donderdag 11 juli 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Headlines and Updates for July 11, 2019: Happy Belated Birthday Nicola Tesla [videos]

Tesla was brilliant; an innocent, a visionary, and the greedy controllers took him for everything he had and left him to die in isolation and poverty. He was never given the full credit or appreciated for his contributions but it’s never too late.
He was actually born in the middle of the night between July 9 and July 10.
As we’re discovering, the technology we think is new, is actually old, and the controllers have been enjoying it amongst themselves and kept it from us. Now they let a little bit out at a time as it suits them to keep us bemused, amused, and distracted. They’ve also weaponized it—because it suits them.
As fate would have it, however, their weapons are now in use againstthem—to take them down.
Happy birthday Nicola Tesla. Your stolen research and technology will be enjoyed by Humans again.

This just in… Twitter down, according to over 10,000 users.

Something is technically wrong.
Thanks for noticing—we’re going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon.

And…subs are so sneaky… and in the news again.

U.S. Coast Guard storms narco-submarine in huge Pacific Ocean drug bust

Global News
Published on Jul 11, 2019
U.S. Coast Guard released intense footage of Cutter Munro crew members jumping on a self-propelled semi-submersible suspected drug smuggling vessel (SPSS) on June 18, 2019, carrying thousands of pounds of cocaine, while operating in international waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Munro offloaded more than 39,000 pounds of cocaine and 933 pounds of marijuana worth a combined estimated $569 million, which was seized in international waters in the Eastern Pacific Ocean from 14 separate drug smuggling vessel between May and June 2019.
Purpose-build smuggling vessels like SPSSs are designed to hold large quantities of contraband while evading detection by law enforcement authorities.

This was interesting… just briefly… but undoubtedly enough for whatever op was in progress.

London’s Gatwick Airport just suffered a complete failure of its air-traffic-control systems

Gatwick Airport resumes flights after ‘systems issue’

It didn’t cool off much last night and we were back up to typical desert temps this morning at 85 degrees F. Things are heating up in more ways than one in the USA, that’s for sure. Be safe out there, everyone.

Scorching Temps Puts Almost 40 Million Americans Under Heat Warning or Advisories

For the latest Q drops, see  I dare say it’s the most feared site on the planet.
I heard that in the bible, “17” represents “final victory”. Coincidence?
An interesting interpretation of Q’s wording…

This guy is lethal. This is “Margaritaville” from Abel Danger Live. He has a bone (actually a whole skeleton) to pick with the control freaks and he lets loose every day on Twitter.
He says if the “crown authorities” decide to suicide him, he has a dead man’s switch and several of his contacts will release material from his burgeoning files of evidence against prominent people they can’t afford to have public.
For non-Canadians, the OPP masquerade as the Ontario Provincial Police. The province (state) of Ontario is home to Toronto, and the nation’s capital, Ottawa. Southern Ontario is a hop, skip, and a jump the north side of the Canada/US border.
You might want to follow this fellow on Twitter. (see below)
This next meme relates to the genocide of the indigenous people of Canada (Republic of Kanata) as reported by Kevin Annett at Murder By and David Hawkins, of Abel Danger. See the video at that link on the Hagmann Report.
American Intelligence Media/Betsy & Thomas look at the Epstein situation (first Thomas sets the stage) with respect to the Standard Operating Procedures of the deep state and how it applies to any false flag event or fake scenario they execute to manipulate the public.
You might hear some things you didn’t expect, including from Betsy.

The FBI Flying Brothel

Theatre… while the “other stuff” is going on behind the scenes?

Trump Expected to Issue Executive Order Placing Citizenship Question on Census


I got a warning on Twitter that the following material may be too sensitive for me to view and had to click “view” to see what they were preventing me from seeing. You’ve got to be kidding me. This is tyranny. This is censorship.
It’s a busy day with the Abel Danger Live call on now (Juan O Savin up next) and Thomas Williams later, so I’ll sign off for now.  ~ BP