dinsdag 5 november 2019

NIET VERTAALD MAAR VEEL ONDERSTEUNENDE FOTO'S: Michele Obama Bulge-Gate Continues!! Michele Obama Goes Commando Again… As She Tries To Contain Her Mysterious Bulge From Flopping In Front Of The Cameras… She Wasn’t Completely Successful!!

Een uitgebreid artikel van indianinthemachine over 'Michele' Obama. red.

1. In the video below, we can see that her peeps are unfazed and all ho-hum as Michele attempts to discretely push down what appears to be an impressive set of cock and balls hanging freely… she wasn’t completely successful…  perhaps it was leg day at the gym, which would account for her lack of tucking…
Americans everywhere, are impressed with her lady bulge but not at all impresssed with her connections to treasonous forces.
Image result for ellen michelle obama bulge
Another time on the Ellen Show, the nation was shocked to see her junk undeniably shake in her fashionable sleek pant suit that appeared to ride high in the crotch, perhaps pushing things forward. Here she is seen dancing with mkultra handler Ellen, a treason sympathizer and propaganda promoter, who likes to paint all treasonous agents, as lovable, funny and gosh darn adorable.  Ellen’s job is perhaps one of the dirtiest jobs in the whole deep state propaganda machine.
While shaking her booty Michele is discretely doing an adjustment that all men know well, but who does it in front of millions while pretending to be a woman?
Image result for ellen michelle obama bulge
3. Then there was that time in front of the plane when the wind blew against her mystery crotch, as she scratches, mid-gasp as if to say, “oh shit, my big dick is showing and the cameras are rolling”.
Image result for ellen michelle obama bulge
Then there was that time she was on stage and I don’t know what happened, it could have been static cling with her fashionable but polyester designer dress… green dress reveals what appears to be impressive and bushy male genitalia, in what could be in a borat thong?
5. You do know about the clones, hybrid clone humans, or the secret program to get DNA from mummies?
6. Do you want more insanity like this?

7. Battle Of Dark And Light Continues… How Will It Play Out In A Battlefield Of Clones, Treason, Chemtrails And Millions Of Spaceships In Our Atmosphere?

Okay folks… while this has perhaps may simply look like another opportunity to be informed and entertained… there is much happening that needs your focus and love… and it has to do with keeping America and the world going… the systems are going to collapse, however know all this is part of the Divine plan and everything will work out… as long as we can ‘keep it together’… meaning, ourselves… look at our world, we are surrounded with fake leaders, which I believe will be taken down by stealth white hat forces, who have already demonstrated all over the world, that corrupt leaders are being taken down and dealt with .  The material of ‘Q’ is historic white hat intel, that has never been ever seen before in the history of the world (and perhaps, even, the universe)… representing a take down of dark forces that conspired to rule the world, some of these beings are clones, and some of them are mind controlled and some of them are synthetic and some of them are hybrid synthetics.  Consider that Trump and military forces have been doing incredible leadership for such a task now underway is formidable, and yet the Light is victorious.  What is needed from you then is basically loving attitudes, loving words, loving energy field, loving concern towards other lifeforms, loving presence with the universe. Are you willing to cut ties with all the bullshit that life throws you, and to discard it for wisdom, power and love?  What has been happening on earth is not normal… it is not normal for a species to basically ‘give up on itself’… as it throws what is supposedly a good party, but in reality, is a bunch of demonic cannibalism. You do realize all dark roads lead to the cannibal blood rituals… why would you want to continue on a similar path, if you can walk the path to heaven on earth?  As the news comes out we will hear of the treasonous ones, who literally hate their own species… and it is going to be horrible… this will be happening as 5G comes rolling in… your country and your species and your community need you to help… but we can’t and do not want to force you or anyone to do anything anymore, that is the old way… we need you to love yourself, love your species, love your treasonous traitors… and love our universe and Creator., and loving action onwards… yup, that’s the standard good buddies… sound too high? No problem, but you will then choose to end your life sooner than later,  with problems, and the next life will be a continuation… there is, basically no escape from the prison planet, except love.  The prison door is open, can you walk through it, or will you cling to the old ways, and your old pacifiers, that keep you like a child, as your leaders abused you…I send you these words as the light of new day… perhaps this moment can be a great moment of awakening… as we dust off our tired feet, and walk renewed into the Golden White Light as everything that is not love, dissolves into nothing… and what does that mean? It means the end of all corrupt systems and thoughtforms… so you better figure out how the rest of the universe gets along with itself, and see if there is actually anything of value in universal laws,  for both yourself and the collective, or will you choose the fog of distraction, problems, and the mob that doesn’t know the truth of anything?  Feel excited that you may be further ignited from within, to get your shit together, knowing there is no other opportunity that will ever come again, that will be like earth… celebrate how far you’ve come in the illusion and take the next steps forward… due to the collective ignorance thus far, humanity is choosing the hard way…  I’m personally not, and soooo I take a break from the collect herd as it might even jump off a cliff, and maybe there are others out there that wish to not be part of the herd jumping off a cliff, but can help shephard the herd to safety…  There are plenty of issues that the universe, and your species, and your soul are asking you to deal with… from the personal issues, towards neutralizing all the dark on the earth, until only light remains… hey, thanks and blessings eh… thanks for listening…   with love, Indian in the machine

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