maandag 16 september 2019

VIDEO: Everyone Needs to See This [video]

Before we can have intelligent discussions about pro-life, abortion, and adoption, we need to be fully informed. I have to credit Billy Joyce with broaching this subject—not as a representative of the People’s Party of Canada, which he now is, but as a Human Being, and a father.
Most of us are probably not informed enough to have a valid opinion on this until we’ve seen the footage Billy shares in his video, below.
I warn you, it is very disturbing, but he has some important and sane things to say and I think we all need to consider this topic carefully—as soon as possible, because it will affect how we go forward so women can retain the freedom of choice and do the Humanitarian thing.
Someone in the chat said,  “The womb should be a safest place for a baby.”  How poignant.
Other than a speech he made recently and said he might share here, that is limited to the beginning of the video, but that is as far as I had time to watch, just now. The balance is about Canada’s impending election and the surrounding climate and representation. The outlook is very positive with the PPC based on what Billy shares here. It’s most heartening.  ~ BP

Billy Joyce Live Stream