vrijdag 10 mei 2019

Headlines and Updates for May 10, 2019: Is It Hammer Time? [video]

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As Dave suggested in the X22 Report last night, May 10 might be a significant day in the assault on the dark. QAnon gave us a timeline and we may be at one of the key dates today. We can already see that a significant number of the psychopaths are suffering from the DTs; a virulent strain of justice that only strikes those with evil in their hearts.

Trump Just Called Out The [DS], [-90], It’s All About To Drop – Episode 1863b

With or without a “bombshell”, the news is astounding these days on many fronts. How much Truth can we take? Are we tired of winning yet?

CNN admits the Health Ranger has been right all along: Sunscreen chemicals are absorbed into your bloodstream where they can promote cancer

Earlier this year I shared a video discussion with President Trump and his advisors about medical billing and costs to consumers. Even the folks on the committee were frustrated by the medical community’s inability/refusal to provide pricing on procedures BEFORE the consumer decided what avenue to pursue for treatment.
Worse, the pricing was outrageous with no regulation or guidelines. It was a free-for-all as to what they charged and the range was vast. The greed is astounding. Some hospitals/doctors have no problem taking patients to the cleaners.
Now the President is moving forward with their initiatives to provide pricing and information we need and make drastic changes to a corrupt and malfunctioning sector of the government and the “medical industry”, which was never really about healing and the care of Humanity. This overhaul of the “medical industrial complex” is a huge step forward.

MEDICAL BILLING: President Trump Vows To Overhaul Medical Industry

There’s a lot of overhauling that needs to be done, starting with America.

New Sheriff in Town at the Pentagon and He’s Working with the Manna World Holding Trust

This should get top billing!
WE got BIG NEWS from Thomas Williams last night on the Truth, Honor & Integrity Show. I found out yesterday afternoon that Trump installed Patrick Shanahan as Secretary of Defense—that’s top spot in the Pentagons— and if that wasn’t good enough, Thomas revealed that Shanahan spoke with Kim-Possible, Trustee of the Manna World Holding Trust and they will be working together. NOW we will see the sparks fly!
I was happy to hear that President Trump did a rally in Panama Beach, Florida this week, which suffered a direct hit from “hurricane” Michael, if you recall. I think they needed to know they were not forgotten. He pledged relief funding of $448M.
Trustee Kim attempted multiple times to transfer funds to enable the government to rebuild the affected communities and Mnuchin and friends either stole the funds or blocked the transfer after Kim clawed back the money and returned it to the trust. We do hope that the people in that area of the country that were so heavily affected by the storm will get rapid assistance now. With a good guy in the Pentagon, magic could happen.
You can listen to last night’s show here: the first section is about the new initiatives launched with respect to the community and the trust. Following that are the news analyses, Q&A and the intel, including about Shanahan and the Trust.
If you enjoy watching/analyzing Trump’s MAGA rallies, here’s the “dual camera” broadcast from Panama Beach on Wednesday. This was the only news team, they tell us, to show the crowd when the President asked. You will need to advance the video to the point the President begins as they covered the venue long before. The actual speech was about 1 hr. 24 minutes long.

Dual Camera Broadcast: Full President Donald Trump Rally in Panama City Beach, FL 5/8/19

James Comey’s nervous in the service and continues to lie on national television as we see at the opening of this video.

Devin Nunes weighs in on the subpoena for Donald Trump Jr.

Giuliani: Mueller concluded Don Jr. did nothing wrong 

The despicable behaviour of shadow government/deep state operatives continues to be revealed.
Dirty, dirty cops.



The Human rights atrocities in America and elsewhere must be addressed. I hadn’t heard about this incident in Washington, DC but we learn as a result about some of the inhumane situations in North Korea and the hardships and tyranny there. There is so much suffering in the world and here in North America we don’t get a lot of news about the disturbing reality that our brothers and sisters live with daily. We need to free everyone on the planet. Thanks for the share, L.

North Korean Defectors Speak Out After MAGA Hat Incident

Difficult to believe…
The non-Jews will want to be our slaves.
That’s what he said. Watch the shocking video on Bitchute. Thanks, L.


Randell at RKTNN translates and brought us exclusive footage from Spanish TV (not Telemundo) revealing that African migrants are indeed enroute to the USA. People in Mexico City say they have never seen anything like this.
This is his third attempt to do this broadcast as the previous two experienced suspicious roadblocks. This update is only 8 minutes long.


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Outrageous! Pelosi Gives Congressional Opening Prayer Duties to Anti-Semitic Imam who Compared Jews to Nazis

I could sit here and share big news all day but… the Canadian contingent enroute to Phoenix ran into a blizzard in New Mexico and while that will slow them down and buy me some time, my list is long so I’ll sign off for now.  ~ BP