dinsdag 5 november 2019

NIET VERTAALD: X22Reports: Flynn Ready To Go Free, Egregious Government Misconduct, Covfefe, In The End We Win | MSM/[CB] Go All Out To Stop Trump From Cutting Rates Again, It Will Fail (Video)

Monday, November 4, 2019, Due Diligence

The [DS] is now struggling to keep the fake impeachment moving forward, the public is not buying what they are selling. The people already see the phone transcript, all other witnesses are just part of the [DS] and they are voicing their opinions, which is meaningless. The whistleblower needs to show his identity but if this happens it is game over for the entire sham. Assange is very important to the patriots case against the DS, they are keeping him safe. Flynn’s lawyer wants all charges dropped, because of egregious government misconduct. The Mueller operatives are now trapped in their own case against Flynn. Trump never mistyped the word covfefe, it was done on purpose, the meaning, in the end we win. —
PLUS: The bad guys in the [CB] are becoming desperate, they are now letting the world know that the Fed will not be cutting rates anymore, no matter how much Trump tells them too. Why because they know the economy would take off and the patriots would control the economic narrative completely.-


Flynn Ready To Go Free, Egregious Government Misconduct, Covfefe, In The End We Win


MSM/[CB] Go All Out To Stop Trump From Cutting Rates Again, It Will Fail 

 #finance #geopolitical #endtimes #X22Report #economy #politics