donderdag 8 augustus 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Headlines and Updates for August 7, 2019: Mind the Comms [videos]

It seems that dead people not only vote in America, they commit mass murders, as well. Connor Betts was hardly up to the task of a shooting spree at a Texas Walmart.
The continuing research into people and connections surrounding the El Paso and Dayton shootings turned up this fascinating bit on Before It’s News.

Dayton Shooter Died in 2014! Panic Scrubbing of Web! We Caught Them!

The suggestion that he killed his own sister was an extra detail designed to tug on the heartstrings of Americans; to horrify them just a little more.
Things are never what they seem. In fact, Tucker Carlson is taking a lot of flack for his White Supremacy rhetoric. Is he batting for the other team?
The Patriot Intel Report is excellent today and provides clarity on some key issues, such as the fact folks may have missed that the shooter in El Paso did NOT post his manifesto on 8Chan, but on Instagram; and it was subsequently moved to 8Chan by a 3rd party. Does the fake news tell you that?
No, because their intent is to vilify 8Chan and the patriots who hang out there along with QAnon. Trump and QAnon are the wrecking balls taking down the cabal’s network of global control, corruption, and predation.
I find it very interesting that the President suggests the death penalty is appropriate for those orchestrating the shootings. (That would be the deep state cabal.)
They don’t want us sharing videos or even photographic stills of incriminating evidence on 8Chan such as Frazzledrip or the “meat locker” we brought to your attention recently.
Phoenix reminds us to keep our eye on the objective and reject distractions. It’s all under control. Chaotic control. You can see the panic in the deep state actors because they’re losing it. They’re out of control and appearing to be insane.
Soon 8Chan will be reworked and we will also have the Presidential Alert test today at 2:20 pm EDT.  Thanks, J.

Trump Readies Nationwide Emergency Alert System In Preparation For Total Media Takeover

It’s all about keeping the lines of communication open, because the dark would have us blacked out and unable to counter the treasonous lies and propaganda they are putting out.
I had an encouraging exchange with a cashier at the produce market the other day when I said have a good week and stay away from crowds. She responded, “Yeah, with all those false flags going on you have to pay attention.”
“You know about that?”, I asked, incredulous. She told me she is aware after she woke up in 2016, so that was a great experience that made my day.

Patriot Intel Report 08 07 19

This is a good video from Jennifer Mac. Thanks, L.  She includes some key feedback from “Juan O Savin”, an insider you may have missed if you don’t listen to the Abel Danger Livestreams. Some believe Juan to be JFK Jr. After listening to him for some time, he seems to be a military mariner of sorts and speaks of being on a ship. He appears to be very close to the Q Team, or part of it, and tuned in to what is unfolding and lends an additional layer of understanding of the QAnon posts and the reality. Juan says the Obama birth certificate issue was KEY.
Dave brought us another great X22 Report last night that touches on all the main dramas. He’s always positive and logical, and that’s important.

Define Game Theory, Are You Ready For The Streisand Effect – Episode 1936b

Death Throes of Deep State, New Epstein Probe, 103 Children Rescued

Patriots and those who question might enjoy this short video in poem form. Thanks, L.


Talk soon, possums.  ~ BP