zaterdag 20 juli 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Headlines and Updates for July 20, 2019: Rules of Engagement [videos]

Thanks to the crew, we learned that President Trump had been in office for 911 days on July 19. It’s all about the numbers. We are living in a system about numbers, in case you hadn’t realized. Gematria is real; Q is real; evil is real, our liberation is real, and it’s all related.
For so long most of us didn’t understand or see the world we live in for what it is. Now that we are, it’s unsettling for some. They feel threatened to see Gematria, numerology, dates, colours, sigils, etc. being used in the battle raging for this planet. If you’re going to communicate covertly with the enemy without the general population being spooked YOU HAVE TO SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE.
What good would it do me to write this post in French when my target audience are English-speaking patriots? Besides, the French, Dutch, Spanish, and other patriots know how to speak English and/or how to get a good translation.
We have had quite an education from QAnon, SerialBrain2 and even POTUS about the reality of our plight and the nature of our enemy, and the rules of engagement in this war. We no longer have to sit in the dark like a mushroom and get fed crap every day. We can now see the tools used against us—and now used against the enemy.
If the truth is that frightening then folks should stay away from websites, videos and podcasts where the truth is revealed. Do what you need to do to get through this, but it’s a fantastic time to be paying attention if you can stomach it. You’ll have to face it at some point, and there’s no time like the present.
Spreading information suggesting we are beaten and the dark is doing all manner of evil things to us is what the enemy does. We, the Lightwarriors, aim to factually reveal what they have done in the past that has been stopped, or is in the process of being arrested as quickly as possible—because knowledge is power.
You can’t stop millennia of evil systems in two or three years. The infestation was everywhere, including the unseen realms, and we now have crews digging deep to route it out. It’s happening.
We are very fortunate to have the channels we do to provide updates on how the war is going. For some, however, the good news is never good enough; the White Hats can never do enough, or do it to their satisfaction. That’s their problem. I see massive results and therefore I trust The Plan—so far, because I can see it’s working. QAnon engaged their secret weapon: Humanity.
We in the awakened community are largely doing what we can to learn what the reality is, and where possible are taking steps to take our power back—be it personal power, or working to dismantle the cabal’s systems established to harm us. If we all do what we feel guided to do, it will work out just fine. Hopefully some will step outside their comfort zone and experience growth.
I think we, the Patriots, are doing a good job of countering the disinformation and propaganda. Folks take to Twitter and other platforms to blast the lies out of the water, share the reality and support our elected officials who are fighting for us. By election time in America the few idjits remaining won’t be a factor.
In some ways we hate to pull people out of their blissful reverie, but going forward we are going to need the input of the full population of this planet and they have to get up to speed enough to contribute. They can opt in to do the deep dive at the time of their choosing. The military tribunals need to be shown publicly for those who wish to observe and that is one step in the right direction we are seeing.
We are learning a great deal about just how the evil ones were able to control the world and us, and what motivates them. It’s dark, and ugly beyond imagination, but we need to know. We need to be able to recognize the red flags so this can never happen again and so we can stop being victims today.
The White Hats will give us as much truth as we can handle. I hope those who are floundering in the current reality won’t set us all back.
I told the story once of a personal development weekend I attended several years ago where I was partnered with a young lady with a physical handicap. If she had mental handicaps as well they were not apparent prior, but because of her (irrational) fear in the exercise we were doing, I never got to test myself to see if I could complete the task.
There was no danger whatsoever, but we had to stop less than half way through and I didn’t get the opportunity to fail while trying, or to succeed. That memory has come up again for me, so apparently it needs to be recognized and processed.
I don’t want to be hobbled by babysitters or people who are steeped in fear, disgust, agendas, or any other block. We need to forge ahead and reveal all the darkness for those who have a need to know.
I give NO ONE permission to speak for me. The ones overseeing can’t cop out and say, “We’ll tell the Humans this, but not that.” Nope. Sorry. Doesn’t work for me. How many have stated we have to have Full Disclosure, only to change their tune afterward?
The Reps and the hybrid demons did what they did and we deserve to know.
It’s not okay for some to have the knowledge and others not. If we’re going to be space-faring people and interacting with other races of Beings we have the right to know the whole truth about us, our lives (past and present) and what the hell happened here. Why should everyone else in the Universes know except us?
I can’t believe we would be expected to co-habit on a planet where every race of Being knows the truth except the majority of the victims living on the surface.
For one thing, it gives others an unfair advantage, and that has been the problem all along. We were living in a world we didn’t understand because from birth we were told lies about how it worked. They can’t keep us “babies” by holding back unpleasant information. That serves no one—except the perpetrators or those protecting them. FULL DISCLOSURE. Nothing less.
We don’t need anyone telling us they can’t tell us something because it would breach “national security”, or galactic security. I don’t want to hear, “We are not going to talk about this because WE think it’s best for Humanity.” That is a control mechanism and I’ve had enough.
Are we babies? We need to suck it up, folks. What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger, as the saying goes.
Strategically controlling information = manipulation. We have been manipulated far too much. Aren’t we sick of being “managed”?
We have the right to think what we think and feel what we feel based on truth, not partial truths. I don’t subscribe to this control ethic and don’t want to be under anyone’s thumb any more.
I take QAnon at his/their word: “The choice to know will be yours.” We should not settle for anything less than full transparency. Those who need more time can have it.
Once the sensitive nature of this war is past and the information doesn’t need to be so guarded, I expect to be told the truth. There are ways to make it available, and ways to seek the opinion of the ones who understand the situation without appointing spokesmen to guessabout what we desire and deciding on our behalf what’s best for us. We were given free will and without information we can’t exercise it.
We all need to be on an equal playing field to move forward and create a better world than we were born into. Together, unified, and with the leadership we have, we can complete the task. We have every advantage we need and failure is not an option.
When the scourge infecting this planet is removed through our collective efforts, we have everything we need to ensure our civilization does not repeat the mistakes of the past. If the promises made are kept, the power will return to the People and we will not permit others to subjugate us ever again.
Having said that, there have always been positive and negative forces in all organizations. Some with morals and better ethics objected to the way things were going and tried to change it and failed. They underestimated the dark. I wouldn’t be too quick to label someone an enemy simply because they understand, employ or even exploit the rules of engagement. All is fair in love and war and we cannot afford to lose.
If the ones running the show at the moment are getting positive results and respecting my rights as much as possible under wartime conditions, they’re on my side. If they’re controlling and manipulating information and trying to herd people to a desired way of thinking, then they’re not on my side.
While I appreciate what those who were able to improve a nasty situation have done on our behalf, I am not content to let others make all the decisions for us as a whole forever. The time will come when we must assume the responsibility collectively. We will never grow up with others making our decisions for us and overseeing everything. One of the worse shocks is learning you live in a friggin’ fish bowl with off-world Beings watching everything you do. How long are we going to have babysitters?
Most of us can be warriors, and some very powerful ones have enabled us to live to see another day; another year. I’ve never been in the military but I would imagine the best warriors are the ones who understand how the enemy thinks. That’s why they spy.
You have to be able to out-think the enemy to be on the offensive and remain multiple steps ahead of them. You need to keep them so busy responding to YOUR strategies and land mines in defense that they don’t have the time or resources to instigate their own offensive. Keep them re-active, not pro-active.
When you’re ahead of the game you have the luxury of being able to set traps the enemy is going to walk right into, and when your generals are leaving breadcrumbs like, “trolling is fun”—you know they have a distinct advantage. So for now I guess we follow orders and relax and enjoy the show.
Those are my observations and thoughts for this moment in time. Go boldly and triumph over your demons—real or imagined.
Oh and—the truth is the truth. I want it all. Are we clear?  ~ BP

Queen – I Want It All (Lyrics)

Ready for some truth about who infiltrates whose organizations? It’s obvious—or is it?
Thanks, J.

Hillary Clinton “Lost Emails” Topple Feared Terror Leader And Prime Minister In Single Day

We’ve Been Tracking Obama & Based On His Meetings It’s Time to Question If The Ex-President is Running a Shadow Government

Why are the “El-ites” crapping their pants? He’s got it all.
And now the White Hats do, too. Ha!
When you follow the money… we will learn that not all the “good people” were always spotless. There’s dirt on nearly everyone, and some were tricked/drugged and are not pedophiles/pedovores. We don’t need to know what every single individual did—just the collective gist of it.
On the other hand, if we’re going to bury a psychopath permanently—like HRC, Epstein, or Obama—we want it all.

Crisis? What crisis?
President Trump has been read in on everything. EVERYTHING. No “security clearance” has prevented him knowing the truth about anything, in my opinion. They couldn’t expect him to do what he is doing by keeping secrets from him. That would be akin to tying his hands and would doom the mission. Certain disaster, guaranteed.
Q has said they serve at the pleasure of the Commander-In-Chief. Fortunately, some actually honour their military oath.
Donald Trump wouldn’t be as smart as I think he is if he agreed to put his and his family’s lives—Humanity’s survival!—on the line without knowing exactly what he was dealing with.
When he says something is an emergency, a crisis, warrants an Executive Order, is top priority—it’s because it is. If you don’t already know, you’ll find out why later.
And if he says we’re not going to address this issue or that issue right now, it’s not the time, then respect his decision. He knows what’s going on. We don’t. If we did, the enemy would as well, and that’s no way to win a war.

Undocumented Immigrants Assault CBP Officers On Pharr International Bridge Attempting to Enter U.S.

Yesterday we brought you news that Germany is having great difficulties in their hospitals due to migrants. Perhaps this will make it clear why President Trump has made it a mission to keep illegals out.
People have been weaponized. They were paid by the dark forces to destroy our countries and Humanity. They’re evil and they have already transformed Europe. They will do the same to America and Canada if they are left to invade unchecked. This was just an excuse to be violent. Normal Humans don’t do this.

RIOTS IN FRANCE! After Algeria Wins African Cup — Migrants Terrorize Women, Taunt Marine Le Pen, “It Took Us Just 3 Hours!” to Take over Paris (VIDEO)

We can’t have lawless societies. Lawless people continue to prove they will trample the rights of others.

Immigrants on edge over prospect of ICE raids

Presidential material? Hardly.

Kamala Harris’ Horrible Skeletons in the Closet

Fox is still trying to appear “fair and balanced” after being called out as fake news. This is a good update from Gregg Jarrett on a number of points including a briefing on the Mueller debacle which may or may not take place. Plain-speaking Joe DiGenova and his wife/law partner Victoria Toensing enlighten us.

DiGenova, Toensing react to the upcoming Mueller hearing

DAHB0077 has a head on his shoulders. Storm Area 51? “Laughable”, he says. Exactly. Watch for traps, people.

Guy Behind ‘Storm Area 51’ Page Worried About Visit From Feds, PSYOP!

Dave at the X22 report has a long, revealing chat with patriot Dr. Dave Janda.
I feel the same way as Dave. The fake news/lying, treasonous media and trolls are out there every day non-stop, poisoning the world with their version of reality, and so I am out there every day to counter it, and have been for over 7 years.
That’s just the way things have to be right now when you’re a patriot and you care about Humanity and the trajectory this war is going to take. Dave is one of the very best and most reliable sources of information we have and we appreciate his dedication. Dr. Janda continues to bring us a lot of solid information and encouragement as well.

The Shot Heard Around The World Will Unite The People: Dave Janda