donderdag 22 augustus 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Headlines and Updates for August 22, 2019: Biblical Events [videos]

America… land of the not-so-free… and free speech? A thing of the past. The truth must be covered up.
This lady did not comply and sacrificed everything. It’s probably best not to be involved in these “beauty pageants”. It’s a cabal thing for the objectification of women. Video at the link where she tells it all.


The globalists manipulate and intimidate to get what they want. Shamelessly. Telling the Supreme Court Justices to “heel” like they’re trained dogs is so typical of these thugs.

Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Hit With Ethics Complaint After Warning SCOTUS

Theoretically speaking…
It is a time for revelations, to be sure. I’ve run into more people who suggest that President Trump is not “just the President”. It’s one of those, “What if?” questions we’ve talked about recently.
My intent isn’t to convince anyone, but it is interesting to learn that I’m not the only one who sees some strong suggestions about Trump’s identity—as crazy as it sounds.
If I honour my credo that, “Anything is possible”, then as wild as the theories may be, I have to consider them.
This is short, just the first few minutes of the video, but a few of us seem to be on the same page. Trump himself said it and we know he says what he means, and so does Q, who said it will be “biblical”.
Alone, of course, the President’s “chosen one” comment would be taken contextually. We all know what he meant on the surface. Together with the rest, however… we have to ask, “What if…?” Is it another hint?
It might explain why the demons go berserk and will do anything to stop him, including assassination.
At the very least, it appears Donald Trump was indeed put in place to do what he’s doing, by some higher power.

Red Pill News – Trump Is The Chosen One

The President did say that he would take the slings and arrows gladly for us that the establishment aimed at us. Does that equate to taking on our sins as many claim Christ did? Not that I accept Humans in general are sinners. We have been grossly manipulated and controlled and left to our own devices are not bad people.
As I’ve said, I’m not religious at all. Spiritual, but not religious. I exalt no one. I occasionally listen to material about prophecies out of curiosity, and awhile back listened to the audio below from Coast to Coast AM which was interesting, because it seems fairly accurate. I saved it for the perfect time to share.
This is an older recording so you will probably be able to update the prophecy as you see fit. It’s easier to fill in the blanks after the fact. You may not agree with the reverend and decide to revise his findings. I don’t need to spell it out when they speak of the “trumpets”.
Thanks to Before It’s News for the share.

Book of Revelations: Have We Already Heard the Seven Trumpets?

COAST TO COAST AM. Founder of End Time Ministries, Rev. Irvin Baxter, discussed prophecies in the Book of Revelation that seven trumpets will sound before the end of the age, and the second coming of Jesus Christ.
He believes five of the seven have already sounded. The first trumpet was WWI, the second was WWII, while the third was the Chernobyl accident (referred to as “Wormwood” in the Bible), and the fourth was the fall of the Berlin Wall, he suggested.
The fifth trumpet sounded during the Gulf War– the Bible speaks of smoke from a bottomless pit of fire that blocks the sun, which Baxter correlated with the oil well fires around Kuwait.

Then there are others who are NOT on the same page: like Daniel Lee. But it depends on the day, apparently.
The guy who now makes his living off of patriot donations and the videos he makes on YouTube about pedophilia as well as his deep intel from personal military insiders, secretly preaches at college campuses and elsewhere that Donald Trump is evil and about to launch the world into nook-u-lar war.
Some people will do anything for money.
The crew submitted the video below where you can see him at one of those preaching sessions (his words) where he speaks of Yahweh, as he often does, and vilifies the President. There is a second scene in a wild-eyed rant where he’s disturbing the peace in a quiet neighbourhood.
How many personalities does he have? Behaviour like this only serves to ignite the claims of far right extremism and possibly even more lunacy. This is not behaviour condoned by the Patriots. We don’t want to engage in it, and we don’t want to see it or encourage it.
Some say he may change his tune depending on the circumstances. He’s too radical for me; more like a leftist hiding in the conservative closet. We need transparency, not more imposters.
For this reason I will no longer be sharing Daniel Lee’s videos. Thanks for the heads up, B.

Daniel John Lee- The Jester of Deception

As you no doubt expected, Greenland is still an interesting topic to the patriots as the Anons dig. We’ll keep putting it out there since the PM of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, doesn’t seem to want the attention. There has to be a good reason. The President is so subtle, isn’t he?
Dare I say, “something is rotten in Denmark”?  POTUS knows who his audience is, and he’s filling in for Q.

Secret Tunnels And Missile Silos In Greenland? :coded:

There’s also this headline below, and it seems the dark ones are trying to spin another whopper about nuclear war. I think when POTUS tells us about the secret plans of the globalists it makes them very nervous and they always try to get ahead of the story. Interesting map, too.

United Nations Prepares For Emergency Session As “Project Iceworm” Fears Grow In American Protectorate Greenland

The truth continues to leak out about the grotesque things the global controllers do behind locked doors in the name of science. In fact, most of what is learned is not shared with the public; it is hoarded and locked away for the use of the psychopaths who have been running the world at Humanity’s expense—to be used against us—ironically with taxpayer money. The average person would be shocked to learn just how far the research world has progressed without out knowledge. Clones, hybrids, engineered diseases, suppressed cures, bio-weapons, genocidal vaccines…

Incredibly Sick, Federally-Funded Experiments Are Happening Behind Closed Doors In Secret Laboratories All Over America

Another shooting took place mid-afternoon Wednesday… and fortunately not a life threatening injury to the officer, thanks to a vest.
The update that came this morning in says they did not apprehend the shooter. He or she is still at large. One viewer suggested the officer may have discharged his own gun and tried to cover it up. Cameras in the police headquarters parking lot should be able to validate the incident one way or another.

Officer Shot by Possible Sniper in Lancaster, CA – LIVE COVERAGE

We have more “biblical” stuff… 9,500 forest fires and growing. The planet’s going to hell in a hand basket.

Sao Paulo Plunged Into Darkness by Smoke from Record Amount of Deforestation Amazon Fires

You might find this is a shareable video from the Patriot Hour.

Exposing The Global Satanic Pedophile Murder Cult

This is an excellent quickie update from Judicial Watch on the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal… still pending… after all these years.

JW 60 Seconds: HAPPENING TODAY — Judicial Watch Asking for Deposition of Hillary Clinton

And what are the Obama guys up to… with taxpayer money?
I don’t see any walls. Should be easy to do the extractions.  ;0)
Sarah Sanders will be back… Sept 6. Fox could use some more truth.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders becomes Fox News contributor

Digital Soldiers Conference Cancelled

The followoing is now posted on the event website:
The Digital Soldiers conference has been cancelled. All tickets are being refunded.
If you would like to support General Flynn, please go to the MICHAEL T. FLYNN LEGAL DEFENSE FUND webpage.
When I saw the most basic details about “Yippy” the search engine, the question marks came up for me. I always consider it could be cabal infiltrators putting on events to bilk the patriots of their money and how does one really know?
When they say the “proceeds” go to the general’s fund, what constitutes “proceeds”, exactly? Is that after they’ve paid all the speakers, hotel fees, etc.? What’s left—$500?
Then we learned General Flynn will not be there, nor would his attorney Sidney Powell who recommended we all use the original defense fund link to support the General. Big donations were rolling in there from some people and it’s great to see.
We also have this. Thanks, R.
I think it’s best that the event is cancelled. When you’re asking for donations for a legal defense fund, there needs to be one, official destination. We don’t want any problems associated with the General. He and his legal team have enough to worry about.

Frank Vaughn of the People’s Party of Canada and Canadians are having conversations about late term abortion. This is good, and Frank points out strategy from the other parties around this as the election looms. He cautions that important, emotional issues such as this introduced prior to an election always go away immediately afterward.
And he asks some intelligent questions about other tactics of the questionable government players of late, such as Andrew Scheer, who folks have witnessed turning into a replica of Crime Minister Justin Turdeau, right down to the way he sits. Two sides of the same coin. No change or improvement will come of those governments.
I hope Canadians will think long and hard before casting their votes this fall. Is there any chance the brainwashing by the corporate media could suddenly wear off?
The PPC folks are doing a lot of good work—and Frank is talking about pedophilia, too. I do hope his bill will be passed to bring harsh penalties for people who touch children.
You’re lucky to have a guy like this running for office, Canada. Keep it up, Frank. It’s time to take Canada back and stop the carnage.

FPV #95 – CPC MP’s Support For LLTT’s Private Member’s Bill: A Cautionary Tale

You couldn’t pay me enough to do what Mike Pompeo does. How can you have a serious conversation with Justin Turdeau? It’s quite the persona the handlers have given the Prime Minister. Good thing this video is short.

U.S. Secretary of State meets with Canadian counterpart Chrystia Freeland, Prime Minister Trudeau

We learned that The Simpsons’ creator Matt Groening was also a friend of Jeffrey Epstein… and it shows. For years people have been showing us episodes of The Simpsons that predict future events—like 9/11. Coincidence? Do people get how the control freaks shape our thoughts and opinions every chance they get in every form of media there is? Do you see how they taunt us?

Simpson’s Runs Tired Anti-Trump Episode in Same Week Creator Groening is Accused of Forcing Epstein’s Teen Sex Slave to Rub His Crusty Toes

To close, I’ll leave Abel Danger’s news for today that just ended. Mad Dog called roughly 30 minutes in with a very interesting update about Marine General Joseph Dunford, four F-35’s flown this morning as a metaphor for the Rothschild cabal’s 4 horsemen, signalling the control of the Patriots over the outgoing Babylonian debt system, and the imminent launch of the new asset-backed financial system of the Republic.
He says the RV is soon to manifest, bringing prosperity and many good things to the People globally thanks to Dunford and the benevolent Chinese, and that Trump was ordained to bring this about.
He spoke of the Army Generals soon to take control as Dunford steps down October 1st (the Navy went rogue, as we know, so are out of the picture). He says he has spoken to RR, and it’s all set.
He spoke of our planet as a big galactic battleship that got off course and says it took a long time to right the course but we’re back on track now. We here at Starship Earth like that analogy.
He spoke of a date 7 days from today, but didn’t go into detail and signed off. Short and sweet. You might want to listen if this interests you. Mad Dog says Dunford was his military classmate, and it’s obvious the military are now in control.
Whistleblower Timothy Holmseth’s trial is Monday in Grand Forks, and we anticipate his case will be thrown out or charges dropped or both. We need him to testify about convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and he deserves to have his life back.
Exciting times ahead! Hang in there everyone.  ~ BP

Global Inversion of Wealth As Pedophilia Exposed From Plum City Global HQ