donderdag 8 augustus 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Early Report for August 8, 2019: Keeping Epstein & Friends in Focus [videos]

In truth, there are MANY surprises coming. Count on it.
Of great importance: Timothy Holmseth vs Jeffrey Epstein (not the actual docket) pre-trial hearing takes place today. Timothy is a journalist who uncovered the Epstein crimes and when he made authorities aware, went through 11 years of hell, including assassination attempts.
Timothy would have been permanently out of the picture had it not been for a congressional committee who took him to a safe place and protected him. He is a key witness in the evil web of pedophilia/pedovoria and President Trump and his wife Melania are fighting this battle along side him and the marines also support the initiatives to vanquish the evil on our planet.
Amidst many personal challenges, Field McConnell is taking his limousine, his hearse, and up to 26 people (even from Europe) to the hearing today in support of Tim and to send a message to the judiciary that We, the People, are not taking any more of their corrupt, Admiralty Law nonsense and want the false charges against Holmseth dropped. Please send your best intentions along with Field and perhaps justice will be done today. It would be a major victory for the Light Forces, and Humanity.
The dark ones know how to weave their spells to manifest what they want. We need to understand how they do it and use those principles to counter their evil. LK explains just what a “spell” is in this short video.
The bible speaks of the “word of God” and how in the beginning God “spoke” things into being. What if that’s the secret to manifestation? Humans are creative machines. When we use our imaginations, our hearts, minds, and speak what we want, we might be able to change the world as a unified force. The dark works hard to divide us so we do not come together.
Since the advent of QAnon, I believe we are slowly coming closer together and congealing into a single force for good and can induce the return of the Light.
I believe it’s important to remember that President Trump and the Q team have a strategy, they know to some degree what will happen in the future, and the goal is liberation. The twists and turns along the way are not for us to worry about. We have to trust them, and the process. Stay grounded and centered, and positive. There are surprises in store, but this is a war.

SerialBrain2: Q Occult Series – Part 10: WHAT IS A SPELL?

The Patriot Intel Report for Patriots on the go. I’m not overly chuffed about going to California and will be uber-vigilant wherever I go.

Patriot Intel Report 08 08 19

Those darned flies! Not only do they land on Hillary and Hussein, they hang around Biden, too, in this brief excerpt. Coincidence? Things are not going well for the demonrats. Biden is a non-candidate. He may as well fold. Michael Obama again stated he would not run for president. The idea alone is laughable. “First tranny president of the United States”. We’d be in stitches.

Joe Biden audio problems, fly buzzes face, stumbles through attacks

It appears the lunatic left may have gone too far. The pendulum is still swinging and is about to self-destruct. Perhaps Hussein sees that. They’ve lost control and the fear has them scattered and ineffective. Nothing can save them now.

Obama Becoming Frustrated With Democrat’s Move Left

Sir Patrick Mack goes into detail on a couple of important issues, including the very interesting ties of the Dayton, Ohio shootings to pedophilia. What? Is everything connected to pedophilia? YES! The people who have been running the world are nearly all satanic pedophiles and the control structure they created reflects that if you do any amount of research. The amount of mind-effery on the part of the media is astonishing, but the insane antics are backfiring because it’s waking up a lot more people who can see it for what it is.
He also goes into some of the 8Chan drama which continues to mount. And why is that? Because there is a big threat. QAnon and awakened patriots are becoming a greater thorn in the side of the old regime every day.

Times Are 8Chan-ging – IPOT Presents – 8.8.19

In this video with respect to Jeffrey Epstein and the web of evil, they use the terminology “tentacles of the octopus” to convey the idealogy that so much is connected beneath the surface that isn’t visible.
It’s an interesting conversation here, discussing the implications of Jeffrey Epstein’s activities at his sprawling New Mexico ranch near Santa Fe, and his relationship to Governor Bill Richardson, as well as transhumanism and beyond. They connect some very interesting dots in 20 minutes and confirm there are countless deep rabbit holes when you investigate Jeffrey Epstein.

EPSTEIN/RICHARDSON: How connected were they?

Today is a travel day so until I get back to WiFi… I’m out.  ~ BP