The [DS] is struggling to maintain the narrative, Trump is bad, it is not working. Comey sends out a message about the [DS] plan. The [DS] tries to get ahead of the FISA story, this has failed. Brian Cates puts it all together and believes that Hororwitz has the source. Bolton was fired by Trump, he is no longer needed. NRA sues SF. Flynn comes closer to being exonerated. Trump launches his own social media app. —
AND: The [CB] is collapsing in front of our eyes, they do not have anything to hide behind, their system is doomed, the patriots know this and are preparing a new system. People have a very difficult time getting by in a [CB] system and they resort to credit to make ends meet. Citi is predicting gold will hit 2000, this will go higher in 2020 and beyond. Watch #gold. —
PLUS: This is escalating quickly! After security teams for Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft together with the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence’s office met last week.. —
[DS] Moves To Get Ahead Of FISA Story, Big Fail, Messages Sent About A Bad Man
The Next Economic Move Is Being Prepared, Watch Gold
TruNews UNCENSORED Headlines – September 10, 2019
Tru News DESCRIPTION: President Trump fires John #Bolton as national security adviser; Prime Minister #Netanyahu wants to grab the West Bank; #Iran had a second ‘secret atomic warehouse’; #Hezbollah leader threatens Israel if war launched against Iran; North Korea signals readiness to talk, then lobs more missiles; UK House of Commons descends into chaos; Prime Minister Johnson vows not to ask for Brexit extension from EU; Hong Kong’s color revolution takes even more dangerous turn; #Russia claims CIA spy worked for former diplomat, not President Putin; #Facebook is following you everywhere you go; DOJ wants data on gun sight app owners; Liberty University officials turn on Jerry Falwell Jr. Kerry Kinsey and Doc Burkhart. Airdate: September 10, 2019.
This is Escalating Quickly
Headlines With a Voice After security teams for Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft together with the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence’s office met last week …
#Pompeo Sends a Word of Warning
Headlines With a Voice
Exposing Jack Ma, #BigPharma, and #Chinese Fraud (w/ Carson Block)
True Vision Economics Famed activist short seller Carson Block pulls no punches as he takes aim at Canada, Jack Ma and the U.S. pharmaceutical industry in this interview with Brian Price. Block, who serves as CIO of Muddy Waters Research, discusses the red flags he looks for when hunting for #fraud, and reveals which companies are currently on his radar. Carson also touches on how his line of work has led to both tremendous success and death threats.
#finance #X22Report #geopolitical #abortion #trunews #politics #economy #scandal #dhs #socialmedia #twitter #google #microsoft #censorship #freespeech