zaterdag 21 september 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Free Electricity and Anti-Gravitics with Keshe and Jeff Smith

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 21, 2019

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 21 2019 Compiled  21 Sept. 12:01 am EDT  by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Aut...

Electricity is Free and Gravity Doesn’t Exist, VT on Maxwell with Keshe and Jeff Smith

September 13, 2019

Source: Veterans Today | By Gordon Duff

[OpDis Editor Note: In today’s world the scientific method as it’s called isn’t always employed by every scientist and there’s lots of disinformation going on in the scientific community because of the power of the marketing machine and the government + media influencing public opinion. If you say something (which may be true after scientific research) and it’s against the norm i.e. disapproval of the globe Earth theory, you get discredited by the scientific community and by the media even if you make use of the scientific method.]


It appears that Maxwell’s first two formulas describe what gravity is, and his second two formulas describe what light or transverse radio waves are. This is according to Hertz’ own notes.

This is also confirmed by J.J. Thompson and T.T. Brown’s work on electrostatics....

Here is the simple science / math part.:

1. Gravity is non-rotational. It has no spin or rotation; therefore it is not a wave of any type and never can be. Only transverse waves have rotation or curl as it is called. Light spins. Gravity is static and does not possess spin. This is because it is a vector force field only. Vector fields do not posses spin, rotation or curl.

2. Gravity is a static vector field of force. I.E. a flow of current from the sky towards the center of the Earth. You can also say it is a difference in potential or a voltage drop. Therefore it is static and flows in one direction only. It is not scalar and has no spin, rotation or curl. This is why gravity is always attractive and never repulsive on Earth.

3. It is not Scalar but it is a type of Scalar field. I.E. the field varies from zero in outer space to 100% at sea level but the field always has a constant vector amplitude and direction. I.E. its field intensity or force is always in the same direction and level, everywhere, when measured in a closed space. Like Einstein’s elevator.

4. Its Gradient is negative. Anti-gravity has a positive Gradient or what is called an “Over Gradient”.

5. According to J.J. Thomas and T.T. Brown, electrostatic levitation is a form of anti-gravity because it uses an electrical over-gradient to cancel the effect of gravity by pushing out the magnetic lines of force, creating a form of magnetic buoyancy.

6. J.J. Thompson also states that the presence of air surrounding an object of mass interferes with the ability of an electrostatic charge to deflect it. The effect was heavily researched with vacuum tubes, x-rays, cathode ray tubes, etc. back in the late 1900’s by everybody but they missed the gravity part that was right in front of them until the Germans re-discovered the effect in WW2...

Mehran Keshe Patents :

Micro plasma reactor / EP1770715
Gravitational and energy system / EP1770717

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