zondag 7 juli 2019

NIET VERTAALD: SerialBrain2 Decodes and the Visuals from ‘And We Know’ [videos]

In one discussion I listened to, which I will add below as it’s perhaps loosely related, one panel member stated they believed SerialBrain2 is JFK Jr.
You may or may not recall that I stated I felt SB2 is on the Q Team as it cannot be a coincidence that they popped up at just the right time to explain all the numerology, gematria and secret society lore to enable us to make sense of the unusual things POTUS says and does in Tweets, speeches, pressers, and diplomatic visits.
I think you would agree that at this point, pretty much anything is possible, but of course you will come to your own conclusions. I know one thing, after the research I’ve done to date: JFK Jr. is alive. No question.
I believe these decodes are important for many reasons, but most importantly they are uplifting and in times when the patriots’ patience may be tested and their positive outlook faltering, many need that. They need constant encouragement.
You can read the SerialBrain2 decodes here:
Following are two new fabulous videos from LT at And We Know which bring SB2s decodes to life. I need these.

SerialBrain2: Democratic Presidential Debate: A Rigged Circus and a Fake News Feast

SerialBrain2: The Truth about the Technical Glitch (Part2)

And because, as I said, JFK Jr. is definitely linked to the Q Team, President Trump, the military, and perhaps even SerialBrain2, you may find this discussion very interesting. What is not said, is often more revealing than what is.
We cannot be expected to understand 5D chess, but if we draw on who we really are, I think we can grasp the Grand Plan and relax somewhat and enjoy the show.  ~ BP

JFK Jr- from Podcast+ Is Q JFK jr?