Nou eens geen artikel, maar gewoon een boel doorlinks naar artikelen, sites, filmpjes etc. van doktoren en/of medische wetenschappers, die ZEER ERNSTIGE BEDENKINGEN hebben bij vaccins en vaccineren. Vooral het onnadenkend toedienen van vaccins aan kinderen, van wie het immuunsysteem nog volop in ontwikkeling is, is voor bijna alle artsen een heftig punt van controverse. Want wat zien we de laatste decennia? Dat vooral bij kinderen auto-immuunziekten zich razendsnel ontwikkelen. JUIST DOORDAT het immuunsysteem in een zo’n vroeg stadium het er heel heftig van langs krijgt.
Het artikel is heel groot. Ga naar wanttoknow om het te lezen:
Maar het moet goed uitgelegd worden, met de intentie van de nieuwe aarde.
Alles moet vreedzaam zijn en alles ZAL vreedzaam zijn. Je bewapenen kan op verschillende manieren. De belangrijkste is die van je voorbereiden, zoals al verschillende keren is opgegeven.
En mentaal: zorg dat je de juiste informatie kiest.
Trump has been criticized for beefing up the depleted military, and I think we should trust POTUS to work the Plan. We don’t know what it entails, so let’s sit back and enjoy the show. I believe the next act of this theatrical production will show the military stepping into their roles, but we’ll see.
In peace time we won’t need the military for their traditional roles, but it’s not yet peace time. Not quite.
History in the making… as President Donald Trump does what no one before him did. Again.
He broke the mold, and the control freaks can’t stand it.
President Trump and Chairman Kim shake on it in the DMZ in Korea
Developments like that don’t fall out of the sky; they are negotiatedahead of time.
“Rocket Man”… “My button’s bigger”… Theatre. Got it? It was hysterical, and Kim was having a blast. Still is.
The Peace Train has left the station.
It’s all according to The Plan; the Plan that was decades in the making.
The strategy is brilliant, and when Q says this is the “systematic destruction of the old guard” he means systematic.
And when he says, “nothing can stop what is coming”, it’s because The Plan is a well-oiled machine in motion. It’s like a freight train in a tunnel, bearing down on the cabal. If they didn’t already get on the train and join us, or get out of our way, they have nowhere to go and they’ll be smashed to smithereens. Simple physics.
Another factoid I learned from an Abel Danger call with Field and GoodDog is that GD used to be part of “the system”. When he realized the part his role ultimately played in the dark’s machine he left his job, and now he exposes the truth.
When people are compartmentalized, they often can’t see the biggest wheel their individual little cog is turning—and that is the whole idea and why the evil has persisted for so long. Only the upper echelons know the real game. The underlings are unwitting participants much of the time, but if they realize the error of their ways, they can switch sides. Some have.
One more thing: GoodDog questioned Field’s statement about the US, China, and Russia being the big three working together to orchestrate the take-down of the cabal/clowns and to bring peace. GoodDog analyzed the news with respect to the recent activity suggesting there was/is conflict between these nations. It does appear that way.
I agree with Field, however. My take has been that things are not what they seem and you have to read between the lines and go with your intuition if you are not an insider with reliable intel. As I’ve said many times, the alliance will keep the enemy off balance by presenting scenarios that are not what they seem. We just have to trust that; and I do.
If you didn’t listen to Laura Walker’s energetic update on the Patriot Intelligence Report that I shared the other day, it’s mind-blowing and provides much-needed perspective to understand what is unfolding. She speaks of Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping and it’s so relevant.
Laura points out that the Chinese have an astrology panel within their government and they rely on it in their strategic decision-making. Astrology is an important aspect in our world and that is why it has been ridiculed and swept under the carpet in the West and we’re encouraged to consider it entertainment. The controllers want every advantage to keep their power and keep us ignorant.
Laura is a master, in my opinion and just coming into her own in the sense that we are now appreciating her valuable input, despite her contribution beginning years ago. She was a little ahead of her time, as many of us were. Now we’re helping others keep up.
This video presents another interesting angle some anons came up with as well as some other finer points we may be interested in hearing.
The PLAN Being Set In Motion…
One intel update we have follows from Daniel Lee. Thanks, L. Daniel reads a message provided by one of his insiders.
The insider confirms that the DS has fallen for many setups and is almost out of bullets, as Q says.
When they continue to leak disinformation, especially with deadlines and dates, it forces the dark to respond in a way they otherwise wouldn’t; so, the “patriots are in control”. They are able to manipulate the clowns. Oddly enough, the clowns never seem to learn.
The main discussion centers around Ruth Bader Ginsberg, however, confirming our assumption she left this world long ago, which is why we saw that RIP on the news that was quickly denied as an error. You don’t prepare an obit before it’s time.
Navy Intel: Deep State, RBG & 4th of July DC Event
The Miracles and Inspiration Intel Call with Scott Mowry takes place tonight at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm EDT. Same numbers as previous weeks.
Italian police have arrested 18 people including a mayor, doctors and social workers for allegedly brainwashing vulnerable children into thinking their parents had abused them so they could then be sold to foster parents.
To brainwash the children, those arrested allegedly forged child-like drawings with sexual connotations and used electroshock therapy as a “little memory machine” to create fake abuse memories, while the therapists are accused of dressing up as “wicked” children’s story characters.
used electroshock therapy as a “little memory machine” to create fake abuse memories
First of all, how can they use the terms”electroshock” and “therapy” in the same sentence? Second, they can CREATE “memories”, folks. That means they’re NOT memories. It never happened.
They have been doing this a long time in various situations, so next time you hear a fantastic story from an “insider” who says they were in space, on another planet, fought reptilians on Saturn, or were in a “twenty and back” program in the Secret Space Program, take it with a grain of salt. They may believe it, but it doesn’t make it so. They just might be a tool used to deceive; an SS asset from the NAZI hijacked US air force and on their payroll.
These people and their programmed, psychopathic bots have to go. July 6… we’ll see what happens. Does America get that the “Antifacists” are the fascists?
What you see... is like the top of an anthill that stretches miles below the earth. - Patience. - I gave you explicit time frames for the arrests you are hunting, Patriots. Blunt & Direct. Not until JA testifies, post investigations.
What you see... is like the top of an anthill that stretches miles below the earth. - Patience. - I gave you explicit time frames for the arrests you are hunting, Patriots. Blunt & Direct. Not until JA testifies, post investigations.
If President Trump is to complete another 4-year term—and he will—we would do well to listen to his family because I believe they will be playing bigger and more prominent roles in two years. Eric Trump hasn’t been nearly as outspoken publicly as his elder brother, Don, but he is part of the inner circle, no question. They are all in the public eye and set the tone for America, moving forward.
Eric Trump sounds off on Dems in exclusive interview with Judge Jeanine
Slechts zes van de honderden meldingen die er zijn gedaan over fysiek, seksueel en psychisch geweld in de Jeugdzorg, kunnen resulteren in een aangifte.
Dat meldt Trouwmaandag op basis van cijfers die zij heeft opgevraagd bij het Openbaar Ministerie (OM).
Van de ongeveer duizend meldingen zijn veruit de meeste zaken verjaard, zo meldt de krant.
De commissie-De Winter opende een meldpunt voor slachtoffers tijdens een onderzoek naar seksueel, fysiek en psychisch geweld in de jeugdzorg sinds 1945. Bij dit meldpunt kwamen er in totaal honderden meldingen binnen.
Christiaan Ruppert, van de commissie-De Winter zegt in gesprek met Trouw: :"Het is een magere oogst." "Veel zaken waren allang verjaard. De zaken die nu in aanmerking komen voor aangifte, zijn dus maximaal twintig jaar oud."
Volgens Trouw kan noch het OM, noch de commissie-De Winter inhoudelijk iets zeggen over de meldingen. Ruppert trekt volgens de krant wel in twijfel of de mensen die aangifte kunnen doen, dit ook daadwerkelijk doen.
“Mensen kunnen het te belastend vinden. Het is een heel ingewikkelde procedure. Er komt eerst een gesprek bij de politie, daarna bij het OM. Alles wordt weer opgerakeld. En geweld is moeilijk te bewijzen, zeker zo veel jaar later nog. Dat wringt," aldus Ruppert tegen Trouw.