zondag 22 september 2019

NIET VERTAALD: Your Sunday Digest for September 22, 2019: Ramping Up for a Big Fall [videos]

This story is from this morning… further information required.

BREAKING: Multiple People Dead and Hospitalized After ‘Medical Event’ in Pittsburgh

The senseless shootings are ramping up. So many guns just going off randomly across the nation… they should be locked up. That is how many brainwashed Americans see it, apparently. The guns did it.
They fail to see that the real criminals will ALWAYS have access to guns and other weapons because THEY ARE LAWLESS. And when the masses are unable to protect themselves, America is toast. History proves it.
Next stop: Indianapolis, Indiana—Saturday night. This story had a twist because the perp was not apprehended—or even seen by witnesses. They’re not calling it a “mass shooting” because the victims were randomly located “here and there” in the vicinity.

IMPD looking for ‘person of interest’ after 6 injured in downtown shooting

Check out the crowds in Houston where President Trump is! Wow!
It doesn’t look like the flooding dampened their spirits at all. This event may just as well be a rally. I think the result will be the same.

Sex slave victims are finding closure and healing as their experiences in the Epstein sex trade network emerge.
They’re still going light on the details of what that group actually did in the privacy of the tunnels and subterranean chambers on Epstein Island (Little Saint James) and other places… like the Vatican. Drip, drip, drip.


There are many ways to say things without saying them. Q showed us that. I bet Russia’s dirt is good.

MI6 fears Russia can link Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein abuse

Florida is a massive, corrupt swamp and Ron DeSantis has been doing a great job so I’m not surprised at this move.

Trump Campaign Parts Ways With Top Florida Adviser

This is priceless. Go Giuliani! Get Fredo.

You’ve heard about the “whistleblower”, and the Ukraine. (still Russia, Russia, Russia)
Now the White Hats are educating the People about what a whistleblower actually is, and giving more examples of how the deep state is grasping at straws and committing more crimes simply to remove President Trump. As if.

Former Attorney General Matt Whitaker: This is a Prime Example Where Deep State Has Used Illegitimate Tool to Attack Trump (Video)

And DECLAS is coming…

ICYMI: Trump ordered declassification of FISA applications and ALL Russia-related texts from Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, and Ohr

Joe and Hunter Biden are in deep do-do over the scandal in the Ukraine.
The deep state assets lie, cheat, steal, and then lie about it. There’s no hope for them. And they have the gall to run for President. They’re certainly making the choice in 2020 an easy one.

This MS-13 gang member won’t be a problem any more.

Border Patrol Catches Child Sex Offender and MS-13 Gang Member Illegally Re-Entering US

CNN Reports Minnesota Democrats are Switching to Trump for 2020

I wouldn’t be surprised to see any state going from blue to red in 2020 for several reasons. People are waking up to the conspiracy to destroy America and the complicity of the “fake news”; the election fraud is being addressed, and activists are organizing and educating people even further with peaceful demonstrations, videos, articles, anything they can do to get people to realize that not all is what it seems; that as the globalists’ plan inches along, we have to look where it is leading and stop it before it progresses any further.
Marni Hockenberg is an example of an informed and inspired activist in Minnesota.
I’m having a real problem with the following video. It keeps punting it. I’ve embedded it three times now.

YOUR Grass Roots Activism Caused The ‘Dismantling Hate Crimes’ To Cancel! Victory!

There are some really good, sane candidates lining up for the 2020 election and the criminals are being exposed and arrested. It’s snowballing, and we still have 18 months to go.
The Democrats’ presidential candidates are a joke and are running because they seek to protect themselves from prosecution for their crimes. They can’t hide. The dimms have made it abundantly clear they have no love for America. There is no hope for people who can’t see that. They will never wake up.
Even Californians are realizing that the current administration there is corrupt and ruining their state; driving people out in hoards to relocate to Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, and other states. They’re learning about the smart meters and wanting to mitigate homelessness and sanctuary state status. They’re coming along nicely, and if they can execute a clean election we might be surprised at the outcome.
We are going to see a lot of things we never expected this fall, and beyond, in America, Canada, and across the planet.
Canada is about to be turned on it’s ear if what we’re hearing comes to fruition on schedule. It sounds as though the People’s Party of Canada, comprising a number of Q army soldiers, planned a surreptitious sneak attack on the globalists.
They are organizing at the last minute, very quickly, and there is great optimism that Maxime Bernier may take the majority and leave the Whigs and Torries in the dust come October 21st. I fervently hope they are successful because there is no time to lose in Canada. Even a minority government for the PPC would be powerful.
The cabal armies are marching in the streets and the halls of parliament, the RCMP, police forces, city councils, churches, and they must be exposed and removed to save the nation.
We hope Canadians will realize the system is broken and they can’t keep doing the same thing again and again and expect a different result. It’s just common sense, and the only hope for Canada is ‘The Common Sense Revolution’ actualized by the People’s Party of Canada.
Canadians need to realize that there is very little difference between the Conservative, Liberal, NDP, or Green Party. It’s all talk.
Do it differently, Canada. Vote for the guys with the long hair, who don’t wear neck ties, who speak plainly and walk the talk. Support them financially because they are using their own money to finance their campaigns because they care about Canada and her people. They aren’t getting the huge donations from their cronies that the other candidates are.
May the True North remain strong and free, and may the deep state globalists fall this fall.

Earth is evolving. Humanity is evolving.
All over the world people are protesting and demonstrating their dissatisfaction with the current regime. The Hong Kong protests continue this weekend, and now Egyptians are protesting, demanding the removal of Sisi, prompting many arrests.

Clashes in Egypt’s Suez on second day of protests against el-Sisi

Tune in tonight or listen to the archived call later. Scott Mowry’s Miracles Intel Call is on schedule:
The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 beginning approximately 6 PM PST.
Over the past week, a number of White Hats within the US Congress, along with President Donald Trump, have put out a series of astounding clues which are clearly indicating all is ramping up with the takedown of the Deep State in the month of September and into the Fall.
These clues have come from Senator Chuck Grassley, Congressmen Doug Collins and Devin Nunes, the US Marine Corps and as always, President Trump’s Twitter account. We will link all of these clues together and then decode what they are really telling us.
  • Meanwhile, the Deep State continues to openly display their all-out panic mode on numerous fronts including — fear of the sealed indictments; the revealing of the coup to overthrow the US Presidency; the impending release of the OIG report; the retooling of the US Judicial System; the remaking of the US Supreme Court; and much, much more.
  • The latest operation by the White to expose the Deep State has come in the form of a new scandal regarding President Trump and the Ukraine which the Fake News has jumped all over. However, what is really going is actually a White Operation to put the spotlight on former Vice-President Joe Biden, as well as, the John Kerry/Hillary Clinton State Department and their collusion with the Ukrainian government on the coup to take out President Trump.
  • Meanwhile, The Trump administration continues to rack up major victories with — illegal immigration; the border wall; the economy; approval ratings; exposing the Democratic Party; and reversing  the attacks of the resistance movement against the President’s domestic policies, and so much more.
  • In addition, this past week, President Trump continued to escalate his pointed attacks on the Federal Reserve and its embattled Chairman, Jay Powell. These attacks are paving the way for the impending takedown of the Federal Reserve system, and replacing it with the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) as the de facto global economic system.
Big developments are on the horizon. We can expect a breakthrough in the very near future.
Our conference call line is:
Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598

Replay Number: 712-770-5402
Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again
Thank you and God Bless America,
Scott Mowry

Sir Patrick Mack continues the thread into the Human Trafficking stories. He references two earlier videos, both of which I shared previously, but you can find them at his channel if you didn’t watch them yet. This is a deep subject and requires a lot of research. Here we have more of it.

Boxes and Bodies – In Pursuit of Truth Presents – 9.20.19

The end. Enjoy your Sunday.  ~ BP