It’s clear the current, most important battle is for the minds of Americans.
You’ve no doubt seen the treasonous media’s interpretation of the leading, wide open summary Robert Mueller delivered yesterday in his press conference. He did it on purpose. Was he threatened? Was his family threatened? Possibly.
Even if he wanted to do the right thing, he is in so deep and clearly in fear of repercussions, in my opinion, and just wants to end this now and bow out. He wants it to be over and doesn’t want to have to answer for his activities again.
Was he indeed so rattled over the imminent demise of his alleged lover, Jim Comey, that he can’t think straight? The deep state never fails to surprise us.
Mueller could have gone either way. He screwed up, he screwed the American people, and he is on the skewer approaching the flames. He and the rest are about to be Barr-B-Q’d.
Newt Gingrich points out below that that the way Mueller handled this is the direct opposite of the way justice is designed to work in America. What the deep state players want the American people to forget is that all are innocent until proven guilty.
Justice is not open to interpretation. The rule of law is either enforced or it isn’t.
No guilt on the part of Donald Trump exits in the report conducted for TWO YEARS. They claim there was Russian interference. That interference, according to the cold, hard evidence, was due to collusion on the part of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and that administration.
There is no evidence of collusion on the part of Donald Trump or his party/administration. Never was, and currently isn’t.
It’s not rocket science, but the criminals believe if they crow it from the rooftops long enough and loud enough that they can convince the freakazoid leftists in America that Trump stands to be impeached. That there are grounds. It’s ludicrous.
For every corrupt deep state operative/agent seeking to corrupt the minds of America with their poisonous rhetoric, the Patriots have to come back with far more accurate commentary and evidence to educate those who do not understand what is transpiring.
Gingrich: Mueller ‘didn’t have the right’ to say what he said
The reality is much different than the lunatic left portray.
Following is an outstanding video from the Patriot Hour. Mike tells us what is coming, and the relevance of what we are witnessing now.
We must get through to the bulk of Americans who are swayed by the lying treasonous turds in the media. They must come to the realization that the President is vilified because he is exposing and dismantling the deep state; the bad actors who have betrayed America.
We won’t even try to explain that the citizens of what many consider the greatest nation were slated to be eliminated from the face of the Earth. Most of them don’t even believe vaccines are dangerous. The gap of understanding is a gaping chasm we have to do our best to bridge.
Mass arrests cannot take place until we have a greater majority of America on the side of the Patriots who understand the reality.
FISA SPYGATE=Treason Charges For Many [MUST SEE] SHARE
Americans must ask themselves if they wish their judicial laws to change. Would they like to be presumed guilty until they’ve proven themselves innocent? There are no special laws. THE LAWS apply to everyone. They’re not selective.
Either we uphold THE LAW or we don’t. The criminal deep state is calling upon America to accept that the laws can be selectively applied in the case of Donald Trump.
They’re also inferring that the law be bent to accommodate James Comey, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, and many others who committed treasonous acts against their country. The bulk of the evidence for all of that has not yet been publicized much. We, the citizen journalists—the real news—know much of what has transpired and why. We have more than enough proof of what has transpired and what the plan was for America.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Mueller Upends Rule of Law, In Final Appearance—Sidney Powell
Mark Levin: Mueller is a complete fraud and Pelosi is out of her mind
Keep fighting, Patriots. General Flynn put out the order. Don’t let him down.
No Deals Just Pain [Strings Connected To Hell] Fight Fight Fight
Here is the latest SerialBrain2 video version of the decode from the And We Know channel.
Fascinating stuff here, folks. What’s unfolding is better than any novel ever written—or that ever will be. Murder, intrigue, espionage, betrayal, and treason. It has it all, and the survival of a planet and her people hang in the balance as the power struggles unfold.
The People of Earth/Terra bearing witness wake each day with bated breath, hardly daring to check the headlines. While the majority of the world thinks the acerbic volleying is just business as usual, it’s anything but.
The legacy media has it’s own challenges trying to prevent the truth of what is unfolding within each nation a secret from the Patriots worldwide and that’s well nigh on impossible with fully engaged social media and the nature of the Internet—however much Big Tech attempts to throttle the truth with their increasingly overt censorship.
This is one train those not paying attention will sadly regret missing.
You may have heard whisperings that Bill Clinton flipped and is now working with the Patriots. The implications of that I don’t need to explain.
Area 17 Ground Zero says it’s true, and that a lot of information came out in the last 24 hours about the USS John McCain, as well. I had not heard about this aspect of Trump’s visit to Japan. Nothing is simple, is it, and nothing happens in isolation. The way the dots are connecting of late is astounding.
What would have been really ironic is if the USS John McCain had been a ship set up in another attempt to take out POTUS. Thankfully that is not a story we will have to report despite the psychopaths being fond of blowing up planes and buildings with cruise missiles, like the Pentagon was on 9/11. (video above)
The Whidbey Island, WA incident was a potentially devastating event that thankfully was averted and the President’s life saved. We heard that one may have come from a submarine.
You may have also heard that Mike Pence is suspected of the betrayal of President Trump. That comes up in this video. Thomas Williams told us months ago that Pence was situated by the deep state to assume the Presidency when Trump was assassinated. That has been their plan all along since he was elected.
I don’t believe all the news surfacing is a matter of information being newly discovered, but often about when to release what, and I believe the program is already set out with only occasional minor adjustments for fluidity.
As Anons dig, however, we learn that nearly everything is connected in some way, and revelations are often surprising—and very satisfying, providing many ah-ha moments.
Russia is not our enemy, but China is. China was well on its way to being a top world power thanks to the traitors in Washington selling out America. Unchecked, China would have been a nightmare come true for America and beyond.
US-Russia-China: The love-hate triangle. Those who were running China are ruthless and lack Humanity. Russia and America must work together to curb the aggression and balance the power for the sake of Humanity. Working together it’s a win-win-win. To allow China to unroll their communist tyranny on their People and the world would not bode well for us as a race of people.
Had Hillary Clinton been installed (she would not have been “elected”) in the oval office, Humanity in its entirety would have paid the price.
Fortunately, the Plan is unfolding.
I believe many people read different things and FIND different things in Trump’s Tweets, speeches, pressers, and QAnon’s drops. It’s all good. In times when the truth can’t be plainly spoken, we will do our best to find the meaning in it all. Five heads are better than none, and, “future proves past”.
We Are The News Now. Here at Area 17, we have been on top of the HOAX since Day 1. Accuracy in reporting has, and always will be 2nd to none.
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SerialBrain2 must stay up all night decoding for us these days—and we appreciate it!
No worries. Let them show their true colours. We knew they would reveal whose team they are playing for in time. Their actions will out them and we know who to add to our swindlers list.
The beauty of it is, the psychopaths built so many prisons to house petty thieves that we have plenty of room for the real criminals.
The crimes that weren’t really crimes—victimless crimes—are not usually punishable by incarceration under Universal Law/Natural Law and those poor folks will be released. They’ve done their time.
In many cases it was cruel and unusual punishment for issues like pot possession. The system was primarily about making money with a privatized prison system. The more bodies incarcerated, the more money judges etc. made. It would be a stretch to consider it a “corrections” system.
As a result, we now have special places for all the treasonous deep state criminals.
Judicial Watch continues to deliver the reality of the NWO criminality. In this video Carter page explains that the illegal surveillance or “spying” was terrorism in the true sense of the word and he says he and others surveilled received many death threats.
As you know, everyone he had communication with would have also been surveilled by the deep state, so the net was cast broadly. The controllers ruled by intimidation, black mail, bribery, torture, and violence.
Can you imagine where we would be if everyone the psychopaths threatened gave in? We would not be winning. ~ BP
Carter Page: The Obama Admn. Illegally Surveilled Everyone On This Panel
Op de achtste april, kort voordat de Londense politie met geweld de stichter van WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, uit de Ecuadoriaanse ambassade droeg, schreef een arts genaamd Sondra S Crosby een brief aan het Bureau van de Hoge Commissaris voor de mensenrechten van de Verenigde Naties met het verzoek het kantoor te onderzoeken in Assange's geval. Vandaag, na een verschroeiende berisping van meerdere regeringen door de speciale VN-rapporteur over marteling Nils Melzer, berichten massamedia over de hele wereld dat Julian Assange het slachtoffer is geworden van brute psychologische martelingen.
Ik ben het niet met alles eens op Niburu, maar hier moest ik om lachen. red.
Er komt maar geen einde aan de bizarre vondsten die amateur onderzoekers vinden op de planeet Mars.
En je kunt veel dingen misschien uitleggen als “natuurlijke fenomenen”, maar toch zeker niet een soort spoorrails met daarop een treintje.
We hebben in de loop der jaren al heel wat vreemde vondsten die zijn aangetroffen op de planeet Mars gepubliceerd.
En iedere keer komen we terug op twee mogelijkheden.
Uploaded just now, suggesting what many of us have felt all along.
Just yesterday I said we were likely getting disinfo about the status of Assange for a number of reasons because after Q told us they had “the source”, I was resting much easier. ~ BP
Mindblowing material continues to surface on a daily basis so we are getting quite the education—and quite a show. It’s an extravaganza!
Much of it I don’t go looking for. It just falls in my lap and I have to share it.
For example, I watched a great decode from Area 17 Ground Zero last night and in that video he recommended we watch the one he did on 9/11. So I did. Wowwww.
The court documents from 2017 are there, listing the names we would expect to see on the indictments for that historic, treasonous false flag in 2001 that changed everything.
Names, number of counts of treason under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2381, actual crime(s), and the suggested penalty, possibly served at GTMO, with an alternate being death by firing squad or other method, subject to military discretion. Americans, Saudis, all of them—and yes, including Brennan, but in a more minor role than others. Unfortunately, some have passed away and as a result there will be no public trial—just the execution of an effigy?
The links are there so you can access these docs yourself but he goes through many of them in the video.
It’s incredible how so many pieces of the puzzle are being dropped into place now; the dots connected. Dark to Light.
For example, you may have heard that Trump’s Tweet from Japan included a reference to Sleepy Joe Bidan, with Biden spelled that way. We KNOW Trump doesn’t make mistakes. POTUS deleted that post and reposted using “Biden”. You’ll learn the significance of that in the first video.
I think it’s clear there is a whole lot of covert communication going on within and without the deep state, and Trump, Q and SerialBrain2 and a few others speak the language very well. It’s mind-blowing to see this going on between Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Trump, et al when the general public has no clue.
Funny how Trump is buddy-buddy with Kim Jong Un, Shinzo Abe, Putin, etc., isn’t it? Like it was all arranged beforehand?
Videos can also be viewed at the website, Area 17GZ so they’re not relying on ThemTube.
And We Know has a new SB2 video, below. I really hope the end is near because as exhilarating as this ride is, it’s so hard to watch these imposters lying and pretending POTUS has done something wrong.
The villains are playing it to the hilt and I want to order their 187 but know they will get their just desserts. Hearing that the president and his family have narrowly avoided assassination just makes it that much harder. May they all be safe.
SerialBrain2: Pelosi Stammers through News Conference. The End is Near. Enjoy the Show.
Thomas Williams hosts the regular Truth, Honor & Integrity Show tonight, 7:30 EDT/4:30 Pacific. Listen live on or at the Think Different Website.
If you missed Part IV of the From Russia With Love historical correction segment, it’s worth every moment. You’ve never heard history like this before. It’s riveting, and shines a light on the farce we’ve been living beneath the umbrella of lies told to manipulate and enslave us for centuries and keep us from knowing who we are—as well as who “they” are; “they” being the El-ites, as I call them.
They are that, but they are not elite. I consider them sub-Human because they have no conscience, empathy, or compassion. They are purely service to self and and are brainwashed via trauma-based mind control or react through pure greed.
FYI, the video version of the show does not include the musical selections. hosts the full show. Click on “Episodes” to see the archived shows.
Warning: I’ve got “Walk Like an Egyptian” stuck in my head now, lol.
Judicial Watch has secured documents on so many crimes of the deep state actors. In the video below President Tom Fitton goes over a litany of scandalous activities of the Congressional CODELs when they travel… using posh military planes, and ordering up all manner of expensive food and copious amounts of high-end alcohol. Impeach Nancy Pelosi!
That swamp monster has been misappropriating equipment, staff, and food and beverages, and funds at the taxpayers’ expense for decades. We also heard somewhere that they stay in swanky hotel rooms at $2000/night or more. Unbelievable—and if Pelosi is doing it you can bet others are as well.
These people are public servants and those funds should have been restricted and used for the People; our programs, for feeding children, education, infrastructure, caring for the Veterans, cleaning up pollution, disaster recovery… the list goes on.
They’re not even doing the work of the People; it’s all about the NWO agenda. These people are sociopaths with no conscience. They believe they are special and above the law, but they are not—as they are now discovering. We sign their paycheques so they answer to US. Drain that swamp!
ICYMI: The Abuse of VIP Military Travel by Pelosi & Rest of Congress–Using YOUR Tax Dollars
Dave shared some interesting theory about yesterday’s Mueller press conference in his update last night. What do you think? Since I believe the “patriots are in control”, I think he’s probably correct. Mueller can ride off into the sunset now that he’s played his final scene. Soon it will be curtains for the cabal.
BTW, since those court documents regarding 9/11 referenced above were from 2017, does that lend credence to the theory that the deep state actors have already been tried and sentenced and are indeed playing those acting roles we talked about to awaken the somnambulant public? I keep running that scenario through my mind and it still feels right—possibly because the performances we’re seeing on a daily basis are so blatantly outrageous.
Everything seems so choreographed and timed just right, including the language and concepts the President introduces, the dialogue Sean Hannity, for instance, uses in his monologues where he keeps hammering away the same facts and then adds new ones as circumstances (or Trump) dictate; the way Sara Carter and John Solomon add their two cents, Tucker and Judge Jeanine go off on their rants, etc. It all seems very coordinated.
In the same way the media introduced “deep state” to the public, we’re now hearing “coup” and “treason” on a daily basis, not to mention Human trafficking and pedophilia. We’re coming along just fine.
Did You Catch What Mueller Just Did, [DS] Sends A Message – Episode 1880b
True to form, Dan Dicks is broadcasting from Geneva/Montreux Switzerland where he and his cohorts have coalesced to bring us Bilderberger escapades. They had a neat little reconnaissance operation going on at the airport.
Along with our concern for their safety as the NWO goons and police are always around, we get a few laughs from these guys as they harass and harangue the El-ites. Sometimes the European media have been forthcoming with information onsite, as well. In case you’re not aware… Switzerland is anything but neutral. It’s been home base for the Rothschilds/NWO for a long time.
In this series of updates you’ll see Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, and other alt media warriors. There’s no competition; they have their respective backs. All for one and one for all.
“Have you heard of a ‘perp walk’?” Luke asks one traveller. What is wrong with asking questions of the people who decide the fate of the world on our behalf without any input from us, from behind closed doors and so secretively?
BTW, the alt press were detained, but not literally thrown in a cell. Just one of those “rooms”, until the globalist traitors could slink away to their cars unmolested. Wouldn’t you love to just… molest them?
They’re so afraid of us they have tightened the reins on their plans and try to work within a more secret framework than ever. Cowards. They’re pathetic bullies. If you took a poke at them they’d probably tip over like a fainting goat, all catatonic-like. That would be fun.
Detained And Thrown In A Cell – Welcome To Bilderberg 2019!
More on the Bilderberger Meeting in the IPOT video at the bottom of this post. He goes over the participant list, the agenda and more.
Since we’re in Europe mode now, there’s an interesting article about Le Garde Nouveau, as I call it, and as it appears to have emerged or is about to, within the European Union countries; perhaps soon to be disbanded and returning to their individual sovereignty.
The panic isn’t limited to DC.
The world is changing dramatically all of a sudden, as the article states. It seems Trump was a catalyst and he’s now a global phenomenon. Everyone wants one! He’s like a gadget that does magical things never before seen. Everyone wants to make their nation great again. Except the NWO. They’re the losers in all this.
The EU election results were not publicized after the victory of Farage, Simon Parkes told us, as not all countries had completed their elections at the same time as Britain. It is looking like the meme below encapsulates a likely lineup, however.
Thanks for the heads up, M.
We haven’t even touched on the Netanyahu situation in Israel, yet. Must do that. I hear there was a major upset. Coincidence? Check out the IPOT video below for updates on the Netanyahu status.
Would it be bold of me to predict that Canada will dump Turdeau in October? It seems nearly all major countries are witnessing regime changes except Russia. They’ve got a good thing going. Iceland already tossed the banksters in jail and seems to be doing reasonably well.
Here’s a very popular, educational video. David Icke nails it, as always.
The key to the plan to destroy Humanity’s future lies in the gadgets in this very moment. It’s an insidious ploy; a trojan horse, but try telling people that.
Closing on a light note… IPOT news coverage with free opening giggles. I’m glad he mentioned that Mike Pompeo and Jared Kushner will be at the Bilderberg meeting because it is a concern. We’re watching. ~ BP
Q Anon/News – Build Your Berger – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 5.30.19