donderdag 24 oktober 2019

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Reptilian Nictitating Eye Membrane Caught On Camera!!

Hillary Clinton Reptilian Nictitating Eye Membrane Caught On Camera!!

Nictitating membrane

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The nictitating membrane of a masked lapwing as it closes over the left eye, originating from the medial canthus
The nictitating membrane (from Latin nictare, to blink) is a transparent or translucent third eyelid present in some animals that can be drawn across the eye from the medial canthus for protection and to moisten it while maintaining vision. Some reptiles, birds, and sharks have full nictitating membranes; in many mammals, a small, vestigial portion of the membrane remains in the corner of the eye. Some mammals, such as catscamelspolar bearsseals and aardvarks, have full nictitating membranes. Often called a third eyelid or haw, it may be referred to in scientific terminology as the plica semilunarismembrana nictitans, or palpebra tertia.