zondag 25 augustus 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Headlines and Updates for August 24, 2019: I See Dead People [videos]

Queen of England dead? Sheesh. Before I could even finish my update I get that news—which is as yet unverified. They may also be talking to others, not just us. It sounds like “London Bridge” is an op.
I believe POTUS worked out a deal with Lizzie when he was there this summer. Just my opinion. She seemed overly pleased, so I suspect this was all planned and is unfolding on schedule. I’m sure Lizzie will revel in the attention she gets with her grand exit. It’s all optics, you know. As Q says, “You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard.”
The Illuminati love their dates, numbers, and anniversaries. They may wait until August 31st to announce this. Would they dare? I had already spoken of this in my original post below as the anniversary of the death of Princess Diana and the psychopaths love to remind us of the pain that news brought the world back in 1997.
That Tweet the chief got:
And the original…
Update: And then there was this… which I forgot I had seen earlier.
IF they consider today the day of the announcement, that would make August 31 the date the funeral would occur. You can’t make this up, folks.
I guess it actually broke last night, so 8 full days would make it August 31st for the funeral.
Perhaps what we can surmise from that last post is that even without the Q boards, there are ways for the Patriots to communicate. I would say that by stating the two names in that “leak”, they told us who it would not be, as well as who it would be. There’s only one that matters.

Back to my original post…
I present the latest addition to my, “I see dead people” file. Thanks, L.
I’m afraid the topic of “dead people” seems to permeate this post. Sorry about that, chief.
Since it’s almost the end of the month, there will no doubt be mention of the anniversary of the death of Princess Diana Windsor, Duchess of York on the 31st. That was a case where all the cameras in the Alma tunnel in Paris were not functioning for some odd reason and Diana knew she was a target of the royals. They don’t like it when family members tell outsiders, “They’re not Human.”
Did the Princess and her lover Dodi al Fayed really die in that crash, or was it their life-saving escape from the evil lizard queen? We shall see. It’s increasingly apparent that death is a tool to enhance the lives of the living. To be continued…
I see growing evidence that Americans are getting wise. Our neighbour, almost 81 years old, a feisty, retired civil engineer, enthusiastically agrees that when Trump says something odd he is pointing to something related that needs research and attention. He also says he sees signs that the old, corrupt financial system is about to be replaced. This is very encouraging to hear.
From the scuttlebutt on the Internet, it sounds as though it just may happen this fall. Trump is putting out the caution flags signalling the new asset-backed Quantum Financial System will soon bring our reset and liberation from the debt-based Babylonian money trap.
Dave brings us a solid update on the financial scene.

Economic Optics Are Important, Trump Signals The Reset – Episode 1951a

This is breaking too… heads up. No telling what the psychopaths will try to pull.

Circling back to “dead people” for a moment…
We have our eye on Eye the Spy. People make mistakes. The “on ice” remark resonates.
Why the old bat doesn’t retire is beyond me—if she’s really still alive. How do we know?
We need term limits on all government jobs!
If Ruthie is still alive, she’s probably not long for this world. The question is… Is she capable of performing her job every day? If not, give her the boot. POTUS has the right to fill the position with a strong candidate who will uphold justice for the Republic. We have a government to run and need constitutional justices on the job every day.
It sounds like she’s shutting down without this crutch and when your plumbing isn’t working, there’s no hope. Organs shut down, sepsis sets in, the mind goes, and soon… a coma.

Analysis: Justice Ginsburg’s “Bile Duct Stent” – A Treatment Typically Used in Advanced Cases to Provide End of Life Care

I came upon an open tab on my Brave browser just now where a host of disturbing images reminded me that we are red pilling the world with respect to who has been running it.
Due to their fractured psyches, victims of the child sex trafficking trade aren’t meant to remember what was done to them, but sometimes the memories do come back and children are able to show their experiences in crude but revealing drawings.
Below are a few images from the collection on that website (a WordPress blog) drawn by victims showing they outright torture children to render them suitable for their needs until they reach a certain age at which time they are either set free or used to procure more victims.
You’ll see the name “Kidman” in this first image. Yes, that Kidman, down under. Nicole’s father. John Gittinger is the other.
So you see, like many “entertainment” productions, the movie “Clockwork Orange” was telling us what they do to Humans.
The psychopaths consider us no more than cattle, and treat us worse than farm animals.
Their trainers/handlers induce a dissociative state in victims.
We also have increasing, strong evidence that these “elite” globalists are pedovores, engaging in cannibalism on a regular basis. We recently saw video from an installation in central China with a meat locker full of rows of adult Humans with empty eye sockets hanging by the ears on hooks. A child confirms in this drawing what she saw while in captivity at the Holsworthy facility.
If you wish to verify any of the above just do a search on Holsworthy. We won’t be hearing this in the lamestream media any time soon, and the White Hats will deal with these situations as they see fit, as quickly as they are safely able to do so. Now that Trump’s “crimes against Humanity” measures are in place via Executive Order, there is legal support to get these creatures and shut them down.
Unfortunately, due to the global scope of their massive network, it is taking time to follow all the threads to locate accomplices. Routing out all the filth is a long-term operation.
Eventually the truth will be told to the public. It’s up to us to educate ourselves so we can validate the bad news when it is officially released. It is being done Humanely right now, for those of us who are awake and can handle it. The gradual drip of disclosure makes assimilation of these horrors easier.
When QAnon says, “Those who know don’t sleep”, it is a stark indicator of just how appalling the truth is. Denial is futile, because you can’t un-know this, or un-see it.
You can visit the website hosting these images and more here.

Another One for the Clinton Body Bag?
This news will come as no surprise to many readers. The media wasn’t forthcoming about the COD for David Koch, so that raised a red flag, from my perspective. Sudden onset death is so common when the deep state crime associations are made, since dead men tell no tales and can’t be called upon to testify. Not unexpectedly, Koch was in Epstein’s “little black book” according to this article.

Epstein Murder Money Trail Leads To Billionaire David Koch—Who Then Quickly Dies

Q the Teacher

Sorry about those morbid bits above. It must be done.
On a brighter note… Bravo!!!  This next story took place right here in the Valley of the Sun where some students are getting a realeducation. Unfortunately, judging by the tone of this article, Belmore will probably not be teaching at the MCC much longer. Kudos to him for broaching all of this with the students, though.
I especially commend him for continually responding to the media queries with, “Who is Q?” This guy’s got it goin’ on. Despite the prompting, it appears this “reporter” refused to ask the Q. What does that tell you?
If any of Belmore’s students do any research and are still capable of critical thinking they may validate the information themselves.
That is the reason I have continued this blog for over seven years; so that there is one more place to find the truth for those seeking. There are far too many websites and blogs spouting lies and covering up the reality—not to mention the television.

I have seen and heard more than enough evidence from credible sources to convince me that JFK Jr. is indeed alive. How many deaths in one family who oppose the deep state does it take to show you you’re next?
I believe the military heard the chatter about the elimination of Hillary Clinton’s wildly popular political opponent JFK Jr. and did indeed assist John, his wife, and sister-in-law to escape, and I believe that will soon be public. As Q would say, “Future proves past.” We shall see.

Mesa College English Professor Showed QAnon Video in Class, Students Say

The video was this one… which is excellent. Joe Masopos featured the remastered version on his Twitter page recently. I don’t believe reality was ever more elegantly stated. Everyone needs to watch this video. The truth will resonate.

Q – The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED

Joe M also shared this. Man your battle stations!

Kentucky guard unit to deploy to Guantanamo Bay

Hopefully the team at the C-Vine News Network will have more updates for us on the military tribunals at GTMO soon.
I think I’ll sign off for now. Research to do.  ~ BP