Tuesday, September 10, 2019, Jeffery Pritchett

Mind control has been around long, long, long before social media!
You Will Wish You Watched This! THE TWISTED TRUTH..
Facebook is actually created by the CIA under a patent called lifelog. Look it up. Joe 4
The Anonymous “hacktivist” collective, known as much for its self-branding as its anything-goes, anti-authoritarian sense of online comeuppance, first came to public attention in January 2008. The occasion was an internal Scientology video starring Tom Cruise, which had been leaked to YouTube. The church, saying that the video was copyrighted, requested that YouTube remove it.
Members of Anonymous, however, took issue with that request, and as part of what it dubbed “Project Chanology,” reportedly began launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against Scientology websites, blanketing church centers with prank phone calls and faxes, and “doxing” the church by releasing its sensitive documents into the public domain, for example via peer-to-peer networks. DarkReading.com