zaterdag 20 juli 2019

NIET VERTAALD EN NIET GEPLAATST: Headlines and Updates for July 18, 2019: The Q Army is Unified and Validated [videos]

Hope you had a good “Q Day” yesterday. How can you question that one? The beautiful “Q Baby” will go down in the annals of Q-dom. A real Q-D-Pi in his home-made outfit. Thanks for the meme, R.
For those not sure why this is a solid, irrefutable proof that Q is real and validated by the President, the “Q” was only on the baby’s back, where Trump couldn’t see it, so he had to know about the plan and had agreed to give the Patriots this gift. He went on and on about this beautiful baby and you couldn’t possibly have missed the cue. (but perhaps the Q, as I did) I knew he was up to something though.
Thank you, President Trump. Some people are just so afraid of being tricked they ignored all the proofs and the logic showing us that Q could not be a trick or a LARP. General Flynn gave a powerful clue in his speech.
July 17th… the day JFK Jr.’s plane went down, (so we’re told) and 17 is Q-day, obviously, as the 17th letter of the alphabet, and that confirmation at the rally is unarguably the best Q proof yet that I’ve seen.
QAnon and the team are a force to be reckoned with, and the trolls have swooped in to the blog again after a long hiatus so be on the lookout. They often pose as “doctors” to give them an air of authority. I’m sure they get tired of being puppets.
July has been quite a month already. Does the Great Awakening get any better than this? We’ll see.
Here’s a new Q drop; and in light of this information, what can we expect to see in America in 2020? Hopefully Google/YT will be hobbled and reined in by then. One way or another, they will no longer have the power to influence elections. President Trump will be re-elected fair and square.
The rallies are a great dipstick for the President and the Q Team to gauge the readiness of the public to accept and understand what is coming in The Plan.
I noticed the response from the crowd was louder than past rallies at a couple of key times, as mentioned by the commentators at Right Side Broadcasting. The patriots are NOT fond of AOC and Omar. A new chant emerged: “Send her back!” Fascinating times we are experiencing.
What is obvious is that “optics” as Q calls them, are all-important. To pull off this mission, the White Hats have to manage the population of the planet that is unaware of what is going on. The reality doesn’t matter. What matters is the “illusion”. The public’s perception of America, their president and their military is what matters right now.
The objectives are many and all-encompassing. The job is huge and can only be tackled in small chunks. The Q Team is executing the plan, and many people have information and intel from various portions but they are not privy to The Plan. The White Hats will handle this as they see fit and are delivering.
They have done an admirable job of connecting with the patriots, gently waking them up, engaging the general population with rallies and keeping promises and improvements to the economy with facts and figures and the manipulation of the Fed.
President Trump has had some interesting chats with international leaders. I bet the ones with Xi Jinping have been challenging. If the Chinese plan we heard for America is valid, he would have to assure them that the Chinese people will get what they want and need before too long and that the best scenario for us all is to get along and share the planet as best we can until things change. No one is going to annihilate America.
What is really going on behind the scenes is irrelevant to the public version of what is happening. The hidden aspects will get sorted out. What matters is stopping, exposing, and incarcerating the pedophiles/pedovores and preventing a financial collapse in America. If America goes down, the world goes down. We’ve stated this before.
With respect to President Trump’s speech on July 4th…
To continue The Plan, President Trump must return to office in 2020, so there are 3 main objectives, and in the background the military is taking down the enemy so they can no longer harm Humanity. We are given
The situation for us, in the awakened community, is not the same for the bulk of the world. There are two realities, and trying to drag the hidden part out into the open before the White Hats are ready to address it is not going to work.
For now, the Truth/Reality on this planet is what the Q Team and President Trump say it is. The realities we understand are coming out into the public sphere more and more. It’s changing, but you can only deliver so much Truth at once or people will shut down in fear.
Dire warnings issued to the masses would mean chaos. Unless something changes drastically for the worse, I believe we are in good hands, and that’s my two cents.  ~ BP
Looks like the Team is fortifying the comms. Shields up!
done, thank you for the direction
Thank you for your continued service, BO.
It is greatly appreciated.

I noticed this update from GoodDog which tells us that the dark is intent and doubling down on preventing the truth from being told. The censorship is off the charts and they’re not even trying to hide it at this point. GoodDog is a good guy to follow, has great connections, and does fantastic research.
For those who want to watch tonight’s show: YouTube scrambled the first hour. It’s now being re-encoded & will be uploaded tomorrow.

A big thanks to the crew for the links and info. I just can’t get to it all these days. The activity has amped up significantly and I surf the heavens to get a bird’s eye view—the Big Picture—of a variety of things unfolding in our little Petri dish. My individual efforts are woefully inadequate, but as a team, we can cover a lot more. By now you know to always check the comments for good stuff.
I like this lady. She acts like a sane, sensible, lady. So refreshing. So calm. So Human, with grace and wisdom. She’s in a different orbit than the Squad, with wonderful energy. Good luck to Scherie Murray.

AOC gets new 2020 challenger: A Republican immigrant from Jamaica

Good news, Canada! Frank Vaughan is running in the federal election in October for the People’s Party in the Peterborough area riding.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Patriot Love – My Decision To Run In The 2019 Federal Election

Billy Joyce tells us the freakazoids and treasonous media in Canada have been attacking Maxime Bernier, who left the Conservative party because he said they were “too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed”. Joyce likens the situation to the relentless attacks on President Trump.
The lib-tards in Canada believe it’s okay to photograph politicians with Muslim characters who publish tips on how to beat your wife—which isn’t “domestic violence”, don’t you know. You can’t make this up, folks. It’s okay to hit your wife if she’s arrogant, according to Allah. These people are sick.
Forbes magazine said Sharia Law is incompatible with Canadian culture. Right on, Forbes. It’s a great video.
It’s disgusting what’s going on in Canada. Hold fast, patriots. The People have to make their big moves in October. Stay woke and don’t back down. REAL people are stepping up as candidates in the People’s Party this time around. Hey, ho, Turdeau must go. (to prison)

Media smears & ANTIFA Threatens #Bernier and #PeoplesPartyOfCanada ! Authorities do NOTHING !

Billy Joyce
Published on Jul 17, 2019
CANADA’S RED PILL – July 17th 2019 : #MadMax #MaximeBernier – Just as #DonaldTrump was the victim of smear campaigns throughout his entire Presidential run and now his #Presidency , #MadMax #Bernier is taking it on the chin and keeps moving forward despite these #HalfTruths , #Disinformation and #Misinformation being spread about him #TimeStamps tell the whole tale!!

As BCP sees the present deep state strategy…


The legwork has already been done, possums. The ducks were in a row, all resources in place, and arrests are ongoing. Kip Simpson covers it.

2 Arrests Made After FBI Raid in Corruption Case Linked to Democrat Party

LT uploaded his latest video accompaniment for SerialBrain2’s “chemtrails” Part 2 decode. I tacked it onto the dedicated SerialBrain2 post from yesterday but not until today.
I knew the osprey could shift the props but I didn’t realize it was such a “transformer” type of craft so the video SB shared was very cool to see.

SerialBrain2: Trump confirms he took control of the chemtrails and reveals more!

Stupid people do stupid things, and stupid people need to use their time more productively lest they stay stupid.

There is a lot of info I want to check out so I’m going to let this one go live, and leave you with this. As you were.  ~ BP