that would have no impact on the ability for Anons to get the truth about the news. Why? Because, through the comms, the news will continue to unlock what has already been dropped by Q and safely archived by Anons.“You triangulated that Q was the real target of all the recent false flags right? Just like he was the ultimate target of the Christchurch attacks. Every time you hear “manifesto” or see a failed effort to profile their mind controlled attackers to establish a link with POTUS, you should know that Q is the real target and be prepared.“Q2108 Desperate people do desperate things. They look at the polls and the real numbers and they are devastated. They assess the impact of their Fake News and realize they lost control.“Let’s now head to the zoo and watch the snakes.“Species 1: Chemtrelus Conspiracius… As more truth is revealed, are you seeing the horns of the devil coming out slowly? Do you see Satan’s minions getting more and more nervous?“Species 2: Demonus Infiltratus… This species is easy to catch. It’s recognizable through its inexpressive dark eyes, extremely high blinking rate and an inability to crawl coherently.“Species 3: Scaramucus 666 (also called Scaramucus Often Firus)… Did you know Scaramucci turned his hedge fund Skybridge from a $666 million fund to a $7.2 billion within 5 years as proudly reported here?“Species 4: Maherus Panicus… Did you notice Bill Maher’s surprising silence after Epstein’s arrest? He did not make jokes, did not try to connect Epstein to POTUS. Nothing. Total silence.“Q3385 You didn’t think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you? It was all under the direction and oversight of AG Jeff Sessions. Expect a lot more to become public (unsealing). Q“
Epstein secured. More was revealed in the following tweets. Read very carefully: Img1
Q drops interrupted but they are now terrified by the comms.
Those who are familiar with my writings and everything I have shared about the comms and my insistence on learning them as stated multiple times by Q, understand the following drops very well:
Q993 Learn how to archive offline. The streets will not be safe for them. Q
Q679 You have so much more than you know. SO MUCH! Future proves past. News unlocks map.
Q is describing a situation where the enemy manages to interrupt the live and continuous flow of drops that would have no impact on the ability for Anons to get the truth about the news. Why? Because, through the comms, the news will continue to unlock what has already been dropped by Q and safely archived by Anons.
So? We already have more than we know and Nancy can continue trying to block Q as described here:
Q3370 We are back online (Pelosi attempted block). Q
and she will continue to miserably fail because:
Q1127 Our comms must be this way. Refer back – the ‘Why?’ NAT SEC laws.
You got it? Q made sure the comms are in compliance with National Security laws. Have fun with the structure and the trip codes Nancy! Hahaha!
You triangulated that Q was the real target of all the recent false flags right? Just like he was the ultimate target of the Christchurch attacks. Every time you hear “manifesto” or see a failed effort to profile their mind controlled attackers to establish a link with POTUS, you should know that Q is the real target and be prepared.
Q told you about this play right here, after Christchurch:
Q3114 https://twitter.com/infinitechan/status/1106894519859974144 Who is the real intended target? Q
Knowing this, why are they working so hard to interrupt the drops for a few days? Answer:
Q2108 Desperate people do desperate things.
They look at the polls and the real numbers and they are devastated. They assess the impact of their Fake News and realize they lost control. Beside Russia Russia and the latest local bar fight, they don’t have anything to report while Q feeds us with scoops after scoops and real intel. So? They get what they can: if they can interrupt Q for a few days, they’ll take it.
Let’s now head to the zoo and watch the snakes.
Species 1: Chemtrelus Conspiracius
As more truth is revealed, are you seeing the horns of the devil coming out slowly? Do you see Satan’s minions getting more and more nervous?
I told you here that now that POTUS has reversed the chemtrails, their next move to survive on our planet will be to accept chemtrails are not a conspiracy theory. It didn’t take long: 2 weeks after my article about POTUS confirming the chemtrail reversal, Harvard announced Louise Beworth will lead an advisory panel supported by Bill Gates and aiming at injecting chemicals into the atmosphere to block sunlight! Not kidding, here’s the link and here is Zero Hedge astonished that Harvard validates what was once believed to be a “conspiracy theory”: link.
You got that? That’s how they kill us through academia.
Species 2: Demonus Infiltratus
This species is easy to catch. It’s recognizable through its inexpressive dark eyes, extremely high blinking rate and an inability to crawl coherently. Listen to Tucker describe the amazing one he caught: until 2:22. Frank Figliuzzi is pretty creepy but he was assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division under Mueller and is in the know. He therefore deserves our attention.
It’s true 8/8=H/H appears coded in the date when POTUS tweeted about lowering the flags until 08/08/2019. However, what Figliuzzi fails to tell his audience is that this tweet was posted on Aug 4 at 2:49PM and was a response to Comey’s tweet dated July 28th 2019 where he shared Coats’ resignation letter and where 8/8=H/H was already coded. In this article, I told you how Coats coded “THIS IS IT” in his letter along with the distress message RENEGADE and MICHELLE. A few hours after this letter made all the headlines, Gilroy happened and you already know why. Here is Comey praising his divinities and coding 8/8=H/H: Img2
Are you enjoying the brilliance of the Maestro lowering the flags until 08/08/2019? The trap was in the tweet and poor Frank Figliuzzi jumped with his feet together: Img3
In case you missed it, here is the decode of the secret message Comey hid in the image of his May 28 2019 WaPo op-ed. It confirms Comey is a Satanist and passionately fights for his religion: Img4
No wonder previous administrations could not do anything significant against Epstein, drugs, child abuse, pedophilia and human sacrifices: those who were in charge of protecting us against this evil were at the top of the very satanic pyramid they claimed to fight. This has been going on for decades with the active complicity of politicians, the Fake News, Wall Street, Hollywood and academia. To be part of the club and get the bucks, all you needed to do was to show you agree that Satan is the boss and wait for Santa to show up with campaign donors, a show, investors, a movie deal, a record deal or a Nobel prize and its byproducts.
The third species will illustrate this reality perfectly.
Species 3: Scaramucus 666 (also called Scaramucus Often Firus)
Did you know Scaramucci turned his hedge fund Skybridge from a $666 million fund to a $7.2 billion within 5 years as proudly reported here? You caught the first 666, but did you catch the second one? Yes: 7.2=0.6+6.6. Coincidence? How about his first hedge fund Oscar Capital Management he founded in 1996 after he left Goldman Sachs? Did you catch it? O=15, C=3 which leads to 18=6+6+6. Coincidence? How many illuminati bloodlines? Yes:13=M. Mooch coded in his company’s initials: “Hey guys, Satan is the boss and I’m ready to play ball for the 13 families, please send Santa ASAP”. You thought he stopped there? You know Mooch right? Not very subtle… What was OCM’s address in NY? Yes: 666 Fifth Ave 34th floor link You know what that 34=32+2 stands for right? And just to make sure everybody is on the same page, the value for total asset managed by OCM was $684 Million. And of course, you caught 684=666+6+6+6. Coincidence?
His belly dance for the Cabal worked and he got tipped. Forbes reported OCM was sold to Neuberger Berman in 2001 for an “undisclosed sum”. If you know bragging about the amount of a transaction in Wall Street is like proudly introducing your new girlfriend to your parents, reconcile why even Forbes does not know the amount of that transaction…
Mooch is a Harvard Law graduate. Not a very brilliant one. He was first hired by Goldman Sachs in 1989 in the Investment Banking division, was fired a year later and, thanks to a friend, was rehired 2 months later in sales: until 6:11.
We gather from this that Moloch is not really good at numbers or assessing markets but is definitely better at PR. He’s so good at it that he had no problem serving as fundraiser for HUSSEIN in 2008, then as national finance co-chair for Mitt Romney in 2012, endorsing Scott Walker and later Jeb Bush in 2016 and joining the Trump Finance Committee in May 2016 when Jeb was sent home and after tweeting that he hoped the Witch would be the next president! Mooch, ‘gotta give to you: you gooood, realy good. But there’s more. He tweeted several times he has “always been for strong gun control laws” and that “Republicans should support gay marriage” and, channeling his Trump-hater wife Deidre Ball, he called Trump a “hack politician” on Fox in 2015.
So? You know the Maestro right? He knew he had a 666 self-terminating snake somewhere and kept him at a distance until he needed to use his vacuum services. He activated Mooch to clean the Whitehouse knowing very well that he would soon make the mistakes allowing Gen. Kelly to let him go.
Did you follow how things played out? It was reported Mooch’s wife filed for divorce when she learned her husband was hired at the White House and they reunited when he was fired. Okay… Now question: how about when he was in Trump’s campaign? Analysis: Img5
You got that? This is how they offer their services to the Cabal in plain sight. For a burger or 2. From now on, everything you hear about POTUS coming from Scaramucci should not surprise you. He has always been against Trump but tried to keep a foot in to pull as many people as possible the day he will announce he’s totally out because of racism, night temperatures in Honolulu or the color of the monkey’s lipstick.
Don’t let the door hit ya’ Mooch!
The Maestro knew all along that Scaramucci was a plant sent to infiltrate his campaign, here’s the tweet with the details: Img6
Species 4: Maherus Panicus
Did you notice Bill Maher’s surprising silence after Epstein’s arrest? He did not make jokes, did not try to connect Epstein to POTUS. Nothing. Total silence. The answers are in a puzzle made of 5 tweets posted on August 10: Img7
Try to solve it and we’ll compare our findings. Hint: where’s the best place for a hot potato?
Q3385 You didn’t think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you? It was all under the direction and oversight of AG Jeff Sessions. Expect a lot more to become public (unsealing). Q