zondag 15 september 2019


Shirley MacLaine
Ontvangen via mail

September - October 2019

I shall greet each morning
with appreciation for all that will unfold before me that day.
In Disney's holiday comedy "Noelle," Kris Kringle's daughter is full of Christmas spirit and holiday fun, but wishes she could do something "important" like her beloved brother Nick, who will take over from their father this Christmas. When Nick is about to crumble like a gingerbread cookie from all the pressure, Noelle suggests he take a break and get away...but when he doesn't return, Noelle must find her brother and bring him back in time to save Christmas.
Why is that important to me? I play Elf Polly, Noelle's nanny.
 Walt Disney Pictures removed "Noelle" from its theatrical release calendar in March as part of a hefty re-assembling of Disney's upcoming release calendar. Written and directed by Marc Lawrence, "Noelle" will now be released November 12 solely on the network's new streaming service.
Here's the trailer:
I nearly screamed when I heard what some friends have to pay for prescriptions, even with insurance. Obviously Big Pharma has their hands in our pockets but there is some assistance. GoodRX.com
Enter the drug name in the search box and it brings up the GoodRX prices and the associated pharmacies. Sometimes you can even opt in for a three-month supply and save even more.
If you take prescription medications, check out GoodRx.com. In some cases they can save you up to 80%. It's certainly worth exploring.
Paola Harris has put together another great Star Works conference in Laughlin, Nevada, on November 1-3. It's called "Visions of the Future: UFOs, Remote Viewing and ESP".
Presenters include Mexican investigative journalist, Jaime Maussan, Uri Gellar via Skype, former UK Military Defense official, Nick Pope, as well as the pioneer of remote viewing, physicist Russell Targ, plus many, many more. It's three days of information that will certainly have you thinking about new realities.
Schedule a break from the norm and explore the alternative to the mundane. For more information visit:
Stories like this can't be ignored. The man may have a lot of money but he has even more heart.
Tom Golisano, chairman of the Golisano Foundation and Paychex, offered his yacht, the Laurel, to transport 30 tons of supplies, including water, food and sanitation kits, from Nassau to Freeport. The yacht was also used to evacuate 50 dogs from the islands.
"I was very pleased to be able to assist in this global humanitarian effort to help the people and some of the dogs impacted by Hurricane Dorian," Golisano said.
"Laurel and our incredible crew led by Capt. Roy Hodges, all did an amazing job bringing essential supplies to the Bahamas and rescuing about 50 dogs who were left homeless when the shelter in which they lived was destroyed.
"I am very proud of all their hard work. We will all keep the people of the Bahamas in our prayers."
Just a note: Tyler Perry used his plane to deliver supplies after the hurricane. Carnival Cruise Lines ships 'Liberty' and 'Pride' carried supplies to the Bahamas from Baltimore and Port Canaveral. A man in Florida bought 200 generators worth $50,000.00 and arranged to have them delivered to the Bahamas. Small watercraft owners volunteered their time and vessels to move supplies to areas most in need.
It's always good when we can contribute to the needs of others but I love the fact that people get actively involved. Kudos to them! 
This bit of news touched my heart.
A freshman at MLK Prep in Memphis, Tennessee, was getting bullied for weeks because he wore the same clothes to school every day. Two football players shut that down.
Freshman Michael Todd said his first weeks of high school were a nightmare. On Monday, he was taken out of third period.
He froze when football players Kristopher Graham and Antwan Garrett handed him a gift. Graham and Garrett surprised him with brand new clothes and new shoes.
Todd told the local news, "It was the best day of my entire life." 
Remember this story when you hear a news piece about a teenager that's done something terrible.
Every day, this 15-year-old boy checks on his elderly neighbors who live across the street.
Romemylion Mitchell has been assisting Trent and Cianne Joyner with groceries and cutting their lawn or whatever they may need. The Joyner's daughter, Tiki, shared photos of Mitchell visiting the couple in the hospital after her mom had a medical setback.
"I just want to take a moment and recognize this sweet fella that lives across the street from my parents," she wrote in a Facebook post.
"He checks on them every day and has grown to love and care for them deeply. He rides with Dad to the store, helps him shop and brings the groceries in. He cuts the grass and whatever they may need. Not many 15 year olds would take the time to care and be there for elderly neighbors."
She continued, "When he saw Mom today he busted out crying and just held her tight. What a blessing and just wanted to pass on something heartwarming instead of the sad news we see and hear every day."
Researchers have developed an inexpensive new thermoelectric device that can generate electricity and power LED lights simply by harnessing the cold nighttime air.
The scientists described their device and reported their findings this week in the online journal Joule. "Remarkably, the device is able to generate electricity at night, when solar cells don't work," says lead author Aaswath Raman, an assistant professor of materials science and engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles.
"Beyond lighting, we believe this could be a broadly enabling approach to power generation suitable for remote locations, and anywhere where power generation at night is needed."
While solar cells are an efficient source of renewable energy during the day, there is currently no similar renewable approach to generating power at night. Solar lights can be outfitted with batteries to store energy produced in daylight hours for nighttime use, but the addition drives up costs.
"Our work highlights the many remaining opportunities for energy by taking advantage of the cold of outer space as a renewable energy resource," says Raman.
"We think this forms the basis of a complementary technology to solar. While the power output will always be substantially lower, it can operate at hours when solar cells cannot."
An eco-friendly architectural company in Seattle called Geoship may have come up with the perfect design to protect millions from the huffing and puffing of today's wolfish weather conditions.
Over the last decade, people have searched for better housing options more in line with their financial constraints. But, does the "tiny house movement" offer a way to live that mitigates the risk of storms while still maintaining sustainability, community, and a true sense of belonging to a place?
A young engineer, Morgan Bierschenk, came face to face with these questions when he returned to the US to build himself a house after traveling the world.
Rather than wood or other typical housing materials, the homes are made of bioceramic: a resilient substance made from minerals that can be sourced from urban waste-stream activities like water treatment plants - but so nontoxic, it's been used in bone and tooth replacements for decades.
These dome houses are not only chemical-free, resilient in strong winds, unlikely to fall apart in earthquakes, and burn-resistant up to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit (1482 C). They are chemically inert, self-venting and carbon dioxide sequestering. Geoship aims to help regular people start land trusts to create dome "villages" and even offers co-op part-ownership of the company to the buyers.
Once Geoship starts production of their triangular modules, they are expected to offer the homes in a range of sizes from $55,000 up to around $250,000. They report it reflects a potential savings on mortgage payments up to 50% when comparing them to the square footage values of traditional houses.
No matter which hemisphere you're in this is a wonderful time of year to enjoy the night sky and her many wonders. Grab a libation of choice a blanket and find an open, unobstructed area to lean back and take in the beauty!
The Southern Taurids are a long-lasting shower that reaches a barely noticeable maximum on October 9 or 10. The shower is active for more than two months but rarely produces more than five shower members per hour, even at maximum activity. The Taurids (both branches) are rich in fireballs and are often responsible for increased number of fireball reports from September through November. The Orionids start October with a heavenly display.
The Orionids are a medium strength shower that sometimes reaches high strength activity. In a normal year the Orionids produce 10-20 shower members at maximum. In exceptional years, such as 2006-2009, the peak rates were on par with the Perseids (50-75 per hour). Recent displays have produced low to average displays of this shower.

Since the seasons are opposite on either side of the Equator, the equinox in September is also known as the autumnal or fall equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and is considered the first day of fall.
In the Southern Hemisphere, it is known as the vernal or spring equinox and marks the first day of spring.
Whichever you are enjoying, celebrate the change of season on Monday the 23rd of September!
Nick Polizzi, who is well known for his remarkable work on Ancient Medicine, recently sent out this recipe for Holy Basil Tea and I want to share it with you.
According to scientific research the herb, holy basil, is rich in antioxidants, is extremely detoxifying, regulates the adrenal system making it an effective anti-stress tonic, and possesses unusually high levels of the essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, which is a proven anti-inflammatory.
Holy Basil Tea
1 cup water
¼ tsp fennel seeds
¼ tsp cumin
½ tsp cloves
⅓ tsp green cardamom, crushed
1-2 tsp of tulsi (holy basil)
Wild honey to taste
Put all ingredients in a small pot and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain into a mug or cup and enjoy. This tea can be enjoyed hot or iced, so you can harness the healing power of holy basil all year round!
A new study reveals that regular tea drinkers have better organized brain regions - which is associated with healthier cognitive function - compared to non-tea drinkers.
For the study, the research team recruited 36 adults aged 60 and above, and gathered data about their health, lifestyle, and psychological well being. The elderly participants also had to undergo neuropsychological tests and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The study was carried out from 2015 to 2018.
Upon analyzing the participants' cognitive performance and imaging results, the research team found that individuals who consumed either green tea, oolong tea, or black tea at least four times a week for about 25 years had brain regions that were interconnected in a more efficient way.
"Take the analogy of road traffic as an example - consider brain regions as destinations, while the connections between brain regions are roads. When a road system is better organized, the movement of vehicles and passengers is more efficient and uses fewer resources. Similarly, when the connections between brain regions are more structured, information processing can be performed more efficiently," explained Assistant Professor Feng Lei from the National University of Singapore.
"Our results offer the first evidence of positive contribution of tea drinking to brain structure, and suggest that drinking tea regularly has a protective effect against age-related decline in brain organization," he added.
Maybe it's time to return to childhood tea parties?
We aren't that different from our fur babies. We need exercise to function at our best. So do they. We need sound sleep as they do. Most of us take supplements because we know it's difficult to get all the nutrition we need from food and dietary supplements can be of benefit to our fur people, too. Two that veterinarians often recommend are listed below.
Digestive Support:
Every dog or cat that is eating a processed food (anything other than raw or lightly cooked) diet should receive digestive enzymes and probiotics with every meal. This will not only improve digestion and the assimilation of nutrients, but it may also help protect against the development of allergies and immune disorders. Improving digestion and utilization of nutrients can help to prevent and eliminate a host of diet related problems such as eating stools, body odor, excessive shedding, flatulence and itchy skin. Digestive enzymes and probiotics are a crucial part of improving digestion and gastrointestinal health. Click to view gastrointestinal support.
Essential Fatty Acids:
These fats are required but the body cannot produce them. EFAs are needed for proper formation of cell membranes, are precursors for numerous hormones involved in pain regulation and other processes, aid in proper cardiovascular function, and nourish the skin and coat as well as the lining of the digestive tract. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA are powerful anti-inflammatories that can help delay or minimize many chronic health challenges, especially those associated with aging. The best source of omega 3 fatty acids for dogs and cats is marine oils, such as wild salmon oil, or cold water fish oil blends. Our pets do not convert the fatty acids in plant oils very efficiently, such as those in found in flaxseeds, into EPA and DHA, which are crucial for good health.
Our fur people are often like kids. They put everything in their mouth. The result sometimes means that they have an upset tummy. Stress can also be a culprit, just like many of us.
Diarrhea and vomiting are the most obvious signs that your dog's stomach isn't feeling right, but you should also keep an eye out for fatigue and loss of appetite.
Here are a couple of natural items that can relieve temporary tummy issues.
One of the most powerful things you can give to your dog to soothe and heal his stomach while keeping him hydrated is bone broth. Simmer meat (on the bone) with apple cider vinegar and water in a Crockpot . Once the meat falls off the bone, continue to simmer the bones until the minerals and marrow are released into the water, she said. Bone broth takes at least a day to make, so you'll need to make this meal before your pet actually gets sick. If you make it ahead, however, you can skim off the fat and freeze it, then you can give your dog bone broth ice cubes when he's sick. In a pinch, you can also buy boxed bone broth.
Canned pumpkin is a favorite of many holistic veterinarians. "It has a low glycemic index so it slowly absorbs, which helps with upset stomach and digestion". Make sure to get canned pumpkin, and not pumpkin pie mix, as you don't want to feed your dog spices. For smaller dogs (approximately five pounds) can be fed ½ teaspoon of canned pumpkin, while larger dogs (approximately 75 pounds) can be fed 1 tablespoon.
If distressed digestion continues or if the fur baby is lethargic, seek the advice of your veterinarian.

Have you seen the new television commercial for scented toilet paper rolls?
Why spend the extra cash to by their product when you can easily achieve the same result by placing a few drops of your favorite essential oil on the toilet paper tube?
Here's an essential oil recipe I like for this time of year:
15 drops clove essential oil
15 drops sweet orange essential oil
5 drops cedarwood essential oil
3 drops cinnamon bark essential oil
Blend all oils together in an amber bottle Add 3-4 drops to your diffuser.
Why these oils?
Clove is known to boost one's energy. It combats physical and mental fatigue, and stimulates the mind, which is great for all ages.
Sweet orange is uplifting. It eases anxiety, brings about feelings of happiness, and lightens one's mood.
Cedarwood helps one ground. It's also very calming and boosts confidence.
Cinnamon bark helps relieve feelings of depression often present during seasonal change. It also promotes a sense of safety and security, and stimulates the immune system.
September 2019
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
September 17 – Constitution Day – USA
September 18 – Age and Aging Awareness Day
September 20 – MIA Recognition Day
September 21 – International Day of Peace
Oktoberfest begins
September 22 – Emmy Awards
September 23 –Equinox
September 27 –
World Tourism Day – share cultures!
October 2019
October is breast cancer awareness month.
October 1 – International Day of Older Persons – that's me!
World Vegetarian Day
October 2 – Day of Non-Violence
October 4 – World Animal Day
World Smile Day
October 7 – World Habitat Day
October 11 – International Day of the Girl
October 13 – International Day for Disaster Reduction
No Bra Day – one of my favorites!
October 14 – Thanksgiving Day – Canada
Indigenous Peoples Day
Move through each day with grace and compassion for self and others,
as each brings lessons we need.