How we see our world changes from day to day for some people. It can depend on how much true news we get, our foundation of knowledge, our sources, and our intestinal fortitude to assimilate it.
How big was the Jeffrey Epstein connection? Big. Very big. Global in scope—and very dangerous if the truth is told. They cannot afford for the reality to get out, but they just don’t understand that nothing they do can prevent it at this point. It shall be done.
MEDIA BLACKOUT! Detective Who Led Epstein Investigation Died After “Brief Illness” At 50
I keep forgetting to post this article. Very interesting revelations. Who would suspect?
The Left Has a $500 Million Dark Money ‘ATM Machine’ Called Arabella
These schysters have an endless number of ways to steal money from the People and hide in plain sight while eliminating us from the planet. They have mastered the “front company”, foundations and non-tor-profits. The names they choose are always meaningful to them and intended to hide their true purpose. Nothing is what it seems. Think opposite.

Thomas brings us some news about 8Chan Q board owner Jim Watkins. That comes after other topics. Obviously Jim knows all about Q, so… after the 14:34 mark…
All we know is that Q posts will not resume until after September 5. The hearing morphed into a second session, so it could be delaying the 8 Chan boards from coming back up.
Thomas also goes over the article I shared earlier from Zero Hedge concerning the 9/11 investigation report stating that in the expert opinion of those delving into the research that “pre-planted explosives” caused the destruction of the three towers in the World Trade Center—which is basically what we have reported here these past 7+ years.
The planes, missiles, fires, passports, jet engines, etc. were extraneous details to dupe the public and confuse the narrative for those who looked more deeply into it. It’s just logical thinking. Obviously a plane isn’t going to cause the dustification of a steel structure. As experts pointed out, jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel designed to withstand the impact of a 737. It’s interesting why they designed the WTC with that specific goal in mind, however, isn’t it?
Read more about the 9/11 inside job here at the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth website.
Board Owner Jim Watkins Shows His Support For America And For 17!
Surely this isn’t the news we’ve awaited about VP Mike Pence that will take him down.
We have acknowledged that the White Hats may not tell the truth about Pence’s (and others’) activities involving babies, pedophilia, and the planned assassination of President Trump. They don’t want to overwhelm members of the public who are deeply entrenched in the illusion.
We suspect for some higher positions on the world stage that will concoct other scenarios, illnesses, and resignations to remove them from the public sphere and they are infinitely more creative than the dark’s repetitive playbook.
This may or may not be one of those ploys to keep the peace and sanity of the unsuspecting “normies”. Further details will tell.
Pence’s Stay at Trump Hotel Under Investigation by Dems
You can’t make this up, folks. Not once but twice.
27 Year Old Democrat Mayor ARRESTED… AGAIN!
Mysteries unfolding. Just how does an undersea cable get cut? Germany would love to know.
Underwater Observatory Mysteriously Disappears Off German Coast
Did you hear about the recent deaths chalked up to vaping? (e-cigarettes) How many ways are there to kill us? More below the video.
Death Toll Now 4 in Mysterious Vaping Illness – LIVE COVERAGE
Agenda-Free TV
Four people have now died from what is believed to be a mysterious new vaping illness affecting users of e-cigarettes. Get the latest details in our LIVE COVERAGE.
Four people have now died from what is believed to be a mysterious new vaping illness affecting users of e-cigarettes. Get the latest details in our LIVE COVERAGE.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now investigating 450 cases of the possible illness in 33 states. The illness is a pulmonary (lung) disease, with symptoms including difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting, and others. All of the people affected had recently been vaping with e-cigarettes, and many are young and previously healthy. Today it was announced that two new deaths have been attributed to the disease in Indiana in Minnesota, while two previous deaths occurred in Illinois and Oregon. The CDC says it’s not sure yet what’s causing the vaping disease, but it believes the sickness is caused by some chemical or chemicals. In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you the latest updates on the mysterious vaping illness that has now reportedly killed four people, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!
Here we have yet another presidential candidate withdrawing from the race. Coincidence? And now he’s going to use the campaign funds to make the world a better place? What was his “arrangement”?
Scoop: Howard Schultz to end presidential campaign
It’s about time. There are millions against Monsant-now-Bayer. These people just keep changing the names of their companies for damage control and think we won’t notice or make it known. The law suits are killing them, too.
Goldman Sachs—the real creators of Bitcoin. If you are into crypto, best take a look. They might be leading you down the garden path, as they have with so many other things; the moon landing, 9/11, who killed JFK, the great depression, the cause of cancer, the sinking of the Titanic, quantitative easing, the housing bubble, mortgage fraud… it’s endless.
Read more about the manipulated world of finance on our planet.
That’s the late edition for today. ~ BP