donderdag 29 augustus 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Is New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply?

Have you seen the bills in the image above? I’ve had some. The purple line is a super-fine screen, if you run your fingernail over it. It’s interesting that it’s half old, half new. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Have a look at the article below from American Intelligence Media. That information might come in handy very soon…
I hope the new banking machines will soon work better than they are now. The ATM at my grocery store will no longer allow me to deposit $100 bills, so I have to drive all the way to my credit union, about 20 miles.
Twice in two weeks I have tried to deposit money at the new Credit Union drive through machine and when the option to deposit cash or cheques comes up, it won’t recognize my finger input on the screen, and sits and waits, and waits, then asks, “Do you need more time” and when I select “NO—return my card” it freaks out and tells me to contact my financial institution for assistance.
It also keeps my debit card, so I have to go into the bank to tell them and they have to go out and unlock the ATM to retrieve my card. Yesterday they hadn’t yet done their reconciliation so said it would take a few minutes and I had the dog in the car in 100+ degrees and an appointment to get to so had to return to the bank again later to get my card.
What a royal pain. Fortunately, since I was unable to make my deposit, I had enough cash to pay the veterinarian. I shouldn’t complain. I suppose we can expect little hiccups like this along the way as we transition to the new Quantum Financial System.  ~ BP

Is New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply?