zaterdag 20 juli 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Pedophilia, Corruption, Mind Control & Quotas Driving the Systemic Destruction of Human Society [videos]

This article isn’t limited to the pedophilia/pedogate problem, because you can’t isolate any of our issues; they are linked and systemic. It’s all lumped under the Human Trafficking banner.
The controllers set up our corporate structures federally and state-wide to serve their psychopathic and greedy monetary needs.
Jim White at Northwest Liberty News has honed in on medical kidnapping style child abductions recently and the stories from mostly women about how Child Protective Services (CPS), law enforcement, and the courts literally stole their children from them are shocking to any sane person.
For example:

Bombshell Report: Medically Kidnapped Child, and Their CPS Records, Goes Missing!

He also scheduled an interview with Catherine (sp?) Hall a few weeks ago that didn’t happen because she was friends with Arkansas congresswoman Linda Collins-Smith who died suddenly under mysterious circumstances when she was following leads with CPS. Police told her not to speak with anyone at that time when the death occurred. He will be interviewing her later today, and he will be following up with others in another interview tomorrow, if possible, for updates.
I have listened to some of the broadcasts and it’s clear that there is a system in place to procure children for nefarious purposes. It has nothing to do with protecting or caring for a child. In some cases CPS didn’t even take the child’s medical treatments used on a daily basis. The mother was not told where the child was and had no idea if they were alright. She was helpless to do anything. That is the ultimate torture for a loving parent railroaded into courts devised to separate them from their child no matter what they said or did.
How can this happen? “They’re all in on it.”
We rant and rail about why doesn’t someone do something about this outrageous activity but it is important to know that some people have tried. Some have tried very hard, but not enough people had the clout or the full understanding of the problem to the extent it would require to make a dent. It was far bigger than most local folks knew or ever suspected.
We are seeing progress now. President Trump has greatly defunded Planned Parenthood because they were not about family planning they were about the procurement of babies, to be sold as aborted body parts, in individual pieces. It’s disgusting and outrageous but because so much of the corporate structure in America is run by psychopaths with inhuman needs, it has grown out of control since the advent of the Internet which facilitated the sourcing, buying and selling.
Trump’s Executive Order has stated the US government is going after pedophiles and human traffickers; that their assets will be seized; their bank accounts frozen. We are making headway and we can’t turn our eyes away any longer.
Two guests July 18th on Abel Danger Livestream, Katherine (sp?) and Roger, were a wealth of information and did a lot to attempt to fight and change the system. Unfortunately, they learned it would not be enough.
Some basic facts they provided…
The removal of children by CPS is a performance-based system on a commission and quota basis. It affects an agent’s salary. If they don’t perform, they will be replaced with someone who will.
Someone can “order” a child like a mail order gadget or a book and in short order a child will be procured/abducted by CPS to fill the order.
It’s not all about sex, either. When we speak of Human slavery, it can be as simple as a farmer needing children to work his land/enterprise and knowing where to go to fill the bill.
They also went into the psychological system set up to entrap people into the mental illness pit of no return. Roger told us the questionnaires they use to evaluate people are fool-proof. They are skewed for guaranteed failure and there is no way the “patient” can answer in a way that won’t result in them being labelled mentally unsound.
Then the psychologists prescribe SSRI drugs and the victim may be groomed and mind-controlled for use in political manipulative events sometimes known as “false flags” to control the public and further the agenda of the globalists/New World Oder/deep state. Many of the mass school shootings fall into this category.
The judicial system is anything but constitutional and has been corrupted to support law enforcement and CPS to fill their orders. It’s a horrific process for a parent and a child and often the child is never seen or heard from again. Katherine was part of a group that aimed to train judges to be more empathetic and she said if anything it backfired. She doesn’t feel these psychopaths are redeemable.
CPS child abductions rarely have anything to do with bad parenting. It’s about money and the supply and demand for children by psychopaths who have been running the world. Sex, blackmail, and worse are high demand requirements in the satanic globalist world.
It’s clear that the judiciary and law enforcement are controlled and rewarded for complying with this sadistic system.
JonBenét Ramsey died under mysterious circumstances
If you struggle to understand what is unfolding on our planet, and why President Trump and in fact honest law enforcement across the world have been trying to get this massive organization under control to save the children, you will learn a lot from the following two video discussions.
Humans have not agreed to be prey and the structure used to ensnare us must be ripped down. The organizations set up supposedly to nurture, protect and entertain children are the most suspect.
The arrest of Jeffrey Epstein is the first of many dominoes to fall in this regard, and we heard today that there was an attempt on his life because he has the goods on so many high profile people.
I’m confident the White Hats are protecting their key asset in their battle to end the slavery on our planet.
We should not be shocked when we see “pillars of the community” arrested and jailed for their hand in these despicable crimes. It’s beginning to happen.
The criminals hide in churches, police departments, social services, governments, schools, Hollywood, children’s entertainment, everywhere. It’s not a new problem; it’s a very old problem allowed to fester and grow out of control until we can no longer ignore it.
These things were never discussed a few short years ago. Now it’s in the alternative news and sometimes even the corporate news, every day, and that needs to continue until every man, woman and child on the planet understands the threat and it is removed once and for all.  ~ BP

Witches, Bitches, Clinton Bush Gynocracy

Boystown, MK-Ultra, Epstein and CPS. The Puzzle Pieces are All Starting to Come Together

We are on the cusp of unraveling an evil so vast and so deep that no one in America, perhaps in the world, will be immune from its revelations.