woensdag 26 december 2018


Ontvangen per mail, niet vertaald

Dec. 29, 2018

Magical glowing mandala in space fractal with particles computer generated abstract background

3:o0 PM Pacific
4:00 AM Mountain
5:00 AM Central
6:00 PM Eastern


Dial-in: (641) 715-0632
Access code: 554387#

RePlay: (641) 715-0744
Access code: 554387#, Ref 42

International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bzjrainpartners
Online meeting ID: bzjrainpartners
Join the online meeting: 


This very special call is for everyone around the world. Our enlightened and awakened speakers will speak on topics relating to the New Year of 2019 and our Ascension journey! Come join us as we herald in a brighter, more loving, enlightened humanity along with an abundant and prosperous future ahead!

Our presenters are as follows:

1. Peter Sterling - He is an award winning harpist who began playing the harp after angelic encounters in the canyons of Sedona in the early 1990’s. His heart felt and celestial harp music has touched the hearts and souls of people worldwide. Many listeners report beautiful visions, angelic encounters and miraculous healings. On this day, he will play his harp for all of us as he sets the stage of our Ascension Summit.

2. Ted Mahr - Psychic and Medium. He had a near death experience many years ago and today he continues to communicate with many great spirits on the other side including Albert Eisnstein, John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Nostradmus, Mahatma Gandhi, among others.
We will hear from some of these individuals from the "other side" on this call.

3. Michiko Hayashi - She is the former Assistant to Dr. Masaru Emoto and is Director of the Emoto Peace Project. She teaches children and adults how to make this world a better place with love and gratitude. She will share some of her teachings as she will be calling in directly from Japan.

4. Asara Adams - She is a trance-channel for the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light, Archangel and Adama of Telos. She is a Galactic Advisor of Green Companies, Galactic Contact Facilitator. In addition, she is a mentor for Lightworkers, spiritual Entrepreneurs, Healers, Holistic Health Practitoners and many others. Her Goal is to assist Lightworkers to step into an abundant, fulfilling, loving, healthy and purpose-driven life with ease and joy. She has a Free Offer: "Find out who is your Galactic Family of Light".
for you Free Report and User Guide: "Find Out Who is Your Galactic Family of Light".

5. Jared Rand - He is here to assist Gaia and Humanity in their Ascension to a higher sustained vibrational frequency. He humbly offers free very powerful daily meditations to the world. He knew at the age of 3 that he came here from a different Universe to assist on this Ascension journey. He also has a weekly TimeforChangeCall where he discusses the technologies to regenerate the human body during this Ascension journey.

6. Mike Alford - He has been assisting in the awakening of many people through his skills as a Shaman. He offers his abilities to be of service to others in their Ascension. We will hear how a true Shaman can help in one's Ascension process.
Contact - Email: mikealford@telus.net

7. Lynda Jane Selina - Psychic, Medium and Mentor - She is an accomplished teacher, mentor, psychic medium and channeler. She also hosts a variety of readings, healing sessions, energetic clearings and psychic development classes as well as works on an international platform regularly.

8. ZORRA/Billie - Zorra is a trance channeled being through Billie, his child. Both are from the interior of our earth called, Hollow Earth. They have come to be among the surface population to teach and and assist in their spiritual  evolution, awakening and Ascension.

ATTENTION: All Spanish Speaking Brothers and Sisters:

We have been receiving many emails and calls in Spanish and we request that you send your requests or comments to either:
Gabriella - email: gabrielaalgranati@gmail.com

Teresa Santiago - email: teresa_sntg@yahoo.com.
Teresa also has volunteered to oversee and administer the Hollowearth Facebook!

We thank you both very much for helping us connect with our Spanish population!! We appreciate all you do

Contact: bzjrainpartners@gmail.com