zondag 15 september 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Your Sunday Digest for September 15, 2019: 5D Warfare About to Get Real [videos]

The conflicts unfolding now have escalated to a galactic scale with fireballs streaking though our skies and giant somethings crashing into the moon.
We can see the timing coming together with multiple stories, particularly in politics. The dance is meticulously choreographed so the People can connect the dots and understand the unfathomable amount of corruption and criminality—internationally.
President Trump’s next rally is Monday night in Rio Rancho (Albuquerque), New Mexico. His speech at the GOP Retreat dinner in Baltimore this week was revealing and refreshing in its honesty and his address tomorrow will be no different. Donald Trump knows how to amp up the electricity in the room and unite the People of America.
The Commander-in-Chief takes full advantage of his rallies to educate and guide the masses, uncensored, just as the fake news uses their air time to set up the deep state dimms’ narrative and hit it home to the lunatic left whom they have beaten senseless with their insane rhetoric.
Fortunately, many people are sick of being hit over the head with propaganda sledgehammers attempting to drive wedges of lies into their brains. The Democratic Party has all but imploded and it’s going to get messy as the Maestro’s hammer falls and rends the globalist world asunder.
Scott Mowry pulls together a number of threads in his Miracles Intel Call on Sundays to help busy people make sense of it all. What’s clear is that the situation is ramping up and this fall will see standing room only for the greatest show on Planet Earth. “Intensity” is the flavour of the month.

The Miracles Intel Conference Call

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 beginning approximately 6 PM PST.
We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday night Conference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.
This past week has seen yet another HUGE escalation of major events to the point where it is highly anticipated some more of the sealed indictments will be opened on the plotters of the coup to overthrow the US Presidency under Donald Trump.
At this point in time, we are on the cusp of a major reveal of the entire Deep State apparatus which has been controlling America for decades. Once again, we must warn you, it is going to become a great deal more intense in our country as this uncovering process of the Deep State plays out through this month and into next.
  • A US Attorney working for the Department of Justice has recommended criminal charges be delivered against former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe. and many are expecting an indictment will be handed down at any time.
  • It now appears, the case against General Michael Flynn lying to the FBI is on the verge of collapse and in fact, he will be completely exonerated of all the phony charges by the FBI under the leadership of James Comey. The failure of the case against General Flynn will inflict yet even more damage upon the Deep State coup of the Donald Trump Presidency.
  • In addition, Attorney General William Barr has now finally received the completed report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz (OIG) and it is anticipated it will be released to the American public by the end of September, or early October. The upcoming OIG report will be a catastrophic and detailed account of the abuse of the FISA court in order to spy on Donald Trump, as well as, many, many other Americans.
  • Finally, we recommend taking a look at the latest Patriot Intel Report from Friday, September 13 — which, of course, was Friday the 13th!
Our conference call line is:
Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598
Replay Number: 712-770-5402
Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again
Scott Mowry
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiraclesInspire

It’s not all about America, obviously. While BREXIT and Boris Johnson have diverted our attention to the UK, there are issues simmering in other nations.
The corporate media doesn’t like to show the Yellow Vest protests in Europe or the millions of people demonstrating in China or anywhere else. They are intent on keeping the focus of North America on the fabricated crimes of the only man in decades who has fearlessly attempted to expose and dismantle the evil globalist genocidal regime; Donald Trump.
Convicted serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s empire is a mere scratch in the surface of a planet-wide network and the depth of that is linking the world, as well.
Canada has been equally tainted by the globalist cabal and the threads are leading there now with the October election looming large, corruption charges bandied about with respect to Crime Minister Justin Turdeau, and the RCMP affiliations now cracked open.
Anyone sitting smugly by and pointing fingers at another country should sit on it because no nation is immune to the global domination sought by the New World Order for decades. They were almost successful, but their house of cards is now in free-fall, like the World Trade Center buildings in New York eighteen years ago.
We are learning there are traitors everywhere around the world and the truth will be staggering to those unsuspecting denizens who have not paid attention. The world has been run by satanic pedophiles and greedy banksters and the collateral damage has been catastrophic.
The moment has come for the bulk of the revelations, justice, and healing. Timing is everything, and none of it can be rushed. It’s a miracle it’s happening at all.

RCMP official charged may affect allies’ trust in Canada’s security establishment: Carvin

Patriot/Publisher/Hero Julian Assange is in the news again. You can learn more in the video below.

Julian Assange To Remain Jailed After Serving Sentence

Mark Davis, a well-known award-winning Australian investigative journalist, best known for his work on Dateline, has said that it’s the journalists from The Guardian and New York Times who should be in jail, not Julian Assange. Obviously, mainstream media has completely ignored this in fear of undermining their smear campaign that’s been running against Julian Assange for years, making him out to be a criminal when in fact he’s the complete opposite.

CN LIVE! Mark Davis Wikileaks Revelations

UK Gender Clinic to Offer Sex Change to Kids as Young as 3 — Online

Are people blind? How can it have come to this, I ask you? Society has plummeted to the depths of depravity and perverts are corrupting our children.
Do people really not mind if grown men are permitted in the bathrooms where their little girls go?
The pedophilic predators have created an entire lexicon of new terms and afflictions like “gender dysphoria”, gender-fluid, and non-binary. It would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.
It’s not bad enough the globalists are destroying the family unit, they now attack the most vulnerable members of society to make the transition to genderless Humans a reality that much faster.
We had better hope that this “reality” they portray is simply a baseless one concocted by the lying, treasonous media to give the illusion we are on the road of no return for Humanity. There have always been only two sexes, and no amount of sick “gender perturbation” can change that.
Where are we headed?
Are Humans really dumbed down enough to believe that cannibalism is the answer for the imaginary, fake news-enabled “climate change” fairy tale?
In answer to that question, perhaps we should look at the transgender/gender confused former First Lady Michael Robinson Obama. Few even suspect despite the proof being dangled in front of the public for over eight years such as in this video making the rounds on Twitter this week as witnessed on the Ellen Degeneres show.
I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, folks, but there’s lots more where this came from—and much worse—so buck up and put your big boy pants on. If  you’re squeamish keep the Depends handy, too, because it’s going to get messy, as I said.
“All the world is a stage” and the ones you saw running it are all actors. The names (and sometimes the gender) were changed to protect the criminals.

The people of Earth are witnessing a protracted life-and-death game of 5D chess, and the Master just advanced his game. On the side of the Light, cheating is not required, or permitted.
Donald Trump won the Presidential race in 2016 fair and square—despite the election rigging by the deep state. In the 2018 elections the Q team told American patriots to, “Vote! Vote! Vote!” and get friends and families to do likewise.
They did just that, and the Republicans secured the majority in the Senate which the White Hats knew would be critical in the days to come—once again, despite the voting fraud by the deep state.
Judicial Watch has mandated the cleanup of the voter roles in key states where literally millions of “dead people” and non-citizens cast their ballots. Some American citizens were exposed for voting twice in different states, and the voting terminals programmed to spit out blue votes when the ballot cast was red will have to be replaced as well.
It must be hard to want to work at saving a nation when the People themselves don’t have enough honour and nationalism to want it for themselves. The values in America and other countries have definitely suffered as a result of the NWO’s grip on the world.
A return to honesty, integrity, and respect will take time, but the current administration is doing their part to set a good example, end the corruption, and make Earth great again.
A few words from the top dog appear to have done wonders to inspire the patriots in North Carolina. It was another slam dunk, home run, checkered flag, or touchdown—however you choose to look at it. Small, individual victories compound to yield a galactic championship when you play hard, play to win, and have mastered 5D warfare because you embrace The Art of War.
Was the President’s rally in North Carolina this week strategic? Of course. The Plan is fluid and no move is wasted. Are the patriots tired of winning yet?

Democrats Admit Trump Helped North Carolina Candidates

Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp tells Greg Hunter the deep state has enough power to demand that all the corporate news outlets including Fox ban the topic of how the World Trade Center buildings actually came to disintegrate and fall when no similar steel buildings on fire have ever collapsed that way before or since.
Kevin puts his reputation on the line to call out the fable for what it is; a coverup, because of what it could mean; that it was an inside job. Despite the thousands of experts who state it could not possibly have happened the way they claimed, many people still have a psychological barrier preventing them from even entertaining the possibility it could have been an intentional act of terror perpetrated on the American people by an enemy within who plots even today to steal their rights and their ability to defend themselves.
Despite knowing about the Kennedy assassinations, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco Massacre, the Benghazi Massacre and other horrific events, the indoctrinated, traumatized public refuse to go there. The choice will soon be removed and they’re going to have to face the truth.

Kevin Shipp – New Proof WTC Building 7 was Controlled Demolition

Look at the pathetic border fence President Trump is replacing in Arizona. It wouldn’t keep out a three year-old.

Fake News and Fallacy

The deep state propaganda people haven’t an ounce of honour between them. Does anyone even listen to them any more?
Not only that, they are completely lacking in creativity and resort to the same ragged pages of their playbook year after year. I’m embarrassed for them. They make no attempt to pursue journalism.
They parade material and here-say from a book as fact. “The alleged victim has no recollection.” Why are we even talking about this?
The corporate media is officially a bad joke and have zero credibility remaining. We, the digital soldiers as General Flynn refers to us… We’ve got this.

Trump rips new claim against Kavanaugh

Dave brings us another splendid overview of current events in this X22 Report from Friday.

D5 Avalanche, Could Gouge The Landscape, Take Cover, Incoming – Episode 1969b

This just in…  look at that face on Brennan. Someone should take pity on him and put him out of his misery.
We’re gearing up for an exciting week and sleep is harder to come by.  Stay strong, patriots. It’s getting really good now and what we’ve been waiting for is beginning to unfold.  ~ BP