dinsdag 16 juli 2019

NIET VERTAALD: China Lake, California: Satan’s Little Shop of Horrors [videos]

When Q says they are “saving Humanity”—they are not being flip or arrogant. It’s the brutal truth—and in the nick of time.
After listening to Linda Paris and Thomas at TRUReporting, you will see the reality. They will tell you what we’ve discovered about the US Naval facility recently destroyed in California.
As we have relayed before, the American military wasn’t really the US military until Q and Donald Trump took control. The rogue military factions reported to the Rothschilds—at least the upper echelons did. The rank and file weren’t told what was going on; they were compartmentalized and deployed to do as they were told.
The full story on what the controllers have been doing in the DUMBs has to come out—just as the Epstein story is coming out.
China Lake is so beyond pedophilia. The way they treated Humans is appalling, disturbing, horrific, unbelievable, cruel, criminal, and every other negative word you can think of.
I’ve run out of adjectives as the material exposed in the past couple of days has been “new” information, for sure. It’s “un-Human”, because the creatures that do this are not Human.
It sounds like the barbarians literally created armies of weaponized Humans in those secret areas that they could activate at any time to do their bidding and we would be none the wiser; programmed sleeper cells everywhere just waiting to be switched on.
If you haven’t yet watched the GoodDog video I shared earlier today you will not want to miss it. I don’t recall any of our alt news people telling us that abominable news in 2015 or since about China and the intended fate of America. The sub-marine aspect was just an appetizer. The truth is jaw dropping when you realize how close America came to using those hundreds of thousands of grave liners. No one dared tell us what the plan was.
Oh—forgot to add that GoodDog reports a US flag flying at Little Saint James Island for the first time ever, and there’s a faint “Q” in the soil near the temple. Asset seized!
Kudos to Thomas and Linda for following the leads, and don’t expect China Lake to be unique. These Deep Underground Military Bases are all over the planet, including under water and various shocking practices are typical—or at least were at one time. Some have been destroyed.
Linda and Thomas are going to do a show together on China Lake shortly.
First, the shorter, lighter news from TRUreporting.

China Lake California Earthquake: The Mystery Is Unfolding

Linda Paris goes very deep into a document written about the China Lake facility in 2007, I believe it was. Don’t watch these videos before bed, would be my cautionary advice. It’s so dark.