Just in… I watched video of a crane collapse in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It’s a miracle no one was hurt. The Dorian footage from NS is at the end of this post. It’s really winding up there.
This chat in the video below with former British parliament member George Galloway brings the late Robert Maxwell into focus, along with his daughter, Ghislaine, and the connection to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and the Israeli Mossad.
It’s fascinating to hear Galloway’s personal experience with the ultra-powerful man who died mysteriously.
Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine is now said to have disappeared, but some of us believe she may be the same place as Jeffrey Epstein for safe keeping until services are required.
It’s interesting to see how RT uses the photo of President Trump with Epstein and not Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, or any of the other high rollers who actually frequented his island on the Epstein/State Department private jet affectionately known as the Lolita Express.
Stay tuned. We understand there are many twists, turns, and surprises ahead as the international plot to destroy Humanity unravels and truth and justice prevail.
There is a lot more unfolding in the public eye than there was, but far more behind the scenes on the global stage. I believe everything is going according to plan.
George Galloway sheds light on Maxwell family and its links to Jeffrey Epstein
Also from the UK… lively action related to Brexit and BoJo, the media’s name for the new PM Boris Johnson. It’s a colourful gathering.
Anti-Boris protesters CLASH with pro-Brexit demonstrators at heated protest in London
We’ve talked about secret communications frequently, particularly after the advent of Q and President Trump.
Many of us in the alternative news community were aware of the signalling done by the Illuminati and secret societies in their media; from lighting, to jewellery, to hand signals, symbology, and clothing.
President Trump was using covert communications early on and we didn’t realize right away. He used props like the Fiji water bottle and exaggerated actions when he held the bottle in both hands and drank from it and we just thought it was odd.
Once we learned that he was communicating with the secret societies he and the White Hats were taking down, it made a lot more sense. Now we know when the President says or does something odd or in a very exaggerated way or repeats words and phrases, that he’s pointing us in a direction or dropping clues to something we might want to pay attention to and research.
We’re also learning that the dark ones have ways of communicating with each other that aren’t apparent yet are in plain sight, and one would need to be on the lookout for their methods.
The Q Team is on it, and sometimes the President gives us a heads up on things they learn in advance.
The following from Hal Turner is an example of covert communications that might fall under the SIGINT category for the digital age. When Q says, “You have more than you know”, perhaps this is what he means.
Those ridiculous photos of Comey in the forest or a corn field… probably more than we thought—but we had fun with them.
If you want more than the info below, you can pay Hal’s $1 subscription. So many take for free and never give anything in return for the efforts of the digital soldiers and I understand his frustration. Many, like me, are unemployed, but many have the means to support the community and don’t. Most don’t even take the time to click an ad or the “like” button or give a “thumbs up”. We are the wayshowers. It starts with us.
Hal says:
This information is for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY and comes from some of my former colleagues during my years with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force where I was a “fully operational national security intelligence asset granted extra-territorial operating authority by FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC.”
Former FBI Director James Comey has made several postings on Twitter since he was fired by President Donald Trump. Some of those postings contained images.
According to analysis done on those images, SOME of them may have contained embedded encrypted files! It is a way for people to communicate in a clandestine manner, yet do so in plain sight. The public only sees a picture; but those “in the know” can download that picture and use specialized software to implement what’s called “Steganography” to withdraw and decipher the hidden files.
I was on high alert after President Trump’s warning about Hurricane Dorian—and I took it as a warning—that something big was going on. Others were on the alert as well. You don’t need a fancy decoder ring or deciphering tech to see that the President was sending a message and it didn’t necessarily pertain to the hurricane.
Terminology like “we tried to stop it” and “looks like it’s going to hit dead center” and it’s going to be a “monster” is obviously about a major threat of some kind, but what? It could be anything.
We know in these last days of the war the dark ones may unleash any number of desperate attempts to stop what is coming—and it would have to be catastrophic to do that—and they know it.
Craig goes into some theories in this video after the 15 minute mark. Perhaps you had your own ideas.
If we consider one stated here, would it explain the Chief’s imploring Q patriots to “blow” Dorian East, and away from the coast, commanding it to go? That is precisely what we did, and precisely what happened.
We couldn’t stop the hurricane, as Trump stated, but we could impact its path.
Does the media’s firestorm about Trump threatening to “nuke a hurricane” make sense now? Interesting questions to ponder.
There are things revealed in this video I had not picked up on so, good stuff.
Did The STORM Hide A Sinister Plot Against US?
The Chief shared a great interview on Twitter with an employee at Dulce base beneath Archuleta Mesa, New Mexico. It still surprises me after visiting this area and walking those white sands that all this can go on under our feet and so few are any the wiser. Dulce is Spanish for “sweet”, and as usual, names are in opposition to reality.
It’s a very long and detailed interview in Q&A form with a security officer (now missing/deceased), full of fascinating experiences and personal observations about this secret underground facility run cooperatively by Humans and Reptilians, with other races within as well. He speaks of the treaties between men and extraterrestrials, other bases, technology, experiments, torture, natural resources, electromagnetics, friendlies, weapons, removing the soul matrix from a Human, controlled cloned bodies, and more.
The video repeats the same images throughout so doesn’t really require watching, and a couple have sound which almost drown out the voice response for a minute or so, which is a robo voice.
You can read the transcript if you prefer to look for the book, but the video is well worth your time if you desire a peek at actual circumstances. It sounds very credible to me and in line with other accounts from whistleblowers like geologist Phil Schneider who was assassinated after he did the lecture circuit to tell the public what was going on at Dulce.
We have heard that many bases in the bowels of the planet have been destroyed, but whether this is one of them or not we don’t know for sure due to all the disinformation and highly classified nature of DUMBS. (deep underground military bases) People who talk don’t seem to live long.
A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out
The following is a list of questions that were directed to former Dulce Base security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a year before his death [or disappearance]. They are followed.
An Audio-Visual Presentation Of A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out, From Chapter 11 of The Dulce Book. Part 2
If you don’t believe some of the horrific things you’re hearing about the practices of those who consider themselves to be “elite” and have been running the world, you will have to be open-minded and willing to discern the truth because the truth is coming whether you’re ready or not, or open or not.
You can hear it now, in slow drip, or you can hear it later. Personally, I consider it a crime against Humanity to refuse to face it. We can stop it. We’re talking about crimes against Humanity, and President Trump enacted an Executive Order to facilitate the ongoing efforts to arrest these creatures and stop them from preying on us.
This thread below from 3Days3Nights from July 13 on Twitter spells it out. Epstein was key.
What will be revealed in the near future will incite the criminals to commit all sorts of heinous acts.
We cannot leave this world to our children. Our world would end. It must be fixed now for any of us to move forward.
If you don’t have a Twitter account, I recommend you set one up. Just takes a minute. This is the medium the patriots are using to communicate right now, particularly in the absence of 8Chan. Board owner Jim Watkins is doing his best on that front, and Q will be back soon.
Click on the image box to open the thread, if you’re not aware. Below this first thread is one with a list of those who have been to Epstein’s island, Little Saint James aka “Orgy Island”. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Being on the island does not guarantee they do what others have done on the island, but as this first thread suggests, there are two kinds of people who visit.
1) Elite and their children, to be groomed for their lifestyle of preying on and sacrificing Humans
2) Children as prey
This needs to be known, folks. There’s worse coming.
They use the term “theory”. We’re pretty sure it’s more than theory as since Epstein was arrested the island has been crawling with FBI, NYPD, SEAL team, Marines, and the US flag is now flying there. Trump’s Executive Order stated that the assets would be seized of anyone involved in Human Rights Abuse. Consider them seized.
Epstein recorded everything that went on at the island so he could blackmail them all. His money wasn’t legitimately earned and he wasn’t a financier. Now the authorities have all his videos and the proof of what went on at that island, and by whom.
Patriots are asking me to describe what really was happening on Epstein’s Little Saint James Island (LSJ).
WARNING: The theory in this thread will sadden your heart.
6,303 people are talking about this
You’ll need to scroll down in this thread to see many more names. Thanks, L.
Here are just SOME of the people who have been to Epstein Island where kids are molested, raped and allegedly eaten
Joe Biden D Former VP USA
John McCainD Former AZ Senator
Bob MenendezD Senior US senator NJ
John PodestaD Former CoS under Bill Clinton
402 people are talking about this
Dirty Cop Robert Mueller Helped Saudi Arabia Cover Up 9/11 Involvement: Lawsuit
There have been many victories for the Light in the past couple of years since Donald Trump took office, and we continue to get good news. The justice system is getting an overhaul with constitutional judges.
There used to be speed cameras on the 101 loop through Scottsdale, but those have been gone for some time now. There are far too many ways to steal money from us and that’s just one of them.
This is also great news and you can bet it will be catching on in other locations.
VICTORY! Court Rules Gov’t Must Refund Millions in Red Light Camera Fines
So where’s Hurricane Dorian now? Nova Scotia, Canada! Lots of power outages, a crane toppled, and the roof blown off an apartment building, forcing evacuations.
The winds are yet to increase until 11 pm tonight and Halifax is already experiencing a lot of negative effects. Over 300K are without power at this moment, and Dorian has yet to arrive in full. There is probably going to be a lot of damage in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland.
Signing off for today. Stay safe everyone. Maintain situational awareness at all times. ~ BP