dinsdag 25 juni 2019

Een deel vertaald van Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of June 25 2019

Waarschijnlijk van Q: "We staan aan de vooravond van de onafhankelijkheid - het is alles of niets. Als je de dobbelstenen wilt laden, kun je een Q aannemen. Dit is het moment om op te staan en geteld te worden, ervan uitgaande dat je het idee leuk vindt om eindelijk onafhankelijk te zijn. Het feest is al gepland. Maak je op voor het vuurwerk. En dan is er de 4 juli. "

WAARSCHUWING: Bronnen zijn stil gebleven toen president Trump het Washington DC-moeras droog legde en we vertrokken voor een aftelling van de tien dagen tot 4 juli. Op elk moment kon een zachte krijgswet worden ingevoerd. De aandelenmarkt stond op het punt te crashen tijdens een internetstoring en er werden massale arrestaties doorgevoerd die gericht waren op een aanzienlijk aantal leden van de Mainstream Media.

Omdat ze niet wisten wat de Cabal had gepland voor vergelding, werd geadviseerd om, als het enigszins mogelijk was, thuis te zijn, veilig te zijn, je telefoon opgeladen te houden en voldoende water, voedsel en noodvoorraden voor jezelf en anderen te hebben. Trump's Emergency Broadcast System zou zijn manier van communiceren met de massa zijn.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of June 25 2019

Compiled 25 June 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: the biography of Jenny Hill.” As a six year-old, Jenny was tortured by a Satanic coven under the direction of a CIA Operative, forced to witness a child sacrifice and save for divine intervention, was almost killed herself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4 The CIA/Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult: http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/pages/243/590/stories.html

Source: Dinar Chronicles

Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research, Charles who corrects me with great understanding of the written word and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

In the near future this will come to be and I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts. I look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the RV where together we can change the world. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy 

Judy Note: Today Mon. June 24 MarkZ reported that folks in Reno said that Tier 4A was supposed to finish today Mon. June 24, while both MarkZ and Tony said that Tier 4B (the Internet Group, us) could happen at any moment and would certainly go by tomorrow afternoon Tues. June 25.

There were reports from all over the globe that said that people in foreign countries have been exchanging today Mon. June 24. Banks have been instructed to stop selling currencies 1-2 hours before the RV happened.

You would need to go through an 800 number to obtain an appointment at an Exchange Center in order to get a Contract Rate and to redeem Zim. Banks were not giving out those higher rates and were not redeeming Zim.

Although on Sat. June 22 the reset was stopped in the US (believed done to catch more members of the Cabal redeeming Zim that was not theirs), a few Whales and those under them in Reno and Zurich were reported to have received more funds. Rumor was that the Iraqi Dinar went live this afternoon Mon. June 24.

Be aware that as we were all supposed to go at once no one in the US who has redeemed or exchanged has gone completely liquid and likely won’t until the trigger was pulled.

Believed to be from Q: “We are on the eve of Independence – it’s all or nothing. If you'd care to load the dice, you could adopt a Q. This is the time to stand up and be counted, assuming that you like the idea of finally being independent. The party has already been scheduled. Get ready for the fireworks. And then there's the 4th of July.”

WARNING: Sources have gone silent as President Trump drained the Washington DC Swamp and we headed in for a ten day countdown to July 4. At any time a soft Martial Law could be put in place. The Stock Market was about to crash during an Internet outage and Mass Arrests continued that included targeting a significant amount of members of the Mainstream Media.

Not knowing what the Cabal had planned for retaliation, it was advised that if at all possible, be home, be safe, keep your phone charged and have sufficient water, food and emergency supplies for yourself and others. Trump’s Emergency Broadcast System would be his means of communication with the masses.

Bron: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2019/06/restored-republic-via-gcr-as-of-june-25.html