maandag 30 september 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Illuminati Secret Recording Reveals Everything

Friday, September 27, 2019, Jeffery Pritchett
You won’t believe it! Thank you for watching God Bless you all!!
I had forgot about this recording, and now that I’m hearing it again refreshing the mind makes me realize why I have that knot in my stomach every time I hear make America great again. The network runs far and wide, they had many year of preparation with the help of satan along the way. H50
The very first one to denounce and talking publicly against the evil plans of the modern Illuminati was Mr. William Guy Carr a Retired Vice Admiral from Royal Canadian Navy who started giving public lectures about it as soon as 1931 !!!! He died under suspicious circumstances in a car crash in 1959 in Ontario. T.K.

NIET VERTAALD: X22Report [DS]/MSM Scrambling, Patriots Getting Ready To Strike Again - Episode 1980b #QAnon

Thursday, September 26,, bLOGDOG

[DS]/MSM Scrambling, Patriots Getting Ready To Strike Again – Episode 1980b – YouTube
Get The Famous Patriot Solar Bank Now! Click Here! Get 15% OFF W/ Promo Code “ X15” Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel –… Join the X22 Report On Steemit: Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit Report date: 09.26.2019 The [DS]/MSM they are scrambling to control the narrative which they lost once Trump produced his transcript of the phone conversation. The [DS] plan did not go the way they thought, they never expected transparency. Trump and the patriots have another card up their sleeve, they will play it soon. The plan was to push JB, HRC, and BO out into the public and attach corruption to them. Trump needed to bring in [CROWDSTRIKE]. The whistleblower is a CIA asset, most likely placed into the WH to spy on Trump. Get ready because the next strike is comi All source links to the report can be found on the site.




Seth Rich Murder Revealed by Whistleblower Who Tells All! Boom!
Monday, September 30, door Glenn Canady.

A whistleblower with deep connections within government dropped bomb after bomb in this broadcast from   The first video is the entire interview which is a must listen while the second video is a summary of the hot details.  Get this everywhere patriots!   It’s HUGE!  Alex Jones is refusing to report it because it’s not HIS story of course as usual!  Put heat on Jones at and tell him no more product sales if he censors this story! He should bring on the people who did this interview and John but I’ll bet any patriot $100 he won’t!  This story is like something out of a movie!   
Summary Video

Here’s some of the stuff covered.

In one part the whistleblower named “John” talks about how the FBI runs the terror attacks on America by pushing people they have infiltrated to do them!  Just like the first WTC bombing!   And when these attacks are planned the FBI asks, “What’s the spread?” which means how many civilians can we kill.   They want maximum body counts!  If there won’t be enough body bags they aren’t interested!  This is the sick evil government we have now!  And if any of you don’t support Trump and still vote democrat after learning all this stuff in this interview you’re evil too because you support killing God’s babies!  
Rod Rosenstein was a cleaner who was busy sweeping up all the DOJ dirty secrets so Trump couldn’t find out about them and he was involved of course with framing Trump for the Russia hoax.  Rod Rosenstein reaches out to the black hats, DEA, DOJ, ATF, Secret Service and a hit man for help!  Rosenstein creates a thumb drive that will be switched with the real Seth Rich thumb drive when they take him out so when it’s found on Seth Rich’s body they can use this bogus information they put on there to frame Trump!   Comey, McCabe and Rosenstein were all involved in this effort to frame Trump using this bogus thumb drive put on Seth Rich after they killed him and took his thumb drive!  We’re three years in and not ONE person has every gotten in trouble at all for anything!  It’s outrageous!
 The DEA reaches out to the hit man who reaches out to the MS-13 gang who get two guys to do the dead.  These two MS-13 members were originally supposed to badly beat up Seth Rich but he fought back and they had to shoot him.  They did take the thumb drive and gave it to a guy named “Rosie” at the DEA.  The MS-13 members originally drove to Seth Rich’s house from South Carolina on stolen tags and when “Rosie” at the DEA found out, he was beyond livid!  
 Seth Rich was still alive when he got to the hospital.  There were two people that arrived at the hospital to make sure Seth Rich didn’t talk – Donna Brazille and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser!  Two weeks after Seth Rich was killed, Donna Brazille becomes the DNC chair!  
Meanwhile, “Rosie” from the DEA is so mad at the MS-13 assassins because they drove to DC with a stolen tag that drives to South Carolina and kills them himself!   (Note by Glenn: I absolutely remember the news story about the MS-13 gang members killed in South Carolina) I had a feeling this was connected because it happened so fast after the Seth Rich murder.  I knew it was probably somebody tying up loose ends.)

On his way to South Carolina, “Rosie” switches out of his government car and into his wife’s white car.  His wife had an Easy Pass in the car and there was a photo taken of the car as it passed through the toll booth.  This whistleblower knows where this photo exists but nobody in government is helping him!   He’s been to see Nunes and nothing has happened yet because it’s been stopped by other people at every turn!  
 This whistleblower “John” went and approached a group of people within government to give them all this information!  But surprise they were cockroaches too and they did nothing!  They held on to the information for over two years!  This group tried to take “John’s” name completely out of the information packet and put their names on it.  They wanted to take credit for it all!   Then they started offering $100,000 bribes to John to give them more information!  John didn’t want anything for it!
 Devin Nunes offered John secret service protection but this “group” stopped it!   The then got the secret service protection authorized again for John but Rod Rosenstein shut it down when he was still there!   John knows where this Seth Rich drive is!    He knows everything!  He’s a hero!   John needs protection so I’m asking all patriots to send this story viral and get everybody you know to tweet Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump!    Go for it BeforeitsNews patriots!   Let’s see what you can do with this story!   May the light of God light up this story over the next 24 hours!  I’m also asking all patriots to pray right now that this story reaches Trump!

Je kunt niet meer van de natuur houden, van een ander, van de Eerste Schepper of van de Allerhoogste Schepper, dan dat je van jezelf houdt, omdat je niet met een ander kunt delen wat je jezelf onthouden hebt.


Je kunt niet meer van de natuur, van een ander, van de Eerste Schepper of van de Allerhoogste Schepper, dan dat je van jezelf houdt, omdat je niet met een ander kunt delen wat je jezelf onthouden hebt.


12 manieren waarop alleen de juiste persoon van je zal houden


By Daisy Magnum,

We hebben allemaal een perfecte match in deze wereld en hoewel het niet altijd gemakkelijk is om die perfecte match te vinden, zul je dat op een dag wel doen. Of je nu uitgaat met iemand waarvan je weet dat het je soulmate is of dat je alleen maar de wateren test en aandacht schenkt aan hoe ze je behandelen, het is belangrijk.

Iemand die dit leven aan je zijde moet doorbrengen, zal op de juiste manier van je houden en er voor je zijn op je slechtste momenten. Niets zal geforceerd aanvoelen en alle stukjes zullen op hun plaats vallen, zelfs tijdens de slechtste punten in je relatie. Hoewel we allemaal ups en downs zullen hebben, zal je perfecte match je niet het gevoel geven dat dingen om je heen afbrokkelen.

Hieronder ga ik enkele van de verschillende manieren bespreken waarop jouw perfecte match kan werken om je zijn of haar gevoelens voor jou te laten zien. Hoewel dit niet allemaal dingen zijn die je meteen hebt opgemerkt, zullen ze allemaal aanwezig zijn in je relatie. Denk na over wie je bent en wat voor soort leven jullie samen hebben, is dat wat je wilt?

1. Ze zullen bereid zijn voor je te vechten.

Hoewel ze dat misschien nooit zullen doen, zullen ze voor je vechten. Ze zullen hun best doen om ervoor te zorgen dat je weet dat ze om hen geven, en ze zullen ervoor zorgen dat je je comfortabel voelt. Als ze denken dat je wegglijdt, zullen ze ervoor zorgen dat ze je best doen om je te houden waar je hoort te zijn.

2. Ze geven je persoonlijke ruimte.

Ze vinden het misschien niet leuk om bij je weg te zijn, maar ze weten dat je je eigen persoonlijke ruimte nodig hebt. Ze proberen je niet te dwingen al je tijd met hen door te brengen of geven je een slecht gevoel omdat je dingen alleen wilt doen. Ze respecteren jou en je grenzen.

3. Ze gaan niet weg als het moeilijk wordt.

Wanneer moeilijke tijden toeslaan, blijven ze hangen. Ze zullen niet uitvallen alleen omdat dingen niet gaan zoals gepland. Ze zijn hier door de storm.

4. Ze weten wanneer ze zich moeten verontschuldigen.

Wanneer ze je overstuur maken of iets verkeerd doen, verontschuldigen ze zich. Dit komt omdat ze zich slecht voelen omdat jij je slecht voelt. Ze geven om je en willen dat je weet als ze spijt  voelen.

5. Ze hebben geen verwachtingen.

De verwachtingen zijn op een bepaald niveau prima, maar ze moeten realistisch zijn. Ze houden je aan een hoge standaard, maar weten dat je nog steeds een mens bent. Wij mensen zijn onvolmaakt perfect en maken altijd fouten.

6. Ze maken je blij en genieten ervan.

Als iemand echt van je houdt, zullen ze hun best doen om ervoor te zorgen dat je gelukkig bent. Ze zien je graag oplichten en glimlachen. Jouw geluk maakt ze gelukkig.

7. Ze zijn niet bang om tegen je in opstand te komen.

Als je een eikel bent of iets doet dat je niet zou moeten doen, zullen ze je roepen. Ze zijn niet bang om op een echte manier tegen je op te komen, omdat ze weten dat je sterk genoeg bent om het aan te kunnen. We moeten allemaal soms worden terug geroepen en het helpt ons groeien.

8. Ze laten je niet afvragen of je geliefd bent of niet.

Bij hen voel je je geliefd en weet je dat er iets tussen jullie is. Je hoeft het niet in twijfel te trekken, de emoties zijn altijd aanwezig geweest en het ontbrak niet. Alles is vrij intens en je voelt geen gevoel van gebrek.

9. Ze weten hoe ze moeten luisteren.

Als je iets moet zeggen, gaan ze achterover zitten en luisteren ze. Ze zijn niet bang voor de woorden die je gaat spreken omdat ze weten dat je ze alleen de waarheid geeft. Hoewel de waarheid van tijd tot tijd pijn doet, is het belangrijk om deze te verkrijgen.

10. Je voelt je veilig bij hem / haar.

Deze persoon geeft je een veilig gevoel. Je moet je altijd veilig voelen bij de mensen die het dichtst bij je staan ​​in het leven. Ze doen hun best om ervoor te zorgen dat je zo veilig mogelijk bent.

11. Ze beoordelen je niet.

Je voelt je niet veroordeeld als deze persoon in de buurt is, hij of zij zorgt ervoor dat je weet dat je perfect bent zoals je bent. Ze accepteren je met open armen en proberen je niet te veranderen. Ze zien de echte jij en zijn er dol op.

12. Ze houden van je zonder er voorwaarden aan te stellen.

Ze houden van je zonder je te moeten dwingen iemand te zijn die je niet bent of ergens te komen waar je niet wilt zijn. Ze willen je zoals je bent met alle dingen die je maken tot wie je bent. Ze gaan niet weg als er problemen opduiken en ze proberen je niet te gebruiken voor hun eigen persoonlijk gewin.



NIET VERTAALD: Headlines and Updates for September 30, 2019: Fighting for Humanity [videos]

Can you believe it’s the last day of September? Summer is over and “the Great Fall” has arrived. It’s happening. The cabal is going down—kicking and screaming.
Any way you look at it, it’s all about knights, or nights, in shining armour as we pick our our swords of truth and pierce the impenetrable shroud of lies the controllers draped over Humanity so long ago. The Light is blasting in and exposing it all.

President Trump is Fighting for You

It sounds like the energetics are now going to amp up the drama and intensity of events in the revolution even more. Everything is extreme: behaviour, lawlessness, weather, emotions. Phoenix says the globalists’ plan is to oust Trump so they can install Hillary Clinton. Over our dead bodies.

Patriot Intel Report 09 30 19

QAnon has been absent from the 8Chan “Q boards” since August 1st but NOT absent from the alt media community entirely. They alluded to the team being out there regardless of whether they are posting on 8Chan, monitoring the blogosphere and social media and interacting as they see fit.
I’m just starting to listen to the replay of the Miracles Intel Call last night but Scott Mowry mentioned that some individuals we thought were dead will be emerging again and will surprise the hell out of society. We have spoken in the past about two in particular who we heard went into hiding; JFK Jr. and Princess Diana.
There may be others and who and when remains to be seen. I believe there are many delightful surprises ahead for the patriots—and some nasty ones for the globalists.
The intimidation jabs are fading out and the warriors are going for the jugular.

Trump suggests Schiff be arrested for treason for exaggerating call with Ukraine

Yes! That’s what we want to see. Justice needs to be done on these corrupticats. We want to see the TKO.
The criminals continue to be ferreted out and removed.

GOP Rep. Chris Collins Expected to Plead Guilty to Insider Trading Charges

Many are simply resigning and not seeking re-election.

Thornberry joins list of retiring Texas Republicans

Investigative journalist Corey Lynn has an outstanding new article for us from Corey’s Digs. Maybe you are aware of all of the following. Perhaps you are not.

30 BIG Hoaxes & Lies Perpetrated on Americans

September 24, 2019
Confused by what’s real and what’s a hoax or a flat-out lie? The magnitude of hoaxes and lies being perpetrated by Deep State is so expansive, they had to cover their tracks by having Google/YouTube conceal search results for “hoax,” “hoax crisis actors,” and “false flags.” Chew on that for a moment, then kick back with a cup of coffee and expand your consciousness with just how many hoaxes and lies have been perpetrated on the American people. Since the exposure of Google/YouTube, they have reversed their Blacklist, but make no mistake, they are owned. They have a narrative to fulfill, and power-hungry allegiances to serve. Tempted by money and control, feeding desires of wickedness and evil, they care not who they harm in the process. They care not who they steamroll, whose lives are shattered, and those who are raped or murdered along the way. They. Care. Not.

We know we need to watch and listen for clues to what is unfolding and I’ve just discovered Melania’s shoes when she cut the ribbon at the re-opening of the Washington Monument.
Yes, the First Lady is dressed all in white and 6″ spikes on top of her 5’11” statuesque height, which is common for this White Hat, but those shoes…  python, we’re told. Does that have anything to do with the swamp creatures? Are we making leather out of them, lol? Anyway… love the shoes.
We know BIG things will unfold in the last quarter of 2019, and it probably involves the new Quantum Financial System and the return to the gold standard. Dave has his finger on the pulse and explains the situation very well in his X22 Reports.

The People Will Learn The Economic Truth, We Are Watching The Coming Attraction – Episode 1982a

This is an update on Operation: BorderCommand which begins the marathon awareness and fund-raising campaign tomorrow, October 1st. A group of patriots are going to travel 2,000 miles from one end of the US/Mexican border to the other over 20 days, filming and showing the truth about the vulnerable situation where Human trafficking, drug trafficking, arms, and violent illegal criminals are breaking into America.

We Need All The Patriots Eyes, Ears, Help On This [AFK Operation]

Humanity has mobilized all across the planet and the protestors in Hong Kong continue to clash with police who are using tear gas to subdue them.

LIVE IN HONG KONG 12 p2: Tear Gas

This is what may be a parting message from Eye the Spy. We’ll see. I felt like they were picking up the slack while Q was out of commission.
We recently had a farewell from Gen. Joseph Dunford of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and now we welcome Gen. Mark Milley.
I’m not seeing any chemtrails these days. I hope you can say the same. The clouds have been beautiful, the temperatures moderate, and we got some much-needed rain here in the desert. Things are looking up.
Signing off for now.  ~ BP

zondag 29 september 2019


Redactie: Wat mij betreft: ik kijk iedere ochtend naar buiten of alles nog hetzelfde is. Want ik heb begrepen dat we op een dag in een nieuwe wereld wakker worden, de wereld van 5D. De wereld waar alle kwaad, materieel en immaterieel, is verwijderd. Dat betekent in de eerste plaats alle vervuilende elementen. Maar we zullen ook alternatieven krijgen voor electra, nog gratis ook. En er zal meer zijn. Ik lees niet alle nieuws. Ik ben nog niet toegerust met voldoende hoge gevoeligheid en wat ik om me heen zie is meer dan genoeg. Van mij mag het afgelopen zijn. Dank je wel Niburu.

Bron voor artikel:

videootje van 2 minuten van KP over de RESET

190929 Kp Message VIDEO about the “Reset”

NIET VERTAALD: Obama Officials Freaking Out as State Dept Hits Clinton Emailers with Culpability Letters & New Epstein Blackmail Tapes [video + audio]

No, the big fish did not get away. This takedown is going to go the way the Military Intelligence/Marines say it will go—and when. Patience, please.
None of this is going to remain a secret unless it is currently deemed just too much for the unsuspecting to assimilate until a later date. They don’t want people to shut down; they want them to be open and to learn and innerstand what has happened. The truth will be meted out in bite-size pieces and life will go on.

Obama Officials FREAKING OUT as State Dept Hits Clinton Emailers with Culpability Letters

State Department investigators are reportedly escalating their probe into email records from former Hillary Clinton aides

How Hillary Clinton, John Kerry Used Secretary of State Office to Enrich Their Families

And let’s not forget about Jeffrey Epstein. His memory lives on. The odds are the White Hats have him in protective custody so he can spill the beans on who is linked to his despicable activities but for now we are still getting interesting information about the extent of the pedovore network and Human trafficking.

Secret Spy ‘Footage From Bedrooms’ Of Epstein’s Estate Revealed In Shocking Blackmail Tapes

NIET VERTAALD: Your Sunday Digest for September 29, 2019: The Reign of Terror Nearing Expiration [videos]

First… another important alert.
As expected, at this volatile time when the Patriots are pushing hard against the deep state we need to be cautious and know that the psychopaths will scheme to hurt us if they can.
Many terrorist attacks are thwarted when the intelligence is picked up and chatter exposes a potential sinister plan. It’s only prudent to heed the warnings we get. Often they don’t come to fruition, but a few do, as Eye the Spy predicted in May. One day we won’t have to live like this any more but for now we must remain vigilant.
ETS posted this on Saturday afternoon so there’s your bracketed timeline.

Here’s a perspective that rings with truth. Rush Limbaugh elucidates just who the most important whistleblower is—and that’s why this one is the primary target of the deep state.

Greta Thunberg supporters might consider the following. (Didn’t I just say this a few days ago?)

BOOM! Greta Thunberg EXPOSED as an ACTRESS

“All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players.”  ~ William Shakespeare (not really, but we’ll leave it at that for now)
It’s the selfish, globalist control freaks who have run the planet into the ground. They control everything, not us, so how could it be the fault of Humanity?
People need to stop buying into their guilt trips. Yes, there are things we can do to improve how we live and impact the planet but this movement is funded and fostered by the globalists. Stop responding. Once we get rid of the greedy, control freaks the planet will be fine. (after we deal with the Earth changes)

George Soros Emerges as Major Funder of ‘Global Climate Strike’ Groups

Crisis? What crisis?

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’

Earth is a dangerous place in many respects and we hate to see our wildlife suffer. We know in the past the cabal’s evil, psychotic military has performed sonic weapons testing on whales and dolphins causing them to bleed in the brain. No word yet on the cause of these two latest incidents described below.
I don’t need to tell you that anything they can use on marine life they can also use on us so we should thank the White Hats of all realms for stepping up to remove these monsters from our midst.
I hope this isn’t a stunt to illustrate that the climate is causing the deaths of our beloved and kindred cetaceans. Wouldn’t that tug on the heartstrings of Humanity?

What Is Going On? Massive Amounts of Different Whale Species Washing Up On Beaches

Some of the Republicans DID speak up about the witch hunt against President Trump. These are a few you can count on to have the President’s back and McCarthy is getting riled, the emotion of disgust stronger—until he abruptly ends the press conference.
On all fronts, the show is ratcheting up. The public must respond—but will they—and how, I’m wondering.
We know the White Hats want to avoid civil disobedience and violence, but will Americans in general get up off the couch to support their President? How far would they go? How far will the Patriots push it?
“Red October” may reveal the answer to that question. The People are already chanting, “Lock her up”, “Four more years”, and booing the fake media at the MAGA/KAG rallies so it will be interesting to see how the Great Awakening plays out in America.

House Republicans blast Dems’ impeachment inquiry in fiery press conference

Regardless of the other stories battling for our attention, there’s still the Jeffrey Epstein fallout simmering beneath the surface. When the other more important items on the White Hats’ agendas are resolved, the public issue of the massive child trafficking story will be revealed to the public. Until then, we are confident related efforts continue in the background, such as protecting Timothy Holmseth and others with critical testimony.

More Confirmation of an Epstein-Maxwell Blackmail Operation

Scott Mowry’s ‘Miracles Intel Call’ goes again tonight. His summary follows. You can listen to the last call in the archive up until the next call begins.
The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 beginning approximately 6 PM Pacific/9 Eastern time.
This past week we have witnessed yet ANOTHER huge escalation of major events unfolding in America which are truly historic.
If ever there was any doubt a full blown civil war is raging behind the scenes within the Washington, DC swamp, this last week has proven it by all which has come out of the shadows and right into the public eye.
The entire Democratic Party — on behalf of the Deep State and New World Order cabal — are desperately attempting to take down our duly-elected President Donald Trump in the most egregious fashion we have yet seen in the history of our nation in order to prevent the Restoration of the American Republic and much more great changes to our nation.
It is all doomed to failure as everything the Deep State Democrats have to offer is built upon a foundation of fraud. And by its very nature, fraud cannot survive the bright light of truth.
  • The phony fake scandal over a telephone call with the President of the Ukraine back in July has erupted into an all-out smear campaign against President Trump. It is yet another witch hunt in the mold of the Russian Collusion scandal of the last three years. However, it is all falling apart by the day.
  • The Democrats are now intending to conduct a so-called “impeachment inquiry” into President Trump with evidence they are literally making up as they go along. And this is clear proof of the level of desperation the Democrats have now reached. In other words, they have NOTHING!
  • Realize, what is really happening is another high level, strategic Military Operation conducted by the White Hat Patriots to expose the corrupt Democratic Party and the Deep State which controls it. This must be done in order to move to the next phase of the Military Action Plan (MAP).
  • Meanwhile, the White Hat Patriots, US Military Intelligence and President Trump continue to achieve victory-after-victory in the most profound ways we have ever seen and there was even more evidence presented to us over this past week.
  • First Lady Melania Trump was right in the thick of it, having made not only a significant appearance at the Washington Monument on September 19, yet four days later at the New York Stock Exchange on September 23. We will give you all the details and much more amazing clues coming from the White Hats.
  • What is becoming more clear by the week is all which you are witnessing is nothing-less-than an epic battle between the Elite Family Bloodlines which have ruled over Planet Earth for eons, and the Forces of Light who are attempting to free the entire human race from slavery. Yes, it is that big and it is that profound.
And we are WINNING!!!
Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!
Our conference call line is:
Replay Number: 712-770-5402 Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again
Thank you and God Bless America,

We now have Part 2 of the SerialBrain2 decode from And We Know.
Read SB2’s archive of decodes here.

SerialBrain2: Iran and the Bolton Pawn. Part 2

Gender dysphoria is a big problem… created by the globalists. There were no “trans kids” when I was a kid. This is a manufactured crisis, like all the crises on our planet. They can only operate effectively when they keep us confused, distracted, living a lie, and in fear.

Puberty blocking drugs used on “trans kids” have killed more than 6,000 people

Here’s another globalist tyrannical agenda to resist. The only way the control freaks can be comfortable living amongst we awakening Humans is to monitor every one of us, in real time, 24/7/365, so they know who is where and what we’re doing.
Enter the Amazon Alexa line of spy products. No, not “surveillance”. That’s legal. This is SPYING.
They have programmed us to love technology. They’ve made it indispensable and they throw in the toys for fun knowing full well most won’t suspect or won’t care they’re being listened to and watched by “smart” appliances, gadgets, and toys. Now it’s “wearables” like rings and glasses.
Folks think they’re watching TV, but in truth, many televisions are watching them. Got a TV in your bedroom? Kinky.
When we travel, I throw a blanket over the television in hotel rooms, AirBnBs, etc. I’m quite fond of my flip phone and my iPad has masking tape over the camera lenses.

New Amazon Alexa Spy Products Include Glasses, Rings And Earbuds; Bezos Wants To Write Facial Recognition Laws

This would be a globalist’s wet-dream. They underestimated the Humans, however, and their reign of terror is over.

New Netflix movie fantasizes about time-traveling liberals carrying out the “pre-crime” murder of patriots to prevent an American uprising against globalism

There is plenty going on behind the scenes. Count on it.
Leaving you with a smile…  ~ BP