zondag 14 juli 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Stunning SerialBrain2 Decodes Brought to Life by ‘And We Know’ Videos + Miracles & Inspiration Intel Call Tonight [video]

It’s Just a Test

If you didn’t yet have a boo at those SerialBrain2 decodes I shared yesterday and the video from And We Know, you need to do that. Not now—but right now.
The decodes are astounding. You may recall a day or two ago I provided a summary of what Juan O Savin revealed at the end of an Abel Danger call. He said the first thing they do is take control of the AIRPORTS so the enemy can no longer engage us. President Trump, in his July 4th speech said “airports”. I told you it wasn’t an error, and it wasn’t.
Did you think he’s an idiot for saying we have the cleanest air in the world? Don’t you get it? “The Patriots are in control.”
Don’t fret. When the President says odd things, at the very least make a mental note to wait for the revelation about that. It’s coming. The President is speaking to us. Are you listening?
SerialBrain2 told us in his latest decode—if you clicked all the links—that they have taken control of the chemtrail planes. Not only are they no longer spraying toxins, they are furnishing us with positive aerosols instead.
Read it here.
Everyone freaks out over chemtrails so if you’re truly concerned, you need to pay attention to this. When we see chemtrails now… it’s a GOOD thing. Thank President Trump and the Q team—and the US Military.
Now you know why the President has been paying so much attention to the military and beefing it up. IT’S NECESSARY to execute the Plan!
It’s really annoying to hear people complaining about how the President shouldn’t be spending that way, or glorifying the military, or having tanks and flyovers. Get over yourself. I’m out of patience with people dissing the President and second guessing him and doubting QAnon. They’re tight, and they’ve basically given up a nice, easy life for us; for this cause; for this movement—for the PLANET. So many of us have sacrificed a lot to do this work. When you’re committed it takes over. It takes priority.
The Plan is unfolding as it needs to unfold and wasting breath criticizing the President’s words and actions shows the speaker/writer doesn’t know what’s going on—or thinks they know better. OR, they’re the opposition.
Here is the new video (Part 2) from And We Know just uploaded that goes over more of that information. As LT pointed out, however, there is too much info in that post to squeeze into short videos so we would need to read SB2’s decode posts for the full story. This one takes awhile, but it’s worth it. We really appreciate these highlight versions from LT, and thank goodness for SB2!

Post # 179 – The Explosive Message Trump Coded in his Speech on Independence Day.

#SerialBrain2 – Winning: Trump now controls the chemtrails! (Pt.2)

Below is what you need to listen to Scott Mowry’s ‘Miracles & Inspiration’ intel call tonight, 6 pm Pacific/9 EDT.
Scott does a great job of connecting dots, interpreting intel, passing on decodes, and as a former military guy from a military family, he has contacts in the Pentagon. as well as other sources. He aims to pass on good info and his calls are always interesting and uplifting.
If you’ve been too busy or for any reason unable to take in the audios and videos from the alt media this week, Scott will bring you up to speed.  ~ BP

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday night Conference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.  
What a month it has been so far in July 2019! We had warned you this month was going to be intense and it is proven to be so, and then some. 
• For this upcoming call, we will cover the latest fall-out from the arrest of Jefferey Epstein, who represents the single biggest sealed indictment yet to become opened. Jeffrey Epstein will lead to numerous other high-profile arrests due to his direct connections to the Clintons, the Rothschilds, Hollywood, the UK Royal Family and many, many others. Watch for other dominoes to begin to fall very soon. 
• We are also on the verge of witnessing the entire coup against the President of the United States exposed, including the involvement of the United Kingdom and several other foreign nations. The recent resignation of the Ambassador of the UK is just the first shoe to drop. 
• Meanwhile, the Democratic Party — which has been exposed by President Trump and the White Hats as nothing less than treasonous and seditious to the American people — is basically self-destructing before our very eyes. Never before in American history have we witnessed a political party this subversive.  
However, it appears as though the Democrats downfall is all part of a very well-coordinated and highly sophisticated operation by the White Hats to take back the American Constitutional Republic. Trust the Plan!
• And “Q” has now returned with a vengeance beginning on July 8 and has been posting some devastating new drops at a furious pace. “Q” has now provided us with a timeline and a road map moving forward into the month of August. We will examine these new “Q” drops with detail.  
Once again, this will be another very important upcoming conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!
Our conference call line is:
Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598
Replay Number: 712-770-5402
Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again (available until the next call is added to the archive the following Sunday)
We greatly appreciate your donations which directly support our work and you can do so through PayPal by clicking on this link: http://www.miraclesandinspiration.com/donate.html