donderdag 10 oktober 2019

NIET VERTAALD. O.A.: Harvard Medical School Professors Uncover A Hard To Swallow Truth About Vaccines

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The top story below is one that doesn't have to be so focused on blame and hatred, as much as it is about realizing what happens in government and in elite circles.

The vaccine coverup is a huge one, and for years there was a stranglehold on the narrative... but thanks to independent media and critical thinkers, that stranglehold is no more.

Now, the truth is coming forth, and it is a catalyst for an awakening that goes far beyond just vaccine truth... this will stretch into questioning everything about our society.
A 2010 HHS pilot study by the Federal Agency for Health Care Research (AHCR) found that 1 in every 39 vaccines causes injury, a shocking comparison to the claims from the CDC of 1 in every million.

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Neuroscience Reveals How A 50-Year-Old Can Have The Brain Of A 25-Year-Old

The CE Protocol has a key final step, Living in Alignment. In that step there is a focus on meditation, presence and creating greater self awareness. It's through this, that we can reach the true potential of who we are... and neuroscience support this truth.

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Gardasil Vaccine Found To Increase Cervical Cancer Risk By 44.6% In Women Already Exposed To HPV

Some very important facts coming forward here. Our colleague Robert Kennedy Jr, along with others, has been a huge voice in delivering these truths to help inform people so they can make informed decisions about vaccinating.

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Devonshire, UK Halts The Installation of 5G Over Serious Health Concerns

A great news story here! 5G halted in yet another city! As awareness and journalism continue to grow on this topic, more are mobilized and great things have been happening! This is a big step!

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Hurricane Dorian Relief Worker Captures Multiple ‘UFOs’ On Video & Posts It On Youtube

A recent video of multiple 'UFOs' has been getting a lot of attention as it circles around the internet. The video was captured at sea by a Hurricane Dorian relief worker.

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Vaccine-Injured Teen Heals From Severe Symptoms After Detox Diet & Herbal Formula

Another inspiring story here! Reversal of heavy metal poisoning in a unique way. This story should have been huge in the mainstream. We just recently came across it!

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Peace & Enjoy The Day!

Joe Martino
Founder, Collective Evolution