vrijdag 4 oktober 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Headlines and Updates for October 4, 2019: The Hidden Hand Exposed [videos]

What open-minded, critical thinkers should be realizing after the sensationalistic revelations in America of late, is that there are powers and people who have been running the show for a long time according to their own agenda while making it appear it’s a democratic system.
They’re learning that ruthless players have been pulling the strings, assassinating those who get in their way, and rigging elections while convincing the public that they had a choice and their voices mattered.
The evil elements at the core of those controlling factions have been poking through and we’ve had ample glimpses of the corruption and lack of ethics and moral standards one would expect from those running their country and representing us in the halls of justice.
Their world began to crumble when Donald Trump was duly elected by the People in 2016. Because the power players had always ensured through covert means their own choices would win elections, it never entered their minds that Hillary Clinton would not win.
That was evident as the press and talk show hosts and guests on their corrupt, propaganda media denied that there was any chance Donald Trump could win the election. They laughed at the mere suggestion. It was absurd to entertain such a thing.
Now they’re crying. President Trump and his administration of White Hat patriots have undone much of what the globalists strove to bring about for decades. Their machinations virtually dissolved over night and their illegal charities, slush funds, offshore accounts and rat lines all but dried up.
We can taste their hatred for the man who brought their world tumbling down. It’s visceral. They still believe they can pull a rabbit out of a hat, despite the world having a bird’s eye view of their lies and corruption. They still think they can conjure up their demons to either assassinate or somehow remove their arch enemy from office. Little do they know how protected he is.
Trump was accurate when he called it a “horror show”. It’s incredibly hard to watch when you understand the reality and see it all played out for the benefit of showing those who don’t yet realize it that an evil, corrupt, global cabal of greedy entities have been stealing from, subjugating, and manipulating the people on our planet for eons.
They live in unimaginable luxury and freedom while their serfs toil day in and day out and still can’t make ends meet. They decide when the stock market will crash, the price of gold and silver, and when economic depressions will occur. They manipulate LIBOR rates, mess with derivatives, and determine when a housing bubble will occur and when the banks will seize peoples’ homes.
Nothing that happens on this planet is an accident. The world is literally run by satan-worshipping banksters and gangsters.
The streets are clogged with homeless people and suffering veterans who often die before they get treatment at a hospital designed to heal them while the hospital executives enjoy outrageous bonuses.
Children are starving, and our doctors hand out prescriptions for toxic pharmaceuticals like they’re candy, adding to the problems. People forced to enter the health care system can’t afford the astronomical costs of treatment and are often bankrupted by that very system they believed would help them—and die in abject poverty.
This is not the way our Creator intended us to live, nor is it the natural evolution or decay of a civilization. It’s the globalist plan. They have supported and destroyed civilizations in the past.
The bureaucrats are bound and determined to convince the People of America to give up their guns—their sole defense remaining against the thugs who were trained to ultimately round them up and incarcerate them. The People don’t understand the end game was to destroy America and eliminate most of Humanity—and that is no exaggeration.
Donald Trump ruined all their plans; their livelihood, and put an expiration date on their future. The whole world has positive factions within each country now who are working with Trump, his military, and administration to route out the vermin across the planet and return the power and wealth to the People.
It’s no wonder the Democrats hate him. They hate him so much they have to scheme to take him down one way or another or they will be destroyed. Their predatory habits are too disgusting to get into in this general article and they cannot afford to be exposed lest the pitchforks and torches find their way to the mansions and castles of the monsters who have preyed on Humanity for so long.
They are creating the most lurid spectacle politics has ever seen and they are so incensed they don’t seem to realize they are exposing themselves for the heinous creatures they are.
It’s like a multi-car wreck on a highway. It’s so gruesome we don’t want to look but we just can’t avoid a few furtive glances before we tear our gaze away.
It’s not “just politics”. It’s history in the making. It’s the Great Awakening, as the People of Earth have their eyes pried open and are forced to see reality for the first time.
The People have to see that they are being railroaded on every front; told what they can say and who to worship at church. The globalists have been trying to control every aspect of life on our planet for many generations.
They have to see that there is a two-tiered justice system; one for them—the ones who believe they are “elite”, and one for We, the People. They can rob, cheat, steal, lie and confiscate our property and our children, and they throw our youth in jail for having a little weed.
How far does it have to go before the People wake up and realize just how extreme and intolerable life has become?
How long can they hide their collective head under the covers and wish it away?
How bloody does this civil war for the survival of Humanity have to get before the everyday Joe can see what they have been doing all along?
How long can the American people fail to see that in addition to multiple, untold assassination attempts on Trump’s life, the psychotic deep state, globalist, New World Order is in the process of a full-blown coup d’état in the guise of “impeachment”?
As one of the White Hats pointed out, it’s not an impeachment they’re after because that connotates a legal procedure and there is nothing legal about what they’re doing. It’s treason, but the American public doesn’t realize that.
Obviously, the problem has been that the dark forces control nearly all the big media companies. They made sure of that, and anything that the big networks don’t say, never happened for most of the somnambulent public.
Fortunately, positive, patriotic members of the US military stepped up to support the eradication of the infestation of evil on our planet. They brought us QAnon, and a few guiding lights who facilitate the process in the background to help us make sense of what we’re seeing and hearing.
We, the “digital soldiers” began using the Internet to counter their lies and propaganda, but because the Silicon Valley big tech giants like Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter controlled and police the material, even that has been compromised and it’s a lot more difficult to find the truth than it was.
We citizen journalists are the ones the snoozers refer to as “conspiracy theorists”. We don’t care, because we know the conspiracies aren’t theories—they’re facts supported by history and volumes of information as well as whistleblowers and insiders, and there are too many facets to the conspiracies to measure.
It’s one hot mess and we do our best to dispel the myths, expose the smear campaigns, and bring the Light of Truth to those ready to listen. It’s our contribution to the Information War; the invisible Second American Revolution that is actually a global war for survival.
Because the legacy media is tightly controlled by the globalists, most Americans probably don’t realize that all over the world people just like them are rising up and opposing the tyranny. There are protests and violence everywhere from the Yellow Vest movement that began in France to the peaceful farmer uprising in Holland to the riots in Iraq.
Some members of the American population who recognized problems brewing held rallies to bring awareness to specific issues like the horrendous numbers of abortions but the globalists had an antidote for that; ANTIFA. They sicced their violent, abusive thugs on unsuspecting people and made it dangerous to speak their mind on the streets. Free speech was rapidly becoming a sovereign right quashed by the control freaks.
Even people who made the most innocent display of their beliefs and choices and wore a Trump ball cap were accosted in multiple locations in America. Are the people walking the streets and attacking us because they don’t agree with us even Human? One has to wonder, because they behave like trained animals.
The globalists want to pit us all against each other due to religion, skin colour, political preferences, and any topic they can get us to disagree on, while they spawn war in any country possible under false pretenses.
We’re all sick of war and sacrificing our loved ones for concocted lies about nuclear capability and terrorist events. It’s time for peace on Earth.
As this nightmare unfolds, many aspects of life are improving behind the scenes. It will take time to demolish a world meant to destroy a race of people and rebuild; to eliminate every vestige of the evil lurking in every crevice and in places we can’t see and most don’t even know exist. It will take years. If we’re lucky, perhaps “four more years”. But probably longer.
It is fascinating to watch this history in the making. When the story is told in its entirety it will be stunning; the best movie ever, for those who stayed in their seats and resisted the urge to gag and leave the theatre.
The intensity is so palpable I’ve never had such an appreciation for “intermission” when we have a cartoon or two to break the tension and intensity of the drama; this epic drama—the battle for Planet Earth.
The war is becoming more visible each day, and we hope Humanity will rapidly wake up to the reality and participate, because they’re missing a hell of a show and we need all hands on deck to finish what John Fitzgerald Kennedy began decades ago, and died for.
Fortunately, this is a peaceful revolution. That’s not to say there is no carnage, no blood, no collateral damage; there is, but it’s minimized and under control, and because we are informed we can remain calm and see it through to completion.
That completes my monologue, but you may wish to read more at this article, from which an excerpt follows. Use your personal discretion, as always, and take it for what it is; an exposé.  Thanks, J.   ~ BP
(I would have broken it up, but it’s all one sentence.) 
Standing nearly alone against this godless socialist threat to his nation’s Christian peoples, this report concludes, is President Donald Trump—who is presently battling against a coup attempt to overthrow him masquerading as impeachment—a coup plot that now sees these socialists calling for Vice President Mike Pence to be impeached, too—which would then lead to socialist Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi being declared President—who in turn would appoint Hillary Clinton to be her Vice President—after which Pelosi would resign thus making Clinton the President—a fetid dream these socialist have had since 2017 when the unveiled their masterplan titled “It’s Not Too Late To Make Hillary Clinton President—Here’s How”—but in order to accomplish sees them pitted against a Trump who today is celebrating the revelation that the whistleblower sent to destroy him was secretly meeting with lying socialist House Intel Chair Adam Schiff—as well as these socialists being in fear because Trump’s approval ratings keep rising—a rise no doubt spurred by everyone knowing that Trump impeachment hearing would be must-see TVand a ratings boon—where these socialist Democrats and their leftist mainstream media lapdogs would no longer be able to hide and distort the truth from the American people—and whose script for master showman Trump to use has already been written and titled “The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump”.

From Sean Hannity of Fox News… who says,
Release Every Transcript of Joe Biden’s Phone Calls with Ukraine
…we have a poll that might indicate to some degree where the general public mindset and awareness are at this moment.

Fiasco on Capitol Hill

Was the Mueller Testimony Necessary?

 Not bad, eh?
I thought the response Trump got at from the Hispanic community encouraging, since the left like to claim Trump is a racist and the Hispanic people should be afraid of him because they’ll be deported.
In reality, the Hispanic citizens are just like the rest of us: they don’t want illegal aliens breaking into the country, committing crimes and violent acts, taking their jobs, gun running, trafficking Humans, and bringing in illicit, lethal drugs. They want Trump to protect them and drain the swamp, and they trust him to do just that.

Dems Worst Nightmare Comes TRUE After Hearing These Hispanic Voters Hootin’ and Hollarin’

Dave’s X22 Report overview of the latest developments is excellent, as always.

The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] – Episode 1987b

We have two “cartoons” for intermission. Really good ones. Exaggeration is very effective.
When we present extreme circumstances, it makes it difficult to miss the point. And that’s the point.
I see 26 people at last count gave this quick burn a thumbs down. Good grief. Maybe they’re having a bad day.
More on the AOC / climate change stunt here.  ~ BP

A Quick Burn – A Modest Proposal – IPOT Presents – 10.4.19