zondag 29 september 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Obama Officials Freaking Out as State Dept Hits Clinton Emailers with Culpability Letters & New Epstein Blackmail Tapes [video + audio]

No, the big fish did not get away. This takedown is going to go the way the Military Intelligence/Marines say it will go—and when. Patience, please.
None of this is going to remain a secret unless it is currently deemed just too much for the unsuspecting to assimilate until a later date. They don’t want people to shut down; they want them to be open and to learn and innerstand what has happened. The truth will be meted out in bite-size pieces and life will go on.

Obama Officials FREAKING OUT as State Dept Hits Clinton Emailers with Culpability Letters

State Department investigators are reportedly escalating their probe into email records from former Hillary Clinton aides

How Hillary Clinton, John Kerry Used Secretary of State Office to Enrich Their Families

And let’s not forget about Jeffrey Epstein. His memory lives on. The odds are the White Hats have him in protective custody so he can spill the beans on who is linked to his despicable activities but for now we are still getting interesting information about the extent of the pedovore network and Human trafficking.

Secret Spy ‘Footage From Bedrooms’ Of Epstein’s Estate Revealed In Shocking Blackmail Tapes