While the patriots are ready for what they’re about to deliver because they are in control, the dark ones can never prepare for what’s coming.
Everything we see now will be a stepping stone to the total annihilation of the corrupt deep state, and the timing of each has the precision of a Swiss watch. Watch the cascading effect of each revelation add to the momentum of the next until that D5 avalanche is rumbling at breakneck speed, taking out every criminal in its path.
Here’s the morning update for a little perspective and news you may have missed over the weekend…
Phoenix is stoked. The remainder of 2019 will be quite a ride.
Patriot Intel Report 09 16 19
Laura Walker goes into more detail on the theo-astrological energies, what to watch for, and what it will mean for our world.
THE ORACLE REPORT | September 16, 2019 – “Glow With The Flow”
They’re providing censorship. Like they have the right.
I received my email confirmation from Elections Canada and my name is on the voter register. I will receive my voting kit in the mail and after completing just need to mail it back to them by October 21st, election day, and hope it gets counted and put in the right pile—the one for The People’s Party of Canada. They are Canada’s best shot at stemming the flow of blood and bringing the change we need in my homeland. We hear a lot of the representatives and their constituents are Q followers.
Juan O Savin called into the the Abel Danger show this morning and had the usual very interesting things to say about the civil war ongoing in America, what it’s about, who the enemy is, what will happen shortly, and what we can expect as the wayshowers. Juan shared his usual deep wisdom about how we engage in the waking process of those who just now are coming out of the spell and how it would benefit us all to treat those “greenhorns”.
He spoke of Hillary being “an unapologetic, real, broom-riding witch” and addressed the days-long torture process the satanic worshippers engage in to fully adrenalize their victims to enable them to harvest the full potency of the “adrenochrome”. He also ventured into the QAnon realm to venture a possible scenario we might entertain based on past experience with the Q posts.
QAnon said Hillary Clinton would be arrested on October 29th in the past. She was not at the time, but we know for a certainty now that Q predicted no—confirmed! dates of events in the future that proved accurate to the day. That is why Q began early on to say, “Future proves past.”
So… would it surprise us to see the witch arrested just prior to Hallowe’en? Could anything be more appropriate? Fingers crossed, folks. It’s a possibility.
Juan’s call came around 19 minutes in and lasted almost an hour and I highly recommend listening as he later ventures into some esoteric stuff you might not expect that will benefit us all because we don’t all fully understand the nature of our reality, our history, our future. What we do today matters.
He encourages us to dwell in the eye of the storm, take deep breaths, and refuse to be pulled into the drama and to behave in an honourable way we will be proud of when we look back on how we weathered this storm as the awakened ones. He recommends we don’t waste our time and energy arguing with AI bots.
Juan mentioned that he writes articles occasionally for the American Spectator under a pseudonym, if you’re interested.
As an aside, Field McConnell said that 50 members of the cabal’s pedophile police force were arrested recently according to his sources—and Field’s intel has proven to be very accurate in the past from my experience.
Timothy’s VICTORY Inspires Catholic REVIVAL and Public Acknowledgement of Corrupt and Evil Acts By B
Naw… really? American politics is a bloody nightmare. I have to hand it to the brave people who put everything on the line to take down the ruthless, deep state regime. It can destroy your life, and even take your life or that of your loved ones.
New Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Worked For The Clintons
In this video, activist Shaun Atwood is on location at the London home of Jeffrey Epstein’s main squeeze and child procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell. I share it not only for the great deal of information he shares throughout the video about this member of the human trafficking ring and her family, but because someone actually answers the door when he knocks and they are able to document the white bannister of the staircase where they believe photos of Prince Andrew were taken. This may confirm that Maxwell was supplying underage girls for the Duke of York—whose goose is royally cooked, if I may say so.
Filming At Ghislaine Maxwell’s London House: Epstein Procurer For Prince Andrew
We’ve discussed the many ways election rigging has occurred for decades in America and Douglas Gabriel expounds on that as a crusader for truth and justice as we near the 2020 elections. The problem must be recognized and addressed to ensure a legitimate, incorruptible voting process.
Even paper ballots are not the answer as we have seen patriot footage of election officials carting boxes of ballots in and out of waiting vehicles—including at an airport. It’s going to be a tall order to police it when the stakes are so high, but it can and must be done.
This is a nice look for you, Douglas.
Patriots STOP Election Rigging
When we say things just aren’t going the deep state’s way any more we are glossing over the satisfying details, like this.
Banking on HRC to win?
You never thought she would lose.
Banking on BRENNAN to bring you home?
You never expected a new DIR to be appointed.
Agency rogue elements still in control of OP?
~ Q cbsnews.com/news/edward-sn …
1,509 people are talking about this
It’s happening… slowly but surely. Evil corporations are going down.
OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma files for bankruptcy
Here’s where to watch the Trump KAG rally in Rio Rancho tonight. Right Side Broadcasting is streaming here, since YouTube shut them down, and they are interviewing supporters already as they line up to enter the venue.
President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Rio Rancho, NM (RSBN Coverage)
I have a busy afternoon so I’m signing off for now. ~ BP